Monday, 29 June 2020

7 Tried and Tested Tips For Having A Feel good Day

We all have days when it seems like everything’s going our way, we’re feeling great, and the whole world seems to be that little bit brighter. And then there are the days that just seem like a slog; these are the ‘nothing days’ that really aren’t all that enjoyable. While sometimes it’s all about luck, there are things you can that’ll push you in the right direction. In this blog, we’ll take a look at some useful tips that’ll have you enjoying each and every day.

Imagine What’s Possible

Sometimes, good things just come into our path. We head out into the world, and the world provides. There’s magic everywhere, after all, and if you keep your eyes open, then you never know what’ll happen. However, you can’t always expect the world to make your day! Sometimes, you’ve got to make it happen yourself. You can do this by keeping one particular thought in your mind: ‘what’s possible’? Just by thinking of how you can make the day as awesome as possible, you’ll find that you naturally make it better.

Get a Good Night’s Rest

You could plan the best day ever, but if you’ve got no energy, then you’ll find it difficult to enjoy things. While you can’t always be flying with energy, there are things you can do to help. The first is to get a good night’s rest. You’ll be much happier and ready for action if you’ve slept well. If you struggle with this, then look at making some improvements. There are many things you can do. You could meditate before hitting the hay, or look at getting additional help; CBD has a calming effect that can help with sleep. You’ll also want to ensure that your bedroom is conducive to resting well; it’ll be much easier to reach the Land of Nod if it’s dark and quiet. 

Starting the Day Right

They say that you start as you mean to go on. If you’re starting the day in a chaotic way, then it’ll be no surprise if your day seems pretty chaotic too. On the other hand, if your morning is filled with happiness, then that’s what you’ll day be like. So how do you start the day right? Start by getting up early enough so that you’re not rushed. From there, it’s all about doing positive things. For example, you’ll be onto a winning day if you go for a quick run, have a cold shower, and then have a healthy and filling breakfast. You’ll leave home feeling on top of the world, ready for whatever comes your way. 

Eating Well

And talking about eating healthy food: a good day will always be filled with delicious meals. It’s the simple pleasures that can really make life worth living. Take the time to prepare life-affirming meals using fresh ingredients, and ideally get your loved ones involved.

Meeting With Friends and Family

More on your loved ones: while it’s possible to have a pleasant day on your own, the most memorable ones will be the days where you’re surrounded by the people that you love the most. Of course, it’s not always possible to have long get-togethers, especially during the week. But depending on how close you live to your friends and family, you might find that it’s possible to have short meetings. Crossing paths can really boost your mood. You can sometimes go several weeks without seeing friends and family when life is busy, but it’s recommended to make an effort. 

Mix Up The Routine

Life can be deeply enjoyable, but it can also be a little “samey.” That is to say, we get stuck in a rut -- we’re just doing the same thing over and over. And while this might not be all that bad, it’s unlikely to be too exciting either. So if you want to give your day a nudge in the right direction, look at mixing up your routine a little. You’ll find that just doing one thing that you don’t normally do can remind you just how fun life can be.

Moments of Relaxation 

Finally, focus on relaxation. We’re all working a lot more than we used to, and that means that many of us aren’t as relaxed as we should be. If you want to be in a happy mood, then look at learning how to relax. Once you do, you’ll find that you’re able to achieve a level of peace that makes all your moments more enjoyable and fun. 

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Monday, 22 June 2020

What Can A Cosmetic Treatment Do For Me?

There might be something about your physical appearance that you're not entirely happy with; it could be a new thing or something that has been with you for some time. Our bodies and physical appearances do change as we age and respond to life events. This is entirely normal. It’s healthy, for instance, for the size and shape of our bodies to alter, for our hair to thin and sometimes to disappear, and for blemishes to appear on the skin in response to regular exposure to the sun. For many people these changes can be unsettling, and may take some time to adjust too if treatment is not an option. For others there are some cosmetic procedures available to fix minor age and lifestyle related issues. 

That said, a cosmetic procedure can be a big decision to make and it’s a good idea to reflect on your real needs and motivations for such an option. All procedures carry some risk, they can be expensive, and if you aren’t completely happy with the outcome it can have a serious effect on your mental and emotional health. In some cases, more so than the issue in question. Consider the changes that are occurring, is it something you’ve wanted to change for a long time? Are you strong enough mentally to cope with a treatment that doesn’t turn out as you hoped. Remember, your physical appearance is only one part of who you are and your wellbeing can be improved with healthy eating, meaningful work, and nourishing friendships. 

Skin Rejuvenation

Over time our skin begins to tell a story:  the story of our youth, the vacations we took in our twenties, and of its general daily maintenance. At some point we may look in the mirror and notice some unwanted blemishes have appeared. This is when skin rejuvenation treatments can help. They are a minimally invasive treatment that can resurface your skin using lasers or remove blemishes with chemical peels. Laser resurfacing, for instance, removes the top layer of skin and encourages new growth underneath. Consider skin rejuvenation if you notice sun or age spots, or your skin has been damaged from bad acne. 

Hair Transplant 

Contrary to popular belief hair loss can affect women as well as men. There are two transplant methods to choose from the FUE hair transplants
or the FUT method. The FUE method however  is by far the most common. It involves removing individual hair follicles from other parts of the body and transplanting them on the head using small incisions. On the day, you will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area, and hair follicles will be extracted using a unique tool. The procedure is non-invasive and you can leave the clinic after thirty minutes. Special aftercare should be ensured for ten days following the treatment and results can be expected in two or three months.

Facial Rejuvenation

Facial rejuvenation doesn’t only mean a facelift - it also includes an eyelid lift, a neck lift, and a brow lift. These are non-invasive procedures intended to restore your youthful appearance. With a neck lift, for instance, a combination of liposuction and muscle tightening is used to remove any unwanted fat and to straighten out wrinkles. It can be done in conjunction with a facelift for optimal results. Your treatment options for facial rejuvenation will depend on your personal goals which can be discussed during your consultation.     

Body Contouring

If you're a mom who has recently given birth, you might think about body contouring as a way to restore your pre-pregnancy dimensions. Treatments include a tummy tuck, liposuction, and thigh-lifts. A tummy tuck will remove any excess skin and fat brought about by pregnancy by making an incision below the belly button and separating the skin from the abdominal wall. It will also remove stretch marks by tightening the abdominal muscles. For best results, this treatment should be combined with exercise and healthy eating. 

Facial Contouring

Facial contouring is a non-invasive reconfiguration procedure to enhance your facial features and reduce the signs of ageing. As we age our skin naturally loses its firmness and wrinkles begin to appear - especially around the eyes. The procedure uses a combination of techniques such as dermal fillers, liposuction, and botox, to eliminate the signs of aging and create more symmetry in the facial features eliminating natural inconsistencies. The type of treatment you decide on will depend on your physical characteristics and your personal goals.   

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Thursday, 11 June 2020

Don’t Let These Things Hold You Back When It Comes To A Lifestyle Change

Many of us have been struggling with lockdown, and now that it is starting to ease, you may have clocked up a few things you want to change or improve upon. That might be to do with losing weight, getting our finances in order or finally going for that promotion in work. But what some of us would really like is to change is our lifestyle in general. This tends to cover the food we eat, the way we feel both physically and mentally, and are habits like whether we smoke or drink. But, too often we can feel held back, that something stops us from achieving that lifestyle we so desperately want. With that in mind, here are some areas that could be the cause of you feeling you can’t achieve your goals, and hopefully this might help you get back on track to make those changes. 

Is your body stopping you?

Sometimes we can have the very best intentions of getting fitter, eating healthier and just feeling good about ourselves, but our bodies can have different ideas. You may find that you feel pain or struggle to take on exercise, and that might be because you have an underlying problem or a niggling injury. Which is actually more common than you would think. It might be time to visit a specialist such as an osteopathic clinic or a doctor. It’s worth tackling whatever is causing you pain or discomfort head on to help you carry on as you mean to go on. 

Is it your mindset?

Our minds are powerful tools, and they can ultimately play tricks on us. We may start with good intentions, but if you have a negative mindset and thought process then the chances are you won’t carry on or just quite. Negative thoughts can impact us more than we realise, so it's important to work on that thought process and try and have a positive outlook and approach to daily life. Doing this could have a huge impact in more ways than one. 

Are you setting unrealistic goals?

We all have that big goal and motivation, it will possibly be the reason you started this journey, but those goals are often the big end result, and sometimes if we focus too much on that we can get disheartened when we don’t get results. While those big dreams are good, it’s worth setting yourself small, realistic goals to help you on track. This can be a big motivator to help you stick to the path. 

Do you really want this change?

If you find yourself struggling the question you need to be asking yourself is if this is something you really want to do. Is it for you or to make someone else happy. Subconsciously you may be happy with the way things are, and someone else is encouraging you to make the changes. It might be time to address those issues. 

Do you want to know how to stop being held back?

Finally, figuring out what the root cause is can only be a positive thing. It will help you move forward and tackle the issues before it stops you achieving your full potential. Keep positive and stay on course and you will start to look and feel exactly as you want to. 

Let’s hope highlighting these things helps you get back on track. 

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Sunday, 7 June 2020

Tips For Turning Blogging Into A Business

Blogging is something that has certainly become more popular over the years thanks to social media and the ability it can have to turn the everyday person into an influencer. However, if you don’t necessarily want to be an influencer, you can still make money through blogging. Here are some tips for turning blogging into a business.

Be Consistent
Firstly, consistency is everything. If you’re not being consistent then you’re not going to get a dedicated following who comes onto your platform to check out what fresh content you have on there. When starting a blog, you might have an idea of what you want to write about, and when it comes to making it into a business, it needs to be something you can ideally profit from through PR and marketing companies who’ll want their clients to feature on your site. Once you have your niche, you then need to be consistent with the content you’re churning out and to make sure that what you are creating is in line with the rest of your blog and it’s content. Establishing your audience is key and if you’re not posting regularly or at the same time every day or week, you won’t get the same activity of audience that you’re looking for.

Try to set out the number of times you’ll post per week and stick to it so that it becomes a part of the routine.

Work On Your Content
It’s important to remember that your content is probably the most influential aspect of your blog and so it needs to be good. Even when a post has been published, you can still edit and work on it as you progress. Whether that’s due to the content being popular and it needs updating or your writing, in general, has gotten better, and you want to help make sure all your content is at the same level as the most recent. With your web virtual address and good content, you might be able to work with brands who want to gift you items to review. That can be great as a blogger and can help elevate your business into something much bigger.

Invest In The Right Areas
Investment is definitely important when it comes to blogging because earning money through blogging might take a little time. Firstly, you want to be creating consistent blog work, and then once you’ve generated a following, you then might have success with various companies and individuals who want to advertise and host content on your site. However, you probably want a good web design, which is likely going to cost you. Investing in these areas of your blogging is definitely going to help pay you back in the future. It might take a little while until you start earning, but once you do, try not to take too much of your profit straight away. See where it might be worth to reinvest it in order to grow your blogging business further. 

Go After The Work
With blog opportunities, a lot of the work you receive, to begin with, is going to come from your own efforts. If you’re expecting work to simply land in your lap, then you’re going to be disappointed. As a blogger, it’s important to get your blog seen by as many people as possible, and that involves a hefty amount of cold pitching and asking agencies like PR companies and marketing to add you to their database. Not all of their clients might want to do influencer or blogger outreach, but it’s worth trying to get your blog seen by as many people as possible. That way, you have every chance of getting regular work coming in so that it becomes a regular income.

Know It’s Not An Overnight Achievement
It’s important to remember that blogging as a business is not something you can achieve overnight. It’s likely going to take a while, and you want to go into it, making sure you’re happy for it to be a hobby to start with. Otherwise, you might find yourself disappointing and giving up before you’ve reached the first hurdle. Blogging can take a lot of effort and time on your part, but eventually, you could achieve some fantastic opportunities and even a chance to take it full-time.

Turning blogging into a business isn’t easy, but it’s something that you can definitely thrive in. As long as you are passionate, talented in writing, and eager to learn, you’ll achieve great things.

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Thursday, 4 June 2020

Don’t Let Lockdown Leave You Feeling Blue: These Tips Could Help

Anxiety and depression can be crippling, and it can be something you struggle with in silence. It can be one of those things where you look completely as cool as a cucumber on the outside, but on the inside, you are a quivering wreck and feeling like the world is against you. Focusing on anything negative about yourself, your situation and the future. Sound familiar? There are plenty of ways you can handle anxiety and depression. With that in mind, here are a few things that could help you avoid allowing lockdown to leave you feeling blue. 

Trust yourself to make you feel better

One of the sure-fire ways to beat a period like this, that you could be facing right now is to change things. That means creating a distraction and what better way to do that than to trust yourself to beat it. A few examples would be to put on your favorite song and start singing it and dancing around. This brings the situation back to a reality and enables you to feel better once you are done. Another great way to change the focus would be to do something completely different like the household chores, jog on the spot or do star jumps, jump in the shower or even divert your attention to a loved one. As hard as it can be, sometimes you have to trust yourself to make you feel better. An unusual tactic, but has a real positive effect. 

Consider alternative therapies

Many people would consider Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to combat any anxiety or depression issues. Some people may also consider taking medications like antidepressants, but they can take a while to get into your system and help you with the issues you are facing. While, of course, all the normal resolutions can work well, there are some alternative therapies that you could consider. In smaller doses, this can help rectify some of the symptoms felt far quicker than some of the standard therapies out there. You could also look at things like cbd food supplements that can help you deal with things in a different way. Other therapies to think about would be herbal remedies, and also alternative medicine like acupuncture. 

Hear the voice in your head and then prove it wrong

Again taking actions into your own hands can have a hugely positive effect on the outcome. Many people who struggle with anxiety or depression will agree that your mind and thoughts are telling you what a situation is going to be like. Your brain will be focusing on the worst case scenario, and your thoughts will be negative and have a damaging effect on you feel. One unusual tactic would be to let this play out in your mind and have the focus on proving yourself wrong. That the situation wasn’t as bad as you perceived. However, this sort of tactic takes courage, and you need to feel strong enough mentally. But once you get over that initial hurdle you may find that your anxiety is much easier to control. 

Let’s hope this helps you to combat any anxiety or depression issues you might be facing. 

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