Saturday, 25 February 2017

Be in the Picture - February 2017

Welcome back to the Be in the Picture Linky hosted by myself and Alana from This is our 2nd month of the link up and we have loved seeing your pictures on instagram and in your blog posts. You can read my post from last month here, Be in the Picture - January 2017.

Be in the picture puts you in the frame. We want to see any pictures featuring you. I know I am terrible for getting infront of the camera as I am usually taking the pictures. I am trying to change that.

Here are some of my favourite pictures from February. These first 3 were taken at home when the girls and I were just messing around. I actually love them. They are so natural and real.

This one was taken on a stroll along Cardiff Bay. Eva was in gymnastics so hubby, myself and Ophelia grabbed a chance at getting some fresh air.

This was actually taken last night at the Vale hotel. We were staying there overnight and this was our walk back to our room after dinner. Ophelia still isn't walking confidently. I just love it when she holds my hand and decides to toddle. Although this was a pretty epic toddle for such a small person. She was determined to walk the whole way.

Now it's time to add your pictures and posts. I'm looking forward to seeing them.
There are a couple of rules to linking up:

  • Share a post with one or more photos and you have to feature in them 
  • Comment on both hosts posts and a couple of others - Linky's work when we share the love
  • Grab our badge and add it to your post
  • Use #BeinthePicture on instagram and twitter so we can like and share your posts

 Be in the Picture



  1. I absolutely love the last picture - you look gorgeous! I'm not in enough photos - I'm always behind the camera, my husband just has no interest in taking pictures!

  2. These are lovely photos of you both. I need to do this more

  3. Lovely photos you got here Kerry. You all look great.

  4. You have some lovely photos here Kerry of you and your children. My son will only pose when he's making faces lol

  5. A lovely happy set of photos. I hardly ever think to take a selfie.

  6. I adore that last shot, but they are all lovely shots x #BeInThePicture

  7. A gorgeous set of photos. Ophelia's face at you sticking your tongue out is brilliant. And you look fab in the last one!

    Just posted on Alana's post that it's only this month I fully realised the value of this linky. Thanks to you both for starting it xx

  8. This is a great idea. I am rarely in photos as I am always the one taking the photos. I am booking a family photo shoot for the summer just so we have some nice family photos x

  9. Pictures of me would scare the bravest heart but i love this post and your pictures. Nothing is better than seeing happy smiling faces

  10. This is such a lovely idea for a linky. I have hardly any photos of Rosalie and I when she was a newborn xx

  11. Love the photos! My kids love snapchat because it is so silly haha x

  12. Some gorgeous photos of you and your girls. Love this idea for a linky, I really don't get in to the photo often enough, and I want to change that!

  13. That's a great idea. Unfortunately I don't get to go in front of the camera much.

  14. Gorgeous pictures - everyone looks great in them! Funny to see the Vale - we went there when ours were about the age of yours and now they are 15 and 11!

  15. So many lovely photos. I've been making more of an effort with getting into photos myself.

  16. What lovely photos!! I always love a silly photo - they have the best memories :) x


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