Monday, 6 July 2015

Bump Watch - Week 20

As always i'm a little behind on this and i'm actually 21 weeks!

Week - 21

Baby Developments - At 20 weeks bump was the size of a banana and at 21 weeks it's the size of a carrot. Bump is now producing meconium and is practising lots of swallowing and enjoying partaking in somersaulting. 

My bump - There's no denying it, all of a sudden my bump has blossomed. It's rather large to say the least but I am just embracing it.

My symptoms - This week I'm actually starting to feel like a human again. A lot of the time I forget I am pregnant until I attempt to bend down to get something. The tiredness is still a killer though and I guess that will remain the reminder that I do need to try and rest at times.

Movements - I am finally feeling kicks. I worked out the reason why I thought I hadn't been feeling them before. Bump is a night owl. Most of my movements I feel when I settle down into bed. In the day I'm on my feet all day rushing around and probably sending baby off to sleep.

Cravings - I wouldn't say this is a pregnancy craving as such but all week I've had to have toast with butter and strawberry jam for breakfast. I think I'm craving this more for lack of energy. 

Aversions - No aversions this week. I seem to be fine eating and drinking everything. 

Exercise - The closest I got to exercising this week has been walking the dog. I am trying but after a days work I am shattered. I need to get the weights out though as my arms seem to be putting weight on!

Baby items purchased - I bought some baby grows this week in Next in pretty pink colours.

Best moment this week - The 20 week scan! Bump is looking normal which is great. I always find it odd that you don't get another scan between 20 weeks and 40 weeks. It seems a long time to be waiting especially if you're a first time mum.

Worst moment this week - Realising I literally no longer fit into anything. On the plus side I guess a shopping trip is in order.

What i'm looking forward to - Now we know the gender of the baby I'm looking forward to picking the nursery theme etc. 

How Eva is feeling - Eva hasn't mentioned bump much at all this week. We have to make more of an effort as her parents to ensure she's understanding what is coming.


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