Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Bump Watch - Week 37

Week - 37

Baby developments - Baby is now pretty much fully developed as she is now considered full term. Baby is now in the engaged position, so is ready to go. 

My bump - I'm pretty pleased with how my bump is looking. I have hardly any stretch marks at all and I seem to be carrying weight all in my front. It's completely different to how I looked at this point with Eva.

My symptoms -  Where do I start!!? I've had two bleeds but thankfully both myself and baby are fine. I am having the most hideous braxton hicks contractions, all the time and I have such an intense pressure lower down constantly. I don't remember suffering this much with Eva. When I move positions I now hear all my bones clicking and i'm super, duper, tired!

Movements - These are very intense now and can sometimes be quite painful. I guess this is because there's not a lot of room left in there now.

Cravings - I'm still loving ice cubes!

Aversions - I haven't had any aversions to anything.

Exercise - Other than walking the dog and chasing after Eva, I can't say i've done much else. I just haven't had the energy.

Baby items purchased - No baby items bought this week. I have to say we are very unprepared and disorganised this time around.

Best moment this week - Getting another scan was the best moment this week. I had to have one because of the bleed but Arwyn and Eva came with me and it was lovely to see the baby this late on.

Worst moment this week - Having to go to hospital and stay there for pretty much 2 days. They let me home in the evenings. I'm hoping the next time I go in, it will be to actually have the baby.

What i'm looking forward to - Feeling organised and prepared, which we aren't at the moment. We can't decide on a name, the nursery still hasn't been started and I haven't washed any of babies clothes!

How Eva is feeling - Eva talks about her sister a lot but I honestly still don't think she has any idea of what is actually coming. Her world is going to be turned upside down. She has a new baby doll recently which she seemed to think was her sister. 



  1. Gorgeous bump - getting close now. How exciting :-) I used to love ice cubes when I was pregnant too.

  2. Oh wow your looking great and carrying really well - cannot believe you are "full term"now. I also found it more tiring the second time around

    Laura x

  3. I'm so excited for you, hope everything goes smoothly! It's sweet that Eva is looking forward to meeting her sister.

  4. So sorry to hear you have had some bleeds and hospital visits but glad everything is ok. You look so great for 37 weeks pregnant. Not long to go now!! X

  5. aww honey so sorry you have had some bleeds i had some in my last pregnancy and they are super scary aren't they (glad to hear all is ok) xx


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