Monday, 26 September 2016

Yoga with Soul Review

If you follow me on social media you will know that I recently started a health and fitness kick. I used to love exercise and staying healthy but ever since I had Ophelia I seem to have had cabin fever about getting back into it.

In the past I have found that undertaking a variety of different exercise keeps me passionate, driven and focused. I found that if I did the same things I got very bored. I also found that going to classes worked better for me as I was pushed for the whole class and stayed motivated.

I was delighted to be asked if I would like to review a class at the new Yoga studio ‘Yoga with Soul’ in Caerphilly. The studio was set up by Diana Brook

I’ve only ever tried a yoga class once before which was a very long time ago. I decided to give the hot yoga class a go which is known as ‘Fire and Flow’. It was on a Wednesday evening at 7pm and was taken by the wonderful Adell Bridges.

The studio is located on Western Industrial Estate which is literally a 5 minute walk from my house. There is plenty of parking spaces available if you are driving.

The studio is a good size. Upon entering the room, I felt immediately calm and relaxed. As it’s a hot yoga class, the room is heated to a high temperature using portable heaters. Mats were provided which was very handy as I don’t actually own a yoga mat.

At the start of the class we were asked to think about what our goals were for the class. I just wanted to feel more relaxed.

The class was taken at a low pace and every move was demonstrated and explained very well. One thing that really made an impact on my experience was that Adell was constantly making sure you were performing the stretches/poses correctly to ensure safety for yourself as well as making sure you could push yourself to the best of your ability.

The words spoken during the class were positive and taught you how to free your mind and relax yourself from busy/unwanted thoughts. It taught me how to adjust my posture and facial expresions to be happier in life.

I was very shocked at how stiff and inflexible I was but this didn’t tarnish my experience at all. Quite the opposite in fact.

The heat didn’t bother me. I embraced it. I actually love to be hot. I’m one of these people that will always have a very hot bath so the heat was welcome. I don’t think it’s too hot for you to feel too uncomfortable during the class.

Through Adell’s words, the heat and the stretches, I can honestly say I achieved my goal at the end of the hour. I was extremely relaxed. When we were lying on the mat at the end of the class, I honestly felt like I had no troubles in the world. I felt light and weightless. I could have fallen asleep. It was clear that the hot yoga class had been a form of escape from my busy, sometimes stressful lifestyle.

When I got home from the class I eagerly told my husband that I wanted to sign up for a block booking of classes as I was keen to keep this happy/relaxed feeling in my life. You may be aware that I am suffering from postnatal depression. You can read about it here, PND posts. I have suffered with it for a long time now and I’m only just starting to get the help and support I need. I’m told exercise is a great way of combatting depression as it releases good endorphins and encourages you to stay active. It has so many benefits. I honestly believe continuing with Yoga will have such a positive impact on my life as it is wonderful for the body, mind and soul. It’s just what I need for complete wellbeing.

Overall, I was very impressed with the studio. I am definitely going to be doing more classes (even though my flexibility is currently not great) and I’ll be blogging about how it impacts my fitness and postnatal depression so keep your eyes peeled for those posts.

To find out more about the classes and packages on offer at Yoga with Soul click here,

Have you tried Yoga before? If so what is your favourite style? What exercise do you like doing, if any?



  1. Yoga is very important for Soul, Mind and Body. Personally I do Yoga thrice in week and i feel that this is the only to stay positive and live life peacefully.

  2. I have never tried yoga. But a friend recently said I should try it to help with my anxiety. It's good to have something regular like this in your life X

  3. I keep meaning to give Yoga another try, I wasn't too impressed the first time around, but so many enjoy it x

  4. As part of my love for self care, I feel like I need to try this. It's meant to be great for reducing anxiety, so I must definitely give it a whirl. Love the post x

  5. I've been wanting to do Yoga and have been searching for a class in our area. They used to hold one in the village hall, but it wasn't so popular so they teacher stopped doing it. How lucky that you have one nearby!

  6. I'd love to try yoga, but worry I'm not flexible, balanced or strong enough! Sounds like you had a good time x

  7. I absolutely love yoga! I have problems with my back and if I stop going to yoga for a while the pain comes back.

  8. Soiunds like a great class - i am sure your flexibility will improve too

  9. It sounds like you had a really good time at the class, it sounds like a really nice atmosphere and if you're wanting to sign up for a block of classes you must have enjoyed it!

    Jordanne ||

  10. Sounds lovely - yoga is so good for relaxing - I think I may need a class! Studio looks lovely.

  11. I go to a standard yoga class and I love it - great for relaxing. Glad that you enjoyed it hun. I am still terrible when it comes to flexibility I have to admit xxx

  12. Always wanted to try yoga. Sounds relaxing. Great post.

  13. This class looks really good. I did dru yoga when I was pregnant but haven't done any since having Lucas x

  14. I have never done Yoga but like you I much prefer attending classes because of the motivation factor. As you know, I've been suffering with PND too and didn't realise Yoga could help so much. I'm going to have a look at what is available in my area. Good luck with your sessions :) xx

  15. It looks amazing, I used to do a yoga DVD and really loved it, maybe you have just given me the encouragement I needed to start it again x

  16. I wish I could do yoga - there isn't a class near me. xx

  17. What a wonderful way to regenerate your mind and body and all in a comfortable environment. Great blog and very useful

  18. The Tuesday evening class with Jo B is excellent for relaxation as its heavy on the meditation aspect of yoga.

  19. I want to do exercise and Yoga. But I don't have much time. I am too busy with working. However, this post motivates me. Thanks a lot.


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