Sunday, 26 July 2015

Bump watch - Week 24

Week - It's week 24 now. I'm sorry but I missed out week 22.

Baby developments - Bump is now the size of a cantaloupe melon. Baby can now frown, wince and grimace. I have a pretty good frown so she'll probably inherit that from me. Footprints and handprints are forming and tastebuds have been developed.

My bump - Bump grew massively between weeks 20 and week 24. At week 20 baby had a huge growth spurt where they double in size so I can blame the increase in bump size on that. It really is a nice shape though and I'm carrying very neatly. Although I am putting weight on my face, legs and bum. No new stretch marks yet so I'm very pleased about that.

My symptoms - Absolute utter exhaustion. I felt very guilty on one of my days off work this week as I literally couldn't keep my eyes open and poor Eva missed out on quality time with me. I thought during the 2nd trimester you were supposed to feel fantastic but I guess 2nd time around its different as I have a toddler to look after too. My job doesn't help seeing as I'm on my feet all day in quite a manual job.

Movements - Baby is very much awake at night but I am noticing a lot more activity in the day too. She still seems to be lying very low all the time.

Cravings - This week I found myself wanting shreddies and I had to have them. It wasn't an urgent craving but I was desperate for some. As you can guess most of my breakfasts have been a huge bowl of shreddies. I've also been really into avocado on a nice piece of thick wholemeal bread. These are probably the only cravings I've experienced this pregnancy. 

Aversions - As with every other week so far I've had no aversions to any food at all. Alfie our dog had an operation on Monday and I had to pick him up from the vets. Whilst he was in the car he was sick and of course the smell made me sick too. It was unpleasant and messy to say the least!!

Exercise - Still no exercise but as soon as I get any time or energy I am determined to do some. The rate I'm going though I'll be 38 weeks before I start which wouldn't be a clever idea.

Baby items purchased - I bought a santa all in one outfit for bump in the Next sale which was a bargain at £3.50.

Best moment this week - I was singing to Eva the same songs I sing to her everytime I put her to bed and bump was kicking. It was a lovely feeling knowing that she could hear me and enjoyed the sound of my voice (or maybe she didn't enjoy my singing and it was her way of telling me to shut up).

Worst moment this week - Definetley my day off with Eva as I ended up feeling like the worst mum in the world. The sick incident with Alfie was a very close second though.

What i'm looking forward to - I have my first midwife appointment next week (unless they cancel). The midwifes in my area offer a pretty useless service to be honest. I'm looking forward to getting my MATB1 certificate as I'm desperate to go to the dentist but I've been holding it off for so long cause I know I won't have to pay for it as soon as I get that certificate. 

How Eva is feeling - Eva is still quite indifferent about the whole thing. When she sees my belly though she does say that's my baby sister but then also proceeds to tell me she has a sister in her belly too.


  1. You are still looking so fabulous! I'm loving this update. Reading about the moment when you were singing to Eva and your baby was kicking just warmed my heart! Don't be too hard on yourself about Eva. Your 24 weeks pregnant, of course you'll have some days where you're extremely tired. Eva would have forgotten about it by the next day. K x

  2. Eva still loves you! You look great xx

  3. I remember my friend having cravings for shreddies too...but she had a baby boy! You look great.xx

  4. You look great! I think even if you weren't pregnant you'd be tired due to having a toddler and a job like yours, so don't be too hard on yourself. Have you thought about the big purchases like cots/Moses baskets/pushchairs etc yet or do you still have Eva's ones?xx

    1. Got most of evas stuff so not looking to buy a great deal. Although I need a new change bag (thinking of a pacapod) and I like the look of the snuz pod type moses baskets that are attached to your bed x

  5. Love the bit about you singing! This is great, getting more and more excited about meeting her! Xx


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