Thursday, 31 December 2020

Winter 2021 Jewellery Trends 

When it comes to winter the need to accessorise takes on a more prominent role. After all, we all want to stay warm and snug in our big warm jumpers, and so carefully selected jewellery pieces can really emulate that desirable casual glam look through the winter months. Take a plain black jumper, add a slick of red lipstick, enhance the look with a statement ring and a chunky necklace and you instantly transform a plain look into a show-stopping ensemble. 

Therefore in the quest to update our jewellery box and ensure we brace the snow with style, we need to be up to date with the latest trends that are taking the jewellery world by storm. Take a look at our list of the top stylish winter 2021 jewellery trends below:

Stacked rings

This is a style that has been embraced by several celebrities. You see trendsetters, such as Rihanna and Rita Ora, wearing several rings on one hand. Therefore, stacked rings teamed with statement cocktail rings create the perfect balance – this is a great way to edge up a plain outfit. A white t-shirt dress, teamed with grungy black ankle books and an assortment of different rings, is a great way to emulate this edgy style. Alternatively stacked rings utilised on their own can look extremely classy and are often well teamed with office wear. Or, you can create a fun look with holographic leggings, stacked rings, and a playful hairstyle. The options are well and truly endless because this jewellery trend is so versatile.

Statement pendant necklaces

A statement pendant necklace is something that can take centre stage and be your outfit’s main attraction. There are lots of different quirky pendant options available today; moustaches, animals, musical instruments, and crosses are some highly popular choices. These necklaces provide a great way to add a quirky edge to your look. Shenae Grimes and Vanessa Hudgens have been spotted sporting oversized cross pendant necklaces on various occasions lately, and so they are clearly a fan of the trend.

Chandelier earrings

Nothing says glamour and lavishness like a pair of chandelier earrings. These can instantly turn a plain dress into a red carpet-worthy ensemble. Nevertheless, they’re not only suited to formal wear. Elaborate chandelier earrings can add a sparkle and a shine to your casual look and give it that stunning edge that can brighten up the bleakest of winter days. Eva Longoria, Nicole Scherzinger, and Beyonce are just three of many celebrities who are fans of this trend. Therefore, you’ll be in good company when you rock this look. 

So there you have it: an insight into some of the best jewellery trends for this winter. You can ensure you shine brightly and look ultra-fashionable over the coming months. After all, 2020 has not been the best month, has it? So, it is only right that we enter 2021 in style! Which one of the trends that have been mentioned is your favourite?

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Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Regaining Your Energy: 8 Natural Ways to Fight Fatigue

Photo by Anna Tarazevich from Pexels

Sometimes, we just feel tired, exhausted, and unmotivated. This is normal and can happen because we have not slept well or we have gone through a particularly tough week. However, if you start feeling tired more often and throughout the day, it is crucial to understand the reasons behind this issue.

Indeed, as you start feeling tired and unmotivated, it is challenging to look after our body and mind's health, keep stress levels low, and keep up with the many daily tasks and responsibilities. However, it is crucial to understand what is the root cause of your tiredness. With the tips below, you can start working towards regaining your energy and living your life at your best.
Exercise and Move Your Body (Daily!)

When it comes down to exercising, it can be difficult to keep the motivation levels high. Indeed, it is common to get into training and exercise in spring or at the end of winter, to prepare us for the bikini season. However, during the winter months, when the days are short and temperatures low, motivation levels can dip.

However, exercise and training are important aspects of our lives, and not just to ensure that we keep fit. Indeed, when you are moving your body, it releases endorphins, the chemical responsible for a feeling of happiness, energy, and good mood. So, even if you really can't be bothered, you should get on your feet and get moving!

However, you don't necessarily need to run a marathon or lift heavy weights to experience the feeling of being energized and free of fatigue. Indeed, you might just decide to practice low-impact activities such as yoga, pilates, or just walking!

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Bring Mindfulness and Meditation into Your Life

If you feel tired all day, the temptation of just taking a break and having a nap during your lunch break can be high. However, how many times have you woken up from a nap feeling even more tired than before? Your body might have entered a sleep cycle and not been able to rest as you wanted to.

But, if you are looking for a solution to beat the mid-afternoon sleeping and carry on through your day at your best, you should consider meditating. Even short sessions of 15 minutes each allow your mind to clear and your body to be regenerated by long deep breaths. Through meditation, you can increase self-awareness and start working towards keeping stress and anxiety at bay.

Both sleep and meditation tap into the unconscious mind and allow you to regain energy and get rid of your feeling of tiredness. However, meditation is a way of keeping yourself awake throughout the process. Therefore, if you are looking for a new alternative to napping, consider meditation!
Fight Stress and Anxiety

When it comes down to reducing tiredness, it is also important to eliminate those factors that might contribute to your fatigue. Among the most common reasons people feel tired and lack motivation is connected to high levels of stress. When we are particularly stressed or anxious, our brains work more and cause us to spend precious energy in elaborating daily events and information.

Something as simple as working towards reducing stress and stressors in your life can help you feel more rested, relaxed, and ready to face the day.

Some tips to reduce stress levels include:

  • Take a walk in natural environments
  • Spend time with others
  • Meditate and practise mindful exercise
  • Take time for yourself
  • Spend some more time reading or listening to music
  • Eat All the Right Foods

When it comes down to regaining your energy, why not go straight to the source? The food we eat represents the energy your bodies run on. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that all the ingredients and foods you pick are the right ones to contribute towards a healthy lifestyle.

Some foods are particularly helpful to increase your energy level and improve your level of focus and concentration. For example, you might want to introduce the following ingredients in your diet and increase your energy:

  • Nuts
  • Bananas
  • Brown rice
  • Apples
  • Coffee
  • Goji berries
  • Quinoa
  • Oatmeal
  • Hummus

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Stay Hydrated

Keeping yourself hydrated by drinking enough water throughout the day can help you reduce the feeling of fatigue. Especially after you have been exercising, you should consider drinking enough water to replenish your energy and minerals.

You might not be drinking enough water because the tap water in your area is not so good. In that case, invest in a water filter and infuse the water with naturally refreshing ingredients such as cucumber, lemon, mint, or strawberry. Enough flavoured water will do the trick and give you the idea of drinking a delicious cocktail!
Check for Underlying Health Conditions

Sometimes, some severe underlying health conditions can disguise themselves as tiredness and fatigue. Generally, if you feel tired once or twice a month or occasionally, there is not much to worry about. A meditation session, some water, and the right nutritious foods can help you get back on your feet in no time.

However, if your body or mind feel somehow unusual or your tiredness is coupled with other symptoms, you should consider consulting a doctor. Indeed, some conditions might be influencing your stress levels, sleep, or immune system, causing you to feel tired, fatigued, or overwhelmed on a regular basis.

Some conditions you might be dealing with include:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Heart disease
  • Certain food allergies
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Obesity
  • Sleep apnea
  • Diabetes

These can appear in a range of severity, and they are not always so easy to identify. Therefore, speaking to a doctor before creating a strategy to regain your energy level back can help you ensure that you are taking all the right steps and precautions.

Sometimes, you might be feeling tired because of minor issues, such as headaches or joint pain. These might be the consequences of high levels of stress or injuries. Of course, it is crucial to work towards understanding the underlying cause of these issues and resolve them quickly. However, if you are at work or going through a busy day and you need a quick solution, the right ibuprofen dosage can help you get rid of the pain and help you get back on your feet.

Photo by Andrew Neel from Pexels
Cut Down on Caffeine

When we feel tired, our go-to solution is a fresh cup of coffee. Undeniably, caffeine can help you feel energized and ready to start the day. However, this substance comes with some downsides that are worth considering if you are trying to get rid of your feeling of tiredness.

Indeed, caffeine produces a "high", causing your mind and body to feel energized and motivated for a brief period. However, because of this substance's nature, it is possible to feel low on energy and sleepy just a few minutes after the "high".

Because of this cycle that is created, many coffee drinkers have more than one cup of coffee a day in the hope of fighting tiredness. However, if the cycle continues until the evening, you can start feeling jittery and unable to relax your mind.

At the same time, downtime is crucial for your mind and body to rest. And, of course, caffeine can interfere with your sleep quality. Therefore, it is crucial to understand whether you are unable to rest and regain your energy because of caffeine before trying to find alternative solutions.
Work Towards Better Sleep Quality

Sleep is extremely crucial for our mental and physical wellbeing. While we are asleep, our body has the chance to rest, regenerate damaged cells, and refresh the muscles. A loss of sleep, sleep conditions, or poor sleep quality, can prevent all this from happening, leaving your tired, overwhelmed and disoriented in the morning. To prevent these feelings from interfering with your daily life and motivation, it is crucial to start working towards a better night's sleep. Find some extra tips here and enjoy a better night's sleep tonight!

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Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Fun Indoor Activities to Try with the Kids This Christmas

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It’s winter, and apart from building a snowman and making snow angels, there’s very little you can do with the kids outdoors due the current pandemic. But there’s still many opportunities to feel cheerful this Christmas, and with these tips, you can still have some fun at home with your children this festive season. 

  1. Set a movie night 

Christmas is a time for bonding, sharing and making memories, and you should seize the opportunity to connect with your family. Having a movie night with the kids is a fun activity. Remember, this should be an age-appropriate movie you can all enjoy without feeling uncomfortable about adult scenes. It is even more fun when you ask your kids to choose their favourite Christmas-themed film. If you need help choosing, here are some popular ones your kids will love: Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph, The Red-Nosed Reindeer, and Elf.  Cuddle together on the couch in cosy blankets with a cup of hot chocolate to make it extra memorable. As a tip, a late afternoon or early evening works fine. That way, the kids will not sleep through the movie. You can also dress to match the theme of the selected movie you are about to watch.

  1. Have fun feeding pets with kids

This seems like a regular house chore because your pet would need to be fed during the day. So how can this be a fun indoor activity? Sharing feeding time with young children is an exercise your kids would particularly enjoy. For example, if the family pet is a rabbit, kids will love to stroke their fur while these little animals eat. Younger children can help out by scooping a handful of Burgess rabbit food into feeding troughs. Although this can be a fun indoor activity this Christmas, it turns out to be an educational one as well; you will get the opportunity to answer their many questions on small animal care.

  1. Make popcorn garlands

You could say this is one of the most loved Christmas past-times. You can hang your homemade popcorn garlands on the Christmas tree, doorways or mantle pieces. Adults should always take control of the threading as it involves using a needle. The kids can help out with attaching the final knot to secure the garland in place. Another precaution you should take is to avoid making garlands with sweetened popcorn. They tend to attract ants (because of the sugar content), and that will require a lot of cleaning to get rid of them. Save the unused popcorn for movie night or as a light Christmas snack.

Although the frosty weather inhibits many outdoor activities, it helps to make up a few creative ones while you’re all cooped up indoors. Make it a point to teach life lessons from every indoor activity you indulge in with the younger ones. For all you know, it will be a family tradition during every holiday season.

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Monday, 21 December 2020

How to be Happy in Your 30s

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When you turn thirty it's a milestone in so many ways. Your familiar twenties are over and your needs, desires, and expectations all switch-gear. It can be a difficult and confusing time, but it also presents more opportunities than ever before to feel fulfilled and happy. Below are some ways to look after your wellbeing and pursue happiness in your thirties. 

Love Yourself More

Loving yourself more can mean eating healthier, doing more exercise, meditating, it can also mean being less mean to yourself, less judgmental of who you are, and more confident. We tend to change a lot in our thirties and learning to live ourselves more is so important.

Often our twenties is characterised by trying to fit in with groups of friends and colleagues and trying to forge a path for ourselves in life. But more opportunities open up in our thirties and those things become less important. Now is the time to find your feet and pursue what makes you happy.  

Find Work You Love 

If we're lucky we've already got a job we love and wouldn't change for the world. Even so, turning thirty can signal some changes. It can mean a promotion in your job, for instance, or more study to advance your career. But if you aren't doing the work you live it might be time for a change. 

Turning thirty might seem like a scary milestone, but the reality is it's a lot of fun. You get to be more yourself and pursue the things you know you love. This is true of your work life and your personal life. Take some time to reflect on this and choose some that you've always wanted to do. These days is an extraordinarily good time for a startup business. 

Make Good Health Choices 

If you've reached thirty and you haven't noticed any changes in your weight or metabolism you must be either made from special genes or living a very strict lifestyle. Most of us notice some significant changes in our health around this time and it's a good idea to pay attention. 

In your thirties you become more aware of the time you have and choosing a healthy lifestyle is the best way to ensure a long prosperous life. If you smoked in the past consider vaping as a transition, Time2Vape have a great selection of Tanks and Pods to choose from. Otherwise, choose an activity you think you'll enjoy and try to stay active. You're in it for the long run. 

Don't Compare Yourself 

Social media is a blessing and curse. It allows us to interact with friends from across the world and from different times in our life, but it also brings dangers with it. One of the most significant is our tendency to compare.

In your thirties when all your friends and peers are making significant life decisions it's easy to slip into the thinking that you're not good enough or you're falling behind. But everyone is different and develops at their own pace. Reflect on what is meaningful to you and pursue that with energy.

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Friday, 18 December 2020

What Do Women Actually Want? Gift Ideas And Tips

Buying gifts can be a difficult challenge, especially when it comes to buying gifts for a woman. Let’s face it; we are not really that hard to please, after all, we have told you a thousand times what we want, but you never seem to listen, and therefore, if you buy us something we are not happy with then we are certainly going to tell you.

However, we are certainly not evil and so if you have an up and coming celebration for your partner and have failed to decipher what present she wants, we are here to help. So to give you that helping hand, here are some suggestions for gift ideas for her...

First and foremost, it is important to acknowledge that all your girlfriend, fiance or wife wants is for you to display through your present that you have put some thought into what to buy her. This does not mean you have to buy lavish gifts and spend hundreds of pounds. It simply means you have to think about what matters to your partner and what she likes, and then try to incorporate either or both of those two factors into the present you pick. For example, if you’re going on holiday together, why not buy some sunglasses, shorts, suncream, and a tourist book for the destination?

One of the best options to go for when buying for a woman is jewellery. Whilst jewellery can largely be considered an unoriginal gift because so many people buy it, it is something which can be made personal and special. For instance, think of something your partner likes, for example, she may be a massive fan of music if so then look for a necklace or a pair of earrings incorporating a musical note. Another attractive alternative is to buy a charm bracelet and fill it with charms that represent your relationship, for instance, if your first date was at the beach include a starfish charm and as you are obviously in love a heart charm is always a good option.

If jewellery does not appeal to you then perhaps a photo frame or scrapbook will. The same rules apply as they do for jewellery - find a unique angle that shows how much you care. This can either be via the style and design of the photo frame or scrapbook you choose or through the photos you incorporate. The best idea is to go for personalisation through both elements.

In addition to jewellery and photographs, another great option is to buy a bundle of specially picked things that your partner can use in order to enjoy a nice and relaxing evening. Buy a nicely decorated box or basket, and include things that your partner loves; such as, their favourite chocolates, champagne, their favourite DVD, candles and bath oils. This will show that you appreciate how much they do and that you want them to enjoy a relaxing and chilled evening to show your admiration.

If you need a gift for your partner then these three ideas should certainly help you on your way. However, if you think that those are not for you then simply remember to think of your partner’s tastes and values whilst deciding on any present.

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2020 Version 2! 3 Ways to Feel Better About Yourself

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Everyone goes through ups and downs in their life. We all hit moments where we're not feeling too good about ourselves. Learning to feel better about who we are and where we're going seems like an achievement that is far in the distance, but there are little things that we can do every single day of our life to make sure that we give ourselves a lift. Let’s show you some of the simple ways for you to feel better about yourself. 

Invest in Yourself 

This is something that we may feel less inclined to do when finances are a problem. But if you spend a little bit of money on those little things in life that give you a lift, especially when it comes to your fashion choices, you will be happier to look at yourself in the mirror everyday. If you've got the perfect pair of Ray Bans, but they've not been doing you any justice recently, some Ray Ban replacement lenses will easily give you a lift. It never has to be a massive overhaul of your wardrobe if you don't have the money. It's about those little statement pieces that can give you a lift. When we feel that we get up in the morning and look in the mirror but we don't like the person we see, we have to dress the part.

Get Those Endorphins Going 

You knew this was going to be one of the options! But keeping fit is one of those things that will make your life so much better in every single way. We can all have a strained relationship with exercise. Some people feel that they have to be at the gym seven days a week in order to feel any benefits, whereas others have a very minimal relationship with exercise. The correct formula is somewhere in the middle. Exercising can take your energy out of you, especially when you do something like high intensity training. But it's about making sure that you build on what you've already got. There is equipment like the X3 Bar that comes with the specific protocol that 10 minutes a day can put you through your paces but build-up on the strength you've already got. And even if you cannot afford items like this, you can start by doing isometrics or timed static contractions. 

Let It Out

When we struggle to come to terms with how we are feeling, we may very well believe that we've got to keep it all in. The reality of the situation is that if we want to feel like a burden is lifted, sometimes we have to vent. But we have to remember the importance of letting it out when we struggle to come to terms with how we are feeling, we may very well believe that we've got to keep it all in. The reality of the situation is that if we want to feel like a burden is lifted, then sometimes we have to vent. Telling people how we feel may seem like something we are doing way too much at the moment so we have that inclination to step back, but a problem shared will always be a problem halved.

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Thursday, 17 December 2020

Tips for Winter Traveling With Your Kids

Winter is just around the corner, and you might be itching to travel for the first time in a while. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, travel restrictions have been up and down all over the world. While the pandemic is still a threat, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 

As a result, more people are deciding (with precautions in place) to travel somewhere this winter just to get away. 

While traveling with your family can be fun, relaxing, and rewarding, it isn’t always easy to travel with little kids, especially when they’re very young. Thankfully, it’s not impossible, and you can make the travel experience more enjoyable for everyone by keeping a few tips in mind. 


Pack Things Creatively

Depending on where you plan on traveling this winter, you might want to consider different ways in which you can get creative with your packing. 

Packing a suitcase the right way is always a good start. But, when you’re traveling with snow pants, coats, hats, etc., you might need to make more room. Unfortunately, packing more bags means some of them will have to be checked, and that can cost more money. 

One great hack, if your child still uses a car seat, is to bring the seat along with you. There typically isn’t a charge for them, you can use them in a rental car, and you can tuck things like folded snow pants and other gear in the pocket. 

Make Sure You’re Not Missing the Right Gear

Speaking of packing, one of the best things you can do is to have a list of everything you’ll need. That includes the right clothes, of course, and you may even want to consider a few new winter items from places like balenciaga kids or a particular store your child likes. But, it also includes things that will keep them occupied while traveling. 

Your child’s bag should include things like books, coloring books, or even a tablet that will allow them to watch movies. One of the biggest reasons children struggle with flying or traveling for long periods of time is because they get bored. By thinking of ways to combat that boredom and packing them, you’ll be one step ahead. 

Bring Their Favorite Snacks

Another reason children tend to act out and have behavioral issues while traveling is due to hunger. Most kids should be eating something every 2-3 hours, even if it’s just a small snack. Otherwise, they can become tired, cranky, and may take that attitude out on you while you’re trying to remain peaceful on a plane. 

There are so many kid-friendly snacks that are portable nowadays, it shouldn’t be hard to pack their favorites, whether it’s applesauce in a pouch, fresh fruit, or some healthy trail mix. Making sure your child doesn’t get hungry will make it less likely for them to feel run down and cranky. 

Traveling with kids doesn’t have to be overwhelming. It just takes a little planning ahead to make sure you’re creating a stress-free experience for your whole family. Keep these tips in mind as you plan your next trip, and you may just be amazed at how easy it is to keep things running smoothly while you’re traveling. 

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Tuesday, 15 December 2020

How to Look After Your Wellbeing This Winter

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After the summer solstice, the days begin to get shorter right up until mid winter. But for around six months of the year in the northern hemisphere, there is less sunlight to go around. Since our human bodies need the sun for vital vitamins and to keep our systems healthy we start to wobble a bit and lose control of our healthy lifestyles.

It's more important in the winter to look after our well being because it's harder to do. There are fewer opportunities to exercise outside or go to our regular classes, there are also more things to watch out for like viruses and unhealthy eating habits. It is winter now, and now is the best time to start looking after your wellbeing – here's how. 

Practice Healthy Habits

The winter is a time when germs and bacteria are floating around more than usual which is why we generally get snuffles and sometimes fall ill with the flu. These days most people are wearing masks and using hand sanitisers this definitely helps keep the germs at bay. 

Whenever the winter comes around you want to practice healthy habits like these to protect yourself and your family from getting sick. Always wash your hands and use hand sanitiser, even after the pandemic. If you don't feel well, stay home and look after yourself, stay warm and take lots of medicine. 

Enjoy the Chilly Outdoors

In the winter the seasons change and there is less daylight, in some places, the days are very short indeed and if you don't wake up early you might not see the sun at all. The sun has vital nutrients that help you stay healthy and improve your mood, that's why it"s important to get as much sunshine as possible. 

Even in the darkest days of winter, there will be a few moments of sunshine to take advantage of. Make sure you for walks and spend time outdoors so you can absorb that warm vitamin D. Being outside and active also releases serotonin in your body that makes you feel good. 

Have Fun With Winter Activities

Winter is a time when we tend to stay indoors and crave unhealthy foods. We do less exercise and eat more because our brains and bodies think they need to eat to feel happier. The thing to do is release serotonin by some other means, instead of food, then you won't crave the unhealthy stuff that puts weight on.

Make the most of the winter weather and go sledding with your family. Sledding for half an hour will burn up 200 calories. If it isn't snowing, why not check out the closest ice rink and go skating, it too is excellent for buying off calories. 

Get Your Eyes Checked Out 

The winter is also a time to reflect on what's important in your life and organise things for the future. When spring and summer come around you might be too busy enjoying the weather, your friends, or going on holiday, and forget about some things you could have attended to earlier in the year.

Have a general health check-up and get your eyes examined by a Retina & Eye Consultants. They will check the health of your eyes all around and tell you if you need any treatment or glasses. Now might also be a good time to update an existing set of glasses and stay on-trend. 

Take Your Workouts Online

In winter there are many obstacles facing you, especially when it comes to fitness. You can run outside so easily because of ice on the roads and getting to the gym or your fave classes are more difficult. If you would prefer to stay but still exercise there are plenty of online workouts you can choose from. 

Find your favourite workout regime online and join a weekly class. During the winter months, a weekly class is just the thing you need to stay fit and keep your spirits up. You will notice a difference if you miss a week and feel glad of the commitment. 

Lighten Up Holiday Meals

The weather certainly does something to our appetites and metabolism, it seems to slow us down and make us crave heavy unhealthy food. Apparently, this is because heavy unhealthy food releases serotonin, and our bodies crave that because of the lack of sunlight.  

Knowing this means you can find a way around it. Instead of succumbing to the unhealthy winter food, lighten up your holiday meals and get your serotonin from exercise instead. You will feel happier and fitter through the winter and next year you won't have to take up a special diet.

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Monday, 14 December 2020

A Guide To City Breaks With Children

City breaks might not seem the obvious choice for a trip with children, but if you choose the right city, they can make for great family vacations. Here are some of the best options for city breaks with kids.

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City breaks in Europe are a great pick. You can book cheap flights from the UK, there’s little time difference, and you could even take the train. 

Italy is great for kids of any age, but some of the cities are best left until your children are of primary school age. Venice is known for being romantic, but the novelty of a city built on the water will captivate children. There are lots of family-friendly tours available in Florence, and the option to learn to make gelato. Rome also has a lot to explore with children too, especially if they’re learning about the Romans at school. 

April is a good time for European city breaks with children. The peak season crowds haven’t arrived yet, and temperatures tend to be cooler, but you still get plenty of sun. 


If you’re travelling with kids, city breaks in the UK are ideal. There’s a lot to explore closer to home. They can also be a good test for your first city breaks, without worrying about flights, or unfamiliar cuisines. 

London is perfect for children, with lots to do for children, from museums to shows. Look for luggage storage so you can store your luggage safely and keep exploring before you can check into your hotel. 

Brighton is a great break with children. You get a mix of beach and city attractions, and the quirky atmosphere is fun for children. 

In the South-East, learn some history in Windsor, or try the Christmas market in Winchester. Oxford is good for families too. The city is pedestrianised, making it easier with a pushchair, and there are lots to see for fans of Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, or Alice In Wonderland. The Natural History Museum is interesting too. 

Birmingham, home to Cadbury World, could be a fun option, or you might like more history in Bath. Bath has lots of family activities, and some great museums, including the Roman Baths. Nearby Bristol has lots to offer too, including an excellent Science museum. Bath and Bristol both often have sculpture trails, with past themes including bears, pigs, and Wallace and Gromit. 

If you’d like to explore Wales, Cardiff is a fantastic city to visit. The city is compact, so easy to get around. There are some great museum, a castle right in the centre of the city, lots of history, boat trips, and walks around the Bay. Chester is another good option if you have children learning about the Romans at school, who would like to see some architecture for real.

If you choose the right city and plan around peak seasons, and hottest temperatures, there’s no reason that a city break can’t be a great holiday for the whole family.

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