Friday, 18 December 2020

2020 Version 2! 3 Ways to Feel Better About Yourself

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Everyone goes through ups and downs in their life. We all hit moments where we're not feeling too good about ourselves. Learning to feel better about who we are and where we're going seems like an achievement that is far in the distance, but there are little things that we can do every single day of our life to make sure that we give ourselves a lift. Let’s show you some of the simple ways for you to feel better about yourself. 

Invest in Yourself 

This is something that we may feel less inclined to do when finances are a problem. But if you spend a little bit of money on those little things in life that give you a lift, especially when it comes to your fashion choices, you will be happier to look at yourself in the mirror everyday. If you've got the perfect pair of Ray Bans, but they've not been doing you any justice recently, some Ray Ban replacement lenses will easily give you a lift. It never has to be a massive overhaul of your wardrobe if you don't have the money. It's about those little statement pieces that can give you a lift. When we feel that we get up in the morning and look in the mirror but we don't like the person we see, we have to dress the part.

Get Those Endorphins Going 

You knew this was going to be one of the options! But keeping fit is one of those things that will make your life so much better in every single way. We can all have a strained relationship with exercise. Some people feel that they have to be at the gym seven days a week in order to feel any benefits, whereas others have a very minimal relationship with exercise. The correct formula is somewhere in the middle. Exercising can take your energy out of you, especially when you do something like high intensity training. But it's about making sure that you build on what you've already got. There is equipment like the X3 Bar that comes with the specific protocol that 10 minutes a day can put you through your paces but build-up on the strength you've already got. And even if you cannot afford items like this, you can start by doing isometrics or timed static contractions. 

Let It Out

When we struggle to come to terms with how we are feeling, we may very well believe that we've got to keep it all in. The reality of the situation is that if we want to feel like a burden is lifted, sometimes we have to vent. But we have to remember the importance of letting it out when we struggle to come to terms with how we are feeling, we may very well believe that we've got to keep it all in. The reality of the situation is that if we want to feel like a burden is lifted, then sometimes we have to vent. Telling people how we feel may seem like something we are doing way too much at the moment so we have that inclination to step back, but a problem shared will always be a problem halved.

*This is a collaborative post*


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