Friday, 25 October 2019

3 Sure Fire Ways To Make Your Kids Doctor's Appointment Stress Free

If you feel like you are down at the doctor’s surgery every other week with your little darlings, you are not alone. When your cherubs start nursery or school, they are inundated with a whole host of new nasty bugs and viruses. Ear infections, tummy bugs and colds are common amongst the under fives. It can make you feel a little self conscious when you are forever making appointments with your doctor. You might worry that you are being overprotective, too needy and anxious. However, you know your child best. If you need a doctor, go to the surgery. Take a look at these simple ways you can make your visit to the surgery as stress free as possible.

Keep To Your Normal Day

While your little one may be feeling a little under the weather, it’s a good idea to keep the structure of the day as normal as possible. Give your child their favorite toy and allow them to take it to the surgery. Keep them comfortable and wrapped up warm, and if they are feeling sleepy, allow them to snuggle up to you. Often, kids will feed off of their parents anxieties, so try and keep as much normality to your day as possible. Often the best appointments to try and secure are those in the morning. Once your little darling has had breakfast, you can pop to the doctor’s and return home to carry on with your day. You can also start any medication well before bedtime, and start helping your little one to feel better.

Let Your Child Talk To The Doctor

Often, when we head to the doctor’s surgery, we see the medical staff as formal stuffy types. If you are at a surgery where the doctors are more relaxed, encourage your child to speak to them. Many doctors are great with kids. They’ll allow them to have a go with a stethoscope, and squeeze the blood pressure pump. If your child needs a vaccination, they may be worried and a good doctor can calm them down. Ensure that you allow your child to ask questions and allow them to apply their own numbing cream before their jab and let them take their time. Doctors don’t want nervous children to grow up into nervous adults, so they will be keen to put your offspring’s mind at rest.

Leave Plenty Of Time

If you are worried about your child, or your child is particularly nervous, allow plenty of time to get to your appointment. Ensure that you keep praising your little one and let them know how proud you are of them. A little bit of positive praise goes a long way. Ensure that you utilize little bribing techniques. If they head to the surgery with you, you’ll cook them their favorite dinner or you’ll pick up a magazine for them on the way home. Often, when your little darling is poorly, all they want is to be at home wrapped up in a duvet. Help them see that the doctor will make them feel better and that there is nothing to worry about.

*This is a collaborative post*

Being a responsible and loving parent means taking care of your little ones when they are under the weather. Follow this guide and you can make your kids doctor’s appointments stress free.


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