Monday, 23 January 2017

Our weekly meal plan - 23rd January 2017

With hubby starting work again this week in a job that see's him away from the house early in the morning until late in the evening, I need to be more organised so I've now starting meal planning. I wish I had done this a lot sooner as it really makes things easier.

We are both back on a healthy eating mission after consuming way too much naughty food over the Christmas/new year period plus a few weeks after whilst my family were visiting from Australia. We're actually having different meals to the kids which is silly as it makes more work for me but i'm batch cooking lots of their meals and using the slow cooker. Their meal plan will be in a separate post.

I was browsing all of my cookbooks for healthy meal inspiration and I found it a bit too much so I decided to just use one cookbook per week and some recipes of my own. This week I've decided to use Kayla Itsines - 28 day healthy eating and lifestyle book. I've followed her on Facebook for a long time. I've completely fallen in love with this book. It's packed full of recipes with food we love to eat.

It's Chinese New Year this weekend so we're also planning to have something to mark the occasion but something that's as healthy as possible. You can't beat a fakeaway.

Our meal plan for the week beginning 23rd January 2017:

Monday - Chicken Gyros with Tzatziki (using a wholemeal wrap)

Tuesday - Fish Tacos (using a wholemeal wrap)

Wednesday - Chicken, Sweet Potato, Caramelised Onion and Rocket Pizza (using a wholemeal pitta bread as the base)

Thursday - Jerk Chicken with Rice and Beans, Mango Salsa and Lime Yoghurt

Friday - Halloumi Burgers (my own recipe)

Saturday - Sweet and Sour Chicken with Rice (homemade healthy fakeaway)

Sunday - Roast Dinner (at a family dinner)

There you have it. I'll update you at the end of the week with what we had for breakfast and lunch too. 

What are your favourite healthy meals?


  1. Oo I didn't know Kayla had a book!! I love fish tacos and halloumi burgers. Yum some more meal inspo for me here! X

    1. Me either. Found it in Tesco yesterday. It's really good x

  2. That pizza actually sounds like a great idea - I think I may give it a try!

  3. Yay I love the fact we can bust out the Chinese food in celebration of CNY some lovely ideas here.

  4. The jerk chicken does sound very good. Thanks for sharing x

  5. mmmm all those meals sound delicious! If I knew where you'd live I'd be hanging around every day! lol

  6. This is great, we are lazy and don't plan our meals, most of the time i just chop some veg and stick it in the oven. lol, i should really get more creative.!

  7. Oh the halloumi burgers sound amazing, I do love halloumi! I find meal planning as far as I can super useful as I waste less food as when I go shopping I know exactly what I'll need x

  8. Oh your burgers sound yummy, have you got a recipe?

  9. Some lovely sounding meals here I've started trying to stick at meal planning as of this week so been looking for some new meal ideas to try. I'll have to have a look out for that book.

  10. That's a really varied menu. It sounds yummy!

  11. That all sounds amazing! I always meal plan, saves me a fortune x

  12. Sounds amazing, do you have room for one more? Got to love a fakeaway! Meal planning is pretty handy too.

  13. I'll need to have a look at the Kayla Itsines book! I never knew she even had one out! It's my plan to get into meal planning this year, anything to stop us wasting money on food!

  14. Halloumi burgers sound lovely! I need to start meal planning, I'm sure it would make life so much easier but I'm so disorganised! We seem to eat the same things over and over and it gets so boring! Will check out this book too!

  15. Oh, they all sound delicious! I've done my own meal plan for this week and it helps so much to keep on a healthier eating regime!

  16. I love to meal plan too in order to save money and waste. this looks like a very varied menu

  17. Meal plans are the way to go! I really need to do this. At the moment I get to 5pm and panic! My heart just sinks as I enter the kitchen. Trying out some new recipes will give me some enthusiasm again.

  18. I think meal planning would save us a lot of problems as well, like what to cook when we both get home! We eat a lot of chicken so it's usually a curry, or perhaps chicken fajitas with wraps :P

  19. These sound lovely and far better than what I'm eating this week. My favourite at the moment is home made kebabs with chilli and ginger chicken, in toasted thins. Lots of tomatoes and tatziki and some coleslaw. Not too unhealthy.

  20. These all sound amazing! I had cottage pie using lean mince and sweet potato on top last night with green beans. Lovely comfort food on a cold night

  21. Yay veggie burgers I love hallumoui its one of my faves. Great meal plan x

  22. I would love to eat that menu if I had the time to cook! The only one that I take is the Roast Dinner, because they prepare in several pubs around here haha x

  23. Whoo it sounds like a tasty week. I would love to be more organised and have a meal plan :)

  24. Kayla is very popular. I'd love to get my hands on that book to sssist my meal plans.

  25. It sounds so good, so amazing. Veggie burgers are my favorite and menu is too good everything different. I am also thinking to make such plan. Thanks for sharing.

  26. Looks like youve done your research to come up with delicious healthy meals. All of it looks good because of the tasty recipies you have followed. Cant see any problem sticking to the plan

  27. I really love the idea of following a proper, healthy meal plan. I always have all sorts of ideas to eat more healthily, but they fall away too easily. If I had a plan to follow, it might all be different! Will take your tip!

  28. I have fallen off the weekly meal plan wagon and need to get back onto it this weekend ready for next week.

  29. This is a fantastic meal plan for the whole family and also very well balanced

    Laura x

  30. We've got fakeaway on the menu too!

  31. Fab meal plan. Bookmarking this for future use.

  32. Wednesdays dish sounds amazing! Love caramelised onions!!

  33. I love hearing other people's meal plans, so nosey! Sounds like you had a very tasty week. Wednesday and Thursday sounded awesome :) x


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