Monday, 23 November 2020

Great Ways Of Getting Your Life Back On Track

Half of all Americans will be diagnosed with a mental health illness or disorder within their lifetime. This statistic is similar in most developed countries throughout the world. While the spectrum of mental health disorders is broad, this does mean many of us will find ourselves at some point in our lives in a rut that it can feel incredibly challenging to get out of. When we do begin to recover, then it is good to take the opportunity to consolidate the recovery by creating healthy habits that will boost our mental health. Here are a couple of handy thoughts about how to get your life back on track when you are ready. 


Exercise may sound cliche, but the evidence for its mental health benefits is now so strong that doctors prescribe it as a treatment. Exercise energizes you and can help give your life small goals and structure. If you have had a period where your daily living has felt unfocused, then taking time to exercise is highly recommended. The other benefit of exercise, if taken outside, is fresh air. Getting outside is an excellent way of boosting your mental health. It can give your vitamin D a boost, and even seeing nature can reduce stress and anger levels

Take A Trip To The Dentists

This suggestion might sound a little odd, as the thought of going to a dentist can be anxiety-inducing for many of us. According to the Oral Health Foundation, almost half of all adults are fearful of a dentist's trip. This statistic could be why, during bad periods of mental health, our oral hygiene can decline. If you can build yourself up to it, a trip to the dentist can be a real turning point, proving to yourself that you are capable of retaking control of your life. Dental Excellence can give you a significant boost in confidence. Many dental specialists are happy to talk through anxieties with you and put procedures in place to recover your smile without heightened anxiety. Taking time to focus on your smile can make you happier. By seeing a dentist in a period of good health, you are also future-proofing your smile in the eventuality that your mental health and oral care may decline again. Take the opportunity to protect your smile for when you might need it in the future. 

Finally, remember that very rarely is any recovery a straight trajectory from feeling bad to feeling excellent. There may be bumps and setbacks along the way, but none of them are insurmountable. If your exercise or oral care stops, that does not mean you can't pick it up again whenever you are ready. Habits are hard to break, so that you may slip back into an old way of thinking. But habits being hard to break also means that they will be robust and strong once these new habits are established. The healthy habits will make you more resilient and help you maintain a new way of thinking that boosts your life's positivity. 

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Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Stop Your Body From Running On Overdrive

An experience that many of us have a lot of the time is this one of your body and mind both feeling as if they are on overdrive the whole time. That can be related to the experience of anxiety, but whether or not it specifically comes with anxiety it is something that can be quite worrying. Overall, it is a feeling of your body working a little too hard, or of being at the end of your tether. In truth, what it normally comes down to is a general experience of pushing yourself too hard and not focusing on your health fully.

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Get Rid Of That Belly Fat

One of the earliest signs that you are running on overdrive is when you start to develop that midsection fat around the belly. As well as being, for many people, unsightly, it is also one of the first parts of the body to develop that fat if you are generally unwell and not taking care of yourself. So if you have noticed this, you will find that working on losing that fat is always going to be a strong start to stopping your body from being on overdrive. Yes, it works in reverse.

Stop Overworking

Not all of the signs are physical ones. Sometimes, it’s more a case of what you are doing with your life. For instance, if you have noticed that you tend to be overworking a lot, that is probably a reliable sign that you are on overdrive. Certainly, that will be the result for your health, and it’s something that you are going to want to try and avoid. If you find yourself overworking, ask yourself whether you might be simply trying to escape from something else, or whether you are trying to fill a void. Stop doing that, and you won’t be operating on overdrive anymore to quite the same degree.

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Take Steps To Calm Your Anxiety

As we have seen already, being on overdrive has a direct relation to feeling anxious, and this is one area where you can make changes in one by altering the other. Whatever kind of relationship you tend to have with anxiety, there is always going to be something you can do about it, so that is worth thinking about in particular. It might be a simple case of reducing the amount of coffee you drink, trying to get a little more sleep, or even cutting down on smoking by opting for Aspire Finixx instead. However you do it, reducing and managing your anxiety is a hugely important way to stop your body and mind being in overdrive.

Reset Your Stress Response

A lot of the feeling of being on overdrive comes down to this sensation of your stress levels being high all the time. That can happen over time as a response to a number of genuinely stressful experiences or even trauma, to the point where you no longer have a normal response to everyday stresses, but rather an exaggerated one. However, this form of adrenal overdrive can be reversed, and it is one of the central facets of ensuring that you are stopping your entire system from running on overdrive all the time. If you feel wired and as though you can’t turn off your stress response, you can consider trying to increase your blood sugar slightly, so that your body is not in survival mode. You might also benefit from avoiding environmental toxins in the home wherever possible. Above all, however, the main thing to do is to allow yourself plenty of opportunity to rest and - well, reset your system.

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Lower That Heart Rate

Another clear sign that your body is working too hard is if your sitting heart rate is too high. In some people, you might even be able to feel your heart rate is high just as you are sitting at your desk or on the sofa. That is a sure sign, but if you are unsure you should look into checking your heart rate for real. If it is high, you should aim to attack this problem head-on and in a number of ways at once, to help overcome it. That means eating right, exercising every day, sleeping well, and avoiding stress. If you can manage all that, your sense of overdrive is going to diminish soon enough, and things will seem so much clearer and calmer again.

Focus on these things, and you should be able to get your body back to normality again.

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Sunday, 8 November 2020

Stop Ignoring Your Health

Your health is important, but so very often you will forget to take care of yourself. You take your health for granted, maybe it’s because you’re working too hard, or maybe it’s because other problems crop up and take our attention away from the things that matter the most. Whatever the reason, you need to make sure that you are giving your health the time and energy that it deserves.

In this article, we’ll look at some of the health areas that you should stop putting off dealing with and visit an appropriate specialist. 

Your Back

Do you have a bad back? 8% of all adults experience back pain. This could be anything from a twinge through to chronic pain. 

If you have back pain, and you leave it for too long without treatment, then you could end up with chronic pain which could be very debilitating, This will affect your ability to do routine tasks and may even prevent you from being able to work. 

Our Family Chiropractor can help you though. A chiropractor will use manual adjustments of the spine to treat neuromuscular problems in the back. 

Your Eyes 

We take our eyesight for granted, but one day it could easily be gone. There are several things that you should be doing in order to take better care of your eyes. Firstly, you should be avoiding looking at bright sunlight. If you do go out in the sun, you should wear high UV factor sunglasses. You should still not look at the sun, even with sunglasses on. 

If you spend a lot of time looking at screens, you should make sure that you take plenty of breaks away from the screen to protect your eyes. 

Finally, you should make sure that you visit your optician at least once every two years. This will help them to identify any issues that you may be having with your eyesight. 

Your Mental Health 

Problems with your mental health may be hard to spot. You may think that you just feel a certain way and that you can snap out of it. However, when you have depression, you can’t just snap out of it. It is a problem with your brain chemicals, and it goes deeper than how you’re feeling. 

If you are experiencing prolonged periods of depression, anxiety, or stress, then you should reach out and seek help. 

You could speak to your doctor in the first instance. They may be able to supply medication or refer you to a counsellor or therapist who will be able to help you to understand your condition and work through some of the emotions that you are feeling. 

Your Ears

Your hearing is important, and it is very unlikely that you’ll notice that your hearing is deteriorating until it is too late. However, having your hearing tested often may mean that you spot problems with your hearing. Having your hearing tested may mean the difference between struggling to hear what friends are saying and getting the help that you need to address the problem. 

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