Sunday 22 March 2020

Top Health Tips for New Mothers

Something that is super important for women after having a baby, is keeping themselves healthy and also keeping their baby healthy. There are multiple ways in which you can keep yourself healthy after the miracle of giving birth and bringing a new baby into the world, and this article houses some tips for those new mums!

How to Breastfeed in the Best Way

One of the main parts of being a new mother is being able to breastfeed. Some women are unable, which is ok as there are many formula milks out there that can help you feed the baby without needing to breastfeed. However, it is always best to breastfeed if you can. But, there are certain tips and techniques that you can do to optimise your breastfeeding and also protect your body and your baby whilst doing so. 

One tip is to pre-emptively know if your baby is hungry. Babies often have some characteristics and traits that they exhibit if they are hungry before they cry for their feed. If you see your baby raise their head up repeatedly or open and close their mouth this can tend to mean they are hungry. Also if they suck on anything like their fist, toys and more can be another sign that they are hungry. So, if you catch them in this time the process of breastfeeding will be much calmer and the experience you and the baby will be much nicer overall. 

Another thing you need to consider is comfort. Sometimes a baby can feed for a while, so starting the process in an uncomfortable position and then changing it midway through the feed can interrupt the process and be upsetting for yourself and the baby. A position that has been considered the best when it comes to comfort for both the mother and baby, is by laying on your side and sitting in a reclined position with the baby laying on top of you. So, whenever you begin breastfeeding make sure you are comfortable as it makes the experience for you and the baby much nicer!

Benefits of Breastfeeding

When it comes to breastfeeding, there are many benefits that come with it, for both the baby and for you. With the baby, breastfeeding provides it with the natural nutrients and minerals that your body has to offer for the baby. It also helps prevent and protect your baby from infections, as it is rich with germ-killing antibodies that help fight stomach bugs, diarrhoea, colds and chest infections. Another benefit of breast-milk is that it reduces the risk of diseases such as childhood leukaemia, and also reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), or something commonly referred to as cot death.

Breastfeeding also sets up the child to have generally better health in the future, with less likelihood of developing diabetes and becoming overweight. Any amount of breastfeeding is beneficial, however exclusive breastfeeding for six months offers much more protection over the above diseases and offers more of the health benefits that have also been mentioned above. 

Breastfeeding is also beneficial for you as a mother! One of the benefits it has is the more you can breastfeed, the faster it helps your uterus to reduce back to the normal size it was pre-pregnancy. It gets smaller anyway naturally day by day, but this process is sped up drastically with the event of breastfeeding. It also offered precious bonding time with you and your baby. It can be such a soothing time to connect with the baby and provide that all-important skin to skin contact with their mother. Nothing is more beautiful and natural than being a mother, and nursing a child, so savour these tender moments with your children!

Along with all the amazing health benefits it has for baby, there are also amazing health benefits for mothers too. The more you breastfeed the less risk of you having breast cancer in the future, thus also reducing the risk of ovarian cancer too. Other health benefits also include reduction of the risk of developing osteoporosis (which is weak bones later in life), diabetes also, cardiovascular diseases. It also burns off a lot of calories which will be music to any mother’s ears! If you exclusively breastfeed, it can help burn 300 calories alone!

So, it can be seen that there are many benefits to breastfeeding, but as said before some women just can’t, and that is ok! There are amazing formula options out there that are very credible alternatives to breastmilk!

Formula or Breast?

There have been many breast milk benefits listed within this article, but there are a collection of benefits for using formula milk also. As said previously if you are personally unable to breastfeed, it is a credible and ok alternative to natural breast milk. 

If you are out and about, it can be very flexible and easy to quickly make formula milk, with water and the powder, you can have a full bottle of milk very quickly. You can also get many different formulas, from anti-sickness and more there are many different variations and specially formulated kinds of milk out there that you can use for your baby. You also do not need to worry about what you eat when it comes to formula, as with breast milk because it is coming from your body you need to watch what you eat. Whereas when it comes to formula, it is not coming from your body, so what you eat and drink does not have any effect on the milk at all. 

One thing that is big negative when it comes to formula milk, is its expense. Unlike breastmilk that is free, a tub of formula milk can be a huge expense and be very expensive for parents. There is luckily a range of different formulas you can choose from, however, it is still a huge expense to any parent out there. It is also very hard and near on impossible to reach the complexities of breast milk. Breast always offers the best and tailored milk for your baby, also formula does a great job at trying to match it, but it simply will never match pure breast milk when it comes to the complexities and the nutrients and the tailored touch it has.


Another and final way in you can keep the health of you and baby at tip-top condition is taking the right vitamins and minerals that you need. There are many on the market that are tailored to different women of different ages. If you are an ‘older’ mum, there are vitamins out there that better equip your body and sustain the chemicals it needs to work at its best. This is the same for all mothers out there. By taking supplements, you can make sure your body has the nutrients it has, whilst still eating what you normally would. Whilst it is always advised to eat a better and more balanced diet when looking after a baby, vitamins and more can help you keep up with the minerals you need to stay healthy. 

This concludes this article. Becoming a new mum and new parent in general, for daddies as well, is something of a miracle. It can also be a daunting time, new challenges and a new baby to take care of, anyone will want the best for their baby and their partner, so hopefully, this article has given some great advice that you can take on into your day to day life. 

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Dealing With A Diabetes Diagnosis

Being diagnosed with diabetes can be a massive shock and you might be finding it hard to come to terms with. It is important to know that whatever you feel is completely normal, and you are not alone.

In the weeks and months after your diabetes diagnosis, you and your loved ones will have a lot of concerns and questions about your condition and what it means for the future. 

There is so much to think about and so many adjustments that you have to make to your lifestyle, you might find that you feel overwhelmed and need a little bit more support to come to terms with it.

When you have an appointment with a member of your health care team, the following steps may help you:

  • Write down any questions or concerns that you have before your appointment

  • Ask someone to accompany you to your appointment, and ask them to make notes so you do not have to worry about remembering all the details

  • Be honest about your health, both physical and mental

  • Do not be afraid to ask them to slow down or to repeat something when they are giving you information.

There are going to be lots of things to think about and do over the next few weeks and months, but taking it one step at a time and allowing yourself the time to process everything will make the diagnosis easier to cope with, and you can start to move forward. This infographic has some stats and figures to help you get to grips with your new lifestyle:

Infographic Design By Diabetes Life Insurance

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To my girls on the day you made history

To my beautiful girls,

On most other days I would moan about doing the school run, if I wasn't whinging about the rain or the fact that I walk back and forth to that school 6 times on the days I'm not in work then I'd be moaning about the chaos that it always brings with it. The whole morning routine usually stresses me out. Getting the breakfasts, fighting with you both to get you dressed, doing your packed lunch, ensuring reading books etc are in the bag and then of course one of you won't be able to find something whether that's your shoes or coat as we rush to head out of the door. Today it was different. Today I knew I was doing it for the last time for probably a long time. Today the world changed again. Today you made history.

Ophelia you had already been off from school for 2 days due to the Corona virus but I had been in work so I was unaware of how emotional I would become when the reality sunk in.

Ophelia and I headed off to pick you up Eva, and as she scooted past her friends and shouted 'hi Holly' and practically squealed with delight when she saw Owen, tears started to form. I wondered how long you'd be away from your friends and whether those friendships and tidings of joy will be there when you return to school. Then the horrible feeling deep down in the pit of my stomach presented itself, I felt sick as my mind wondered. When will you actually return to school and how different will the world be? How different will the people be? Will you actually want to return and make the big jump into reception in September? How will all of this affect your beautiful, inquisitive, precious, vulnerable minds? How can I protect you from something we know nothing about?

I finally reach your classroom door and you wouldn't have seen it as I wouldn't want you to see my fear and upset over the situation but I was crying. I smiled and hugged you. As we walked past other parents I smiled at them. A forced smile through the sadness I was feeling inside. A forced smile from the tears I was desperately fighting back. 

I realised that in years to come teachers will be educating our future generations about this time. About the time that the world changed. About the time that school was cancelled for the foreseeable. About the time that children had to miss exams. They'll teach it in History lessons, Science lessons and Sociology lessons. Today you made the history books but not for something positive but for something negative.

As I sit and wonder what life will be like over the next coming months, I am filled with dread. Not least because I work in healthcare (that comes with so many other worries and stresses right now) but because I need to give you both as much of a normal life as best I can. I need to educate you, play with you, keep you feeling positive and shelter you from the panic and grief around you.

One thing today has made me realise though, is I will never take these moments with you for granted. They are precious, they are to be treasured and remembered because it's all over too quickly. 

Come rain or shine, bring on the next school run. If it's raining then I'll hold your hands and jump in the puddles with you. May I never think of something you enjoy so much, something that brings a smile to your beautiful little faces, as a burden again.

Love you to infinity and beyond,

Mum xxx


Saturday 21 March 2020

6 Simple Ways to Beat Sleep Loss

Insomnia can be a frustrating experience, especially when you have to wake up for that important job or negotiation. From being disoriented to the danger of falling asleep in the middle of an important business meeting, sleep loss can interfere with your daily routine. Workplace injuries due to sleep-related fatigue, low productivity due to stifled creativity, or even job loss are some of the consequences of inadequate sleep. Mentally, chronic insomnia can lead to paranoia, hallucinations, and even depression. The following are simple ways to help you get quality and quantity sleep.
Image via Adobe Stock, by

Regular Relaxation Exercises

One of the most typical causes of insomnia is tension or stress. From work pressures to social issues, your mind may be unsettled when you go to sleep, leaving you turning and tossing throughout the night. Sometimes the tension may result from intense and vigorous exercises just before bedtime.
Engaging in regular light and relaxing exercises a few hours before bedtime will calm your nerves and built-tension. Systemic and gradual muscle relaxation exercises will ensure that your body is well-conditioned for good night sleep. Yoga and meditation exercises are also recommended because of their calming effect on the body.

Create a Comfortable Sleeping Environment

You don’t have to suffer an obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) such as germophobia to fear an unclean and cluttered environment. Sleeping in a messy and dirty bedroom, with stuff strewn all over the place is challenging. The thought of sleeping in a bed with bugs and soiled beddings can easily make you cringe and keep you awake the whole night. From loud music to old, creaky beds and strong glaring lights, sometimes, what keeps you awake the entire night might be self-inflicted.
Therefore, invest in a good bed, mattress, and clean your sleeping area regularly. If you aren’t comfortable with sleeping on the bed, remember, good quality sofa beds can be slept on every night. But keep the music down and use the right lighting when sleeping.

Develop and Follow a Sleeping Routine

Sleep deprivation can also result from a lack of a sleeping routine. Develop and strictly follow a sleeping routine. Include sleep and wake up times and adhere to them. A sleeping pattern will ensure that your body is adequately conditioned. Synching your body with your daily routines ensures that you get enough sleep at night.
In case you begin to toss and turn, avoid the temptation of staying awake in bed. Leave your bed and find a relaxing activity that will help you reset your mind. Staying awake in bed will only lead to the formation of a pattern of sleep deprivation.

Engage in Healthy Habits Before Sleeping

A cup of coffee, caffeinated drink, sedatives, or even smoking your favorite cigarette brand before bedtime may be the reason why you turn and toss in bed up to 3 a.m. The caffeine in coffee and caffeinated drinks and nicotine in cigarettes will stimulate your body, keeping you awake for longer. Your favorite whiskey or brandy also has the same effect. Even if you manage to fall asleep, it will be short since your sleep will be disrupted. In case of disruption, avoid going to the balcony for a puff or to the coffeemaker for a cup. Instead, find something relaxing to reset your mind.

Keep Off Blue Light

Using our mobile phones or laptops, especially in the evening, may seem like a normal routine. From chatting with colleagues and loved ones to nailing that business deal, mobile phones and laptops have become the centerpiece of our existence today. However, the blue light they emit may be the cause of your sleep deprivation. The light inhibits the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for inducing sleep. If you have to, always dim or filter the light emitted by your device to avoid the danger of staying alert at night when you ought to be sleeping.

Have Controlled Naps

The nagging sleep, especially in the afternoon, is an indication that your melatonin levels have increased significantly. If possible, take a 15-minute nap to rejuvenate your body. Some workplaces have nap times, particularly after lunch, to help their employees refresh for the rest of the shift. However, to avoid interfering with your nighttime sleep, limit the naps to once during the day, and don’t use stimulants to fight off naps.
Sleep deprivation can disorient your body and brain, putting you in great danger of suffering from workplace injuries and even mental health problems. To get enough sleep, avoid stimulants, have a sleep routine, and exercise. A good night’s sleep prevents psychological issues such as depression, which is associated with obesity. Therefore, get enough sleep if you're trying to lose weight
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Oral Health is as Important When You're Older: How to Care For Your Teeth as You Age

Taking care of your teeth and gums is always important, but even more so as you get older in order to prevent problems like tooth decay, tooth loss, toothaches, and other serious oral problems. It is also much easier to eat when your mouth is healthy. If you have a condition like diabetes or heart disease, which older populations tend to suffer from at a greater rate, keeping your teeth healthy is incredibly important. 

Brush and Floss Every Day

Brushing and flossing help to remove plaque from your teeth. If plaque builds up on them, tooth decay and gum disease are much more likely to occur. In order to help prevent that, you should brush your teeth with flouride toothpaste two times a day. The best times are before breakfast and right before bed. It is also important to floss between your teeth every day. If this is something you have difficulty with, contact your dentist about other options. 

Keep an Eye Out For Changes

As you get older, your risk of oral cancer goes up, so if you begin to notice changes in your mouth, get them checked out. See a doctor or dentist if you have any of the following symptoms for more than 2 weeks:
  • A spot on your lip, mouth, or throat that is sore or uncomfortable
  • A thick area or lump in your mouth, lip, or throat
  • White or red patch in your mouth
  • A hard time chewing, swallowing, or moving your jaw/tongue
  • Numbness
  • Swelling
  • Ear pain without hearing loss

Regularly See a Dentist

It is hard to determine just how often people need to go to the dentist, but generally twice a year is best. The next time you go in, ask your dentist if they think you should change the frequency of your appointments. Parkfield Dental offers many dental services and options for those in need of treatment. If you have concerns about the coverage you may have, contacting the dentist is the first step, they will usually work with you on payment options. 

As you get older, oral hygiene becomes even more important. There is a lot you can do to ensure your mouth is healthy, but most of all you should be practicing a healthy lifestyle. The healthier of a life you lead, the healthier you will remain over time. Take care of yourself and put your own health first. 

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Disney with Kerry

If you follow me on social media then you'll probably know by now how much of a Disney family we are. I've mulled it over for years and I finally decided to launch a dedicated Disney blog along with its own social media channels. Its been a very long time coming.

Therefore, I am super excited to introduce to you Disney with Kerry. The blog will feature content such as Disneybounding, Disney Style, hints and tips on the Disney parks and resorts and much more. 

We are current Disney annual pass holders at Disneyland Paris and Disneyland California so expect lots of pictures a vlogs over on youtube from those parks such as the one below.

I want to assure you that that this lifestyle blog will still be here but all Disney content will now be on the other blog. 

I hope you'll also join me over on Disney with Kerry and that you'll give my new social media accounts a follow by clicking the links below:

Thank you for your continued support :)


Thursday 19 March 2020

4 Cheap Ways To Get In Shape If You Can't Afford A Gym Membership

If you want to get in shape, you may consider joining a gym. The only problem is, that can be quite expensive and not everybody can afford to pay the monthly membership. They also tie you into a long contract and if you are unsure whether you are going to keep it up, you may not want to commit to that. The good news is, there are plenty of more affordable ways to get in shape. These are the best cheap ways to exercise if you cannot afford a gym membership. 


Swimming is one of the best forms of exercise there is because you work your whole body at the same time, and the resistance from the water gives you a good workout. It is also a very low impact sport, so if you are just starting a new exercise routine or you are trying to get back into exercise after an injury, it’s perfect. The only equipment that you need is some swimwear and maybe a pair of goggles. You don’t need to pay a membership to go swimming, and it’s cheap to pay for entry at local swimming pools so you can get a cheap workout. If you don’t keep it up, you don’t need to worry about paying for a membership that you are not using. 


Yoga is another great activity that helps to keep you in shape, strengthen muscles, and improve flexibility. It is also an incredibly effective way to reduce stress and improve your mental health, so it’s something that everybody should add to their fitness routine. You can attend local yoga classes if you like, and they won’t cost you that much. But if you want to save even more money, there are so many great yoga videos on Youtube that you can watch for free. The only thing that you need to pay for is a yoga mat and that’s it. 

Weight Training 

Weight training is the best way to build muscle and tone up, but you may be thinking that you will need a gym membership to do it. Actually, that isn’t the case because you can easily do it at home. It isn’t that expensive to buy a set of weights but you could also consider making your own. Start out with small things like soup tins and then you can gradually work your way up to things like large bottles filled with water or even buckets. Anything that you find around the house can be used as a makeshift weight, so get creative. 


If you want to get some cardio in, there’s no need to pay a gym membership and run on a treadmill. It’s a lot nicer to run outside, and it doesn’t cost you anything. The only thing that you should spend money on is a good pair of running trainers to protect your joints from the impact. Although they can be expensive, they will last a while and the overall cost will be lower than a gym membership. 

If you cannot afford a gym membership but you still want to get in shape, these are all great cheap alternatives. 

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Wednesday 18 March 2020

Top 5 Extraordinary Health Benefits of Yoga

Photo by Burst from Pexels

Over the last few years, yoga has rapidly been rising in popularity across the world. With so many health benefits that come with this historic sport, yoga can easily be fitted into your daily routine - no matter how busy you are. Perfect for those of all ages, it can be picked up in no time at all. 

If you’re thinking of starting yoga, it’s good to know all of the extraordinary benefits that come with it. To send you on the right path, here are 5 of them:
  1. It Helps To Relieve Back Pain

If you’ve been experiencing back pain, you might be relying on heat patches and ibuprofen. And while these are good for the inflammation, it’s also worth starting yoga. Through the strength and flexibility poses, the pain and restriction that you’ve been feeling in your back will gradually start to fade. 

Of course, it’s vital that you don’t overdo it. But a little bit of yoga each day can work wonders on your back - especially if you are used to sitting down all day at a desk or in a car. 
  1. It Will Improve Your Sleeping Pattern 

One extraordinary benefit that people don’t realise is that yoga can help with your sleeping patterns. Through the various poses and meditation, you’ll start to feel more relaxed and at ease. This will result in you being able to drift off better when it comes time to sleep. A great and simple exercise routine before bedtime, yoga for sleep will make you feel like yourself again.
  1. It Helps With Balance

Another key benefit is that it will help to improve your balance. How? Well as you do the different yoga poses, you’ll be able to build core strength throughout your body. This makes your ability to balance a lot better. From the half-moon pose to other poses that force you to balance, over time your body will strengthen. 
  1. It Helps To Improve Your Flexibility 

Through stretching in yoga, your flexibility will start to improve a little bit more each time you do it. Increasing the range of motion and helping with joint care, it releases the build-up of lactic acid, meaning that you no longer feel the aches you once did. This will allow you to move far more freely and make tasks such as reaching for items far easier.
  1. A Method to De-stress 

If you’re feeling stressed, whether it’s because of work, home life or another reason, it’s vital that you find a solution. One of the ways that you can ease the stress that you’re feeling is through yoga. Promoting a sense of calm and serenity, it will help to reduce mental and physical stress.

Using various styles of yoga and deep breathing, you’ll feel as though the weight is slowly beginning to lift. Clearing your mind, it’s the perfect way to escape the daily stressful situations that you’ve been facing.

Final Thoughts

So, there you go! Those are 5 extraordinary benefits you can reap from starting yoga. A simple exercise that you can enjoy no matter where you’re located in the world, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t go out and try it for yourself!

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