Sunday 28 June 2015

Pregnancy Style - Look 1

I don't know if you are aware but I actually entered the world of blogging as a fashion and beauty blogger, which I still write now over at As you can imagine most of my posts on that blog have dropped off since finding out I was pregnant. I started showing very early on and I was worried that people wouldn't want to read my posts anymore knowing that I was pregnant. A really stupid train of thought I know, but it really did put me off.

Anyway, I got to thinking and realised that pregnant woman can still be fashionable and look nice! I've obviously known this all along but it's taken me 20 weeks to realise it! I've decided to do a series of pregnancy style posts as I always like to make an effort in what I wear and I wanted to show other pregnant ladies that we can break the mould and get out of the stereotypical leggings look. Our bodies may be changing but we are still beautiful and we deserve to feel that way.

I wore this look for a cinema date with the hubby. I always try and make an effort when I go out with him as I always want him to feel proud to call me his wife.  The actual outfit made my bump look huge (the burger we had for dinner probably didn't help either) but I still thought it looked great. It really accentuates a pregnant woman's curvaceous figure in a good way.

The black maxi dress I am wearing is a very old one from New Look. It has honestly lasted me years. I think maxi dresses are an absolute must for any stage of pregnancy. They are very fashionable and above all super comfy to wear. They are ideal to give bump some breathing space. 

The cover up is from Primark. It cost just £11 so an absolute bargain in my opinion. It's very on trend with this summer's key boho and tribal looks. Sometimes when you are pregnant you can feel overly exposed and that people can't stop staring at you, so a cover up is a perfect way to still feel comfortable. This one is really light to wear so perfect for the upcoming heatwave we are apparently going to have. 
I wanted the cover up to be more clinched in so I wore a belt over it. Obviously the belt had to sit over my bump. I think my days of wearing waist belts are long gone, maybe next year hey! The belt again was a cheap one from Primark.

My beautiful bag is a personal favourite of mine and I haven't stopped using it since I was sent it. It's from a brand called Marla London. It's one that will never go out of fashion and will be able to be used through all the seasons. I love the size of it too as I can fit everything I need to in it which is a rarity with smaller sized bags.

I wore some plain and simple black flips flops with this outfit. If you wanted to be adventurous you could try wearing it with some wedges but be careful of your feet. We all know how painful swollen pregnant feet can be.

What do you think of my first pregnancy look? I can't wait to show you more. I am also going to start a pregnancy style linky soon so we will be able to get to see some other yummy mummy looks.

Love Kerry x

Thursday 25 June 2015

Street Food Circus

I am a complete lover of food. There is no denying that. In fact the hubby and I are pretty much foodies, which is why I am ashamed to say that we left it so late to visit Cardiff's Street Food Circus. In fairness to us we have had a very busy couple of months which included being away in Australia for 3 weeks. But after finally visiting we have been left gutted that we hadn't gone sooner.

Street Food Circus is only open Friday-Sunday every weekend in May and June and as i'm sure you've worked out, this upcoming weekend is its last weekend. It's located in John Street in Cardiff and is right next to the No fit state circus, which is a great central location. It is outdoors but there is a huge circus style tent for you to eat your food under.

So what is it? It's basically a collective of the best street food traders all in one place. There are so many different stalls to choose from, you almost can't decide what to have, which I guess is what street food is all about. Trying a bit of everything and getting a taste of new flavours.

We started off with an authentic souvlaki from Meat and Greek. They are a cypriot family run business serving up home cooked food.  You can find them here on Facebook or Twitter, to learn more. We had a chicken souvlaki with halloumi, salad, homemade tzatziki, houmous, parsley and onions. As you can see from the picture it is huge. It really was a meal in itself. I would have never have thought to put tzatziki with houmous but it really works and gives a mouth watering flavour. The meat was extremely tender and the halloumi was perfectly grilled. The combination of flavours really compliment each other offering a good mix of sweet, sour and bitter.

Next up we grabbed some fries from Chucks and they sure lived up to their name. They certainly were large and stacked. We opted for posh fries which was parmesan, truffle oil and chives. They were unbelievably tasty. I never want to eat plain fries again. Adding something so simple such as those 3 ingredients gives a whole new flavour to an otherwise boring side for your meals.

Eva had a hot dog from Slow Pig. All their meat is free range which is something we strongly support in our household. Eva loves sausages and she quickly ate this one which is always a good sign. In fact she ate the sausage and left the tortilla wrap which it was in. I think this is a testament to how much she enjoyed the meat.

Our last savoury dish came from the wonderful Purple Poppadom. We are huge fans of this restaurant and find the menu by Anand George unique and inspiring. Due to this we had to give their street food option a try and we weren't disappointed. The cart offers 'frankie rolls' which you can have in a variety of different flavours. We had the tandoori chicken tikka which was fab. I am salivating just remembering the taste. In fact we enjoyed it so much we forgot to take a photo of it, so you'll have to take my word for it on that. View the menu here where you can see what is included in each roll, Menu.

For desert we visited Science Cream. They are actually based in the Castle arcade in Cardiff but we have not been yet. We will definitely be going now though. I am always more of a savoury person so I don't often opt for a desert which is probably why we haven't visited science cream yet. Science cream is basically liquid nitrogen ice cream. Arwyn and I have tried liquid nitrogen ice cream before from none other than Heston Blumenthal. Sadly he did not personally make it for us but we had it in his restaurant, so you might say we had something pretty good to compare this one to. It is made as you order which means that it is always fresh. We tried the salted caramel flavour with chocolate brownie topping. Oh my god am I a desert convert now. If I could eat this every time I had a desert I would be a very happy woman. Wow was it amazing. It was super smooth and soft, almost like silk or velvet.  It was just perfect and wasn't sickly at all. Again the portion size was big. 

To sum up we had an absolute ball. Eva found the whole thing fantastic which shows that it is a great place for the whole family. We are definitely going to go again this weekend as it's the last weekend and we will be eagerly awaiting its return.

Have you been yet? What did you like best? Are you going to go?

Love Kerry xx


Wednesday 17 June 2015

Bump Watch - Week 18

Week - 18

Baby developments - At the moment baby is the size of a bell pepper and weighs around 7 ounces so the weight has pretty much doubled in 2 weeks. Blood vessels are now visible through the baby's skin and the ears are now fully in place. The gender is now determined because if it's a girl its fallopian tubes and ovaries are now in place and if it's a boy you would be able to see its genitals on an ultrasound (unless it hides them from you). 

My Bump - I've had lots of comments this week about my bump not seeming to have grown. I'm quite happy to take this seeing as baby is about to double its size and length so i'm pretty sure i'll be seeing some bump growth myself very soon. I think with this baby I showed very quickly but at the moment I seem to have formed a nice shape.

My Symptoms - No migraines this week which has been great. I still get retching every morning when I wake up. I have such a bad lower left back, especially when I am sleeping. The pillow I am using to help me sleeping is not doing its job.

Movements - Again no obvious kicks although I am feeling pressure where the baby is pushing against my tummy. You can quite often feel it by placing a hand on the part of the bump that it's pushing against.

Cravings - No cravings still so this is turning out to be a very similar pregnancy to last time in that respect.

Aversions - Still peanut butter! Keep the damn stuff away from me. Even the smell makes me projectile vomit. Gross!

Exercise - Once again I have still not exercised. I really need to but I am seriously so tired. Anyone else feel this tired on their second?

Baby items purchased - None as yet although my friend has discount from the Autumn Next catalogue so i'm pretty sure i'll be buying a few things from that. 

Best moment this week - Having a gender scan and hearing the heartbeat (and all will be revealed very soon....)

Worst moment this week - Hearing how large I am at a wedding we attended. I mean I know I have a big bump but when you here it a hundred times over in one day it gets a bit depressing and makes you feel like pants.

What i'm looking forward to - Feeling some kicks!

How Eva is feeling - Eva got to hear the heartbeat and see the baby in 3d this week so she is being a lot more responsive to being a big sister and starting to understand a bit more.

Love Kerry x

Maternity Matters~ Ghostwritermummy

Saturday 6 June 2015

Bump Watch - Week 16

I've decided to do a series of posts about my 2nd pregnancy called bump watch. They will show you pictures of my bump and how i'm feeling etc. 

Week - 16, hooray 4 months down and 5 to go! 

Baby developments - At the moment baby is the size of an avocado (I love avocados by the way, useless fact there) and weighs around 3 1/2 ounces. Its circulatory system and urinary tract are all now fully working. Its starting to form nails and its legs are taking shape. In the next few weeks baby is going to go through a rather large growth spurt. 

My Bump - As you will see from the picture I am showing already. I had a bump very early on this time around. I am told this is completely normal on your 2nd pregnancy. I do get rather fed up of people telling me how big I am but hey I have another 5 months of it to get used to. I definitely can't fit into my jeans anymore so everything is now on an elasticated waist. Luckily its summer so I can wear maxi dresses and skirts quite a lot. I'm ok for stretch marks at the moment. I haven't noticed any new ones as yet. I haven't got that hormone line that can form all the way down your bump yet and my belly button is still in.

My symptoms - This week i've noticed a new symptom and that is migraines!!! I've never suffered with them before but they are hideous. They make me have blurred vision and they are uncontrollably painful. Annoyingly there's not a lot in the way of pain relief that you are allowed to take when you are pregnant. Due to the migraines I am now getting a lot of nausea. I am still retching when I wake up every morning. The tiredness is still a killer. The doctor seem to think this may be way i'm getting migraines. I am exhausted. I've put this down to being in a job where you are on your feet all day and the fact that I have a toddler to look after. 

Movements - I haven't felt any significant movement but I'm pretty sure I am feeling flutters. Even though this is a 2nd pregnancy it's still hard to tell whether it's wind or not!! It feels like bubbles and butterflies.

Cravings - I didn't have many cravings with Eva and this pregnancy is very similar in that respect. I still haven't had the urge to have to have something and I am not eating anything regularly. I have tried to eat healthily but baby seems to want differently. I end up feeling sick and faint if I eat healthily all day.

Aversions - The hubby had some peanut butter and that made me very sick indeed. Think exorcist style sickness. Just the smell set me off and even the thought of it now is making me queasy. I've never liked it but this has really turned into hatred.

Exercise - I should definitely be doing some exercise but I just haven't got around to it. I think on your first pregnancy you have time to relax, enjoy it, exercise etc but when you have other children to look after it's a totally different ball game. I am more often than not too exhausted to even entertain the idea of just having a walk after I have finished sorting Eva out and exercise is definitely off the cards after a long day at work. 

Baby items purchased - Nothing as yet as I am waiting to see what the sex is.

Best moment this week - With my hormones being all over the place and feeling so tired it was amazing to have Eva constantly telling me how much she loves me. She is so affectionate at the minute which is lovely as I am feeling like a bit of a rubbish mummy due to being shattered.

Worst moment this week - The migraines!!!!! Oh and when Eva decided to randomly say 'Mummy your belly is too big' over dinner. 

What i'm looking forward to - Finding out the sex. I still haven't had a date through for my 20 week scan. I am desperate to find out.

How Eva is feeling - Eva still doesn't quite understand. She knows there is a baby in my belly but that's as far as it goes at the minute.

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