Tuesday 15 December 2020

How to Look After Your Wellbeing This Winter

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After the summer solstice, the days begin to get shorter right up until mid winter. But for around six months of the year in the northern hemisphere, there is less sunlight to go around. Since our human bodies need the sun for vital vitamins and to keep our systems healthy we start to wobble a bit and lose control of our healthy lifestyles.

It's more important in the winter to look after our well being because it's harder to do. There are fewer opportunities to exercise outside or go to our regular classes, there are also more things to watch out for like viruses and unhealthy eating habits. It is winter now, and now is the best time to start looking after your wellbeing – here's how. 

Practice Healthy Habits

The winter is a time when germs and bacteria are floating around more than usual which is why we generally get snuffles and sometimes fall ill with the flu. These days most people are wearing masks and using hand sanitisers this definitely helps keep the germs at bay. 

Whenever the winter comes around you want to practice healthy habits like these to protect yourself and your family from getting sick. Always wash your hands and use hand sanitiser, even after the pandemic. If you don't feel well, stay home and look after yourself, stay warm and take lots of medicine. 

Enjoy the Chilly Outdoors

In the winter the seasons change and there is less daylight, in some places, the days are very short indeed and if you don't wake up early you might not see the sun at all. The sun has vital nutrients that help you stay healthy and improve your mood, that's why it"s important to get as much sunshine as possible. 

Even in the darkest days of winter, there will be a few moments of sunshine to take advantage of. Make sure you for walks and spend time outdoors so you can absorb that warm vitamin D. Being outside and active also releases serotonin in your body that makes you feel good. 

Have Fun With Winter Activities

Winter is a time when we tend to stay indoors and crave unhealthy foods. We do less exercise and eat more because our brains and bodies think they need to eat to feel happier. The thing to do is release serotonin by some other means, instead of food, then you won't crave the unhealthy stuff that puts weight on.

Make the most of the winter weather and go sledding with your family. Sledding for half an hour will burn up 200 calories. If it isn't snowing, why not check out the closest ice rink and go skating, it too is excellent for buying off calories. 

Get Your Eyes Checked Out 

The winter is also a time to reflect on what's important in your life and organise things for the future. When spring and summer come around you might be too busy enjoying the weather, your friends, or going on holiday, and forget about some things you could have attended to earlier in the year.

Have a general health check-up and get your eyes examined by a Retina & Eye Consultants. They will check the health of your eyes all around and tell you if you need any treatment or glasses. Now might also be a good time to update an existing set of glasses and stay on-trend. 

Take Your Workouts Online

In winter there are many obstacles facing you, especially when it comes to fitness. You can run outside so easily because of ice on the roads and getting to the gym or your fave classes are more difficult. If you would prefer to stay but still exercise there are plenty of online workouts you can choose from. 

Find your favourite workout regime online and join a weekly class. During the winter months, a weekly class is just the thing you need to stay fit and keep your spirits up. You will notice a difference if you miss a week and feel glad of the commitment. 

Lighten Up Holiday Meals

The weather certainly does something to our appetites and metabolism, it seems to slow us down and make us crave heavy unhealthy food. Apparently, this is because heavy unhealthy food releases serotonin, and our bodies crave that because of the lack of sunlight.  

Knowing this means you can find a way around it. Instead of succumbing to the unhealthy winter food, lighten up your holiday meals and get your serotonin from exercise instead. You will feel happier and fitter through the winter and next year you won't have to take up a special diet.

*This is a collaborative post*


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