Friday, 3 February 2017

To the Mum with PND - You are not alone

To the mum sat on the toilet floor
With the door closed and the light off,
The darkness and quiet is making you feel safe and calm,
You are not alone.

To the mum with that huge smile on your face,
I see those glazed eyes,
I see the mask you are wearing,
You are not alone.

To the mum still in her pyjamas at 2pm,
Too lethargic to get dressed,
Who just can't be bothered to get dressed,
You are not alone.

To the mum who wants to be the perfect mum,
The crafts are out, the paint is everywhere,
You're baking, You're aching, But still you do all of these things,
You are not alone.

To the mum sat alone in soft play,
Not engaging with the world or her children,
Staring at the cold latte on the table,
You are not alone.

To the mum who's out with her friends,
You're laughing, you're smiling, you've escaped
But inside you're crying,
You are not alone.

To the mum sat on the sofa in your living room,
Peppa Pig is on repeat,
You're staring at the same 4 walls, looking for a way out,
You are not alone.

To the mum lying in bed awake at night,
Wondering did you do everything on that list,
Questioning yourself over and over and you cannot switch off,
You are not alone.

To the mum arguing with your partner,
You don't know why, You just want to shout,
You're agitated, you're angry, You're irritable,
You are not alone.

To the mum who tells the health visitor everything is fine,
You feel guilty, you feel ashamed, you're embarrassed,
You try and act like everything is perfect,
You are not alone.

To the mum who reads this,
If you can relate to any of this,
If you can understand me, I can understand you,
You are not alone.

To the mum with PND,
It's ok to admit you need help,
It's ok to talk, there is support,
You are not alone.



  1. Kerry this is beautiful. I am sure there are lots of mums out there feeling just like this but unable to speak out xx Xx

  2. Oh Kerry, I hope this reaches people who need it x

  3. Oh my god this is beautiful and really resonates with me! I cried reading this as I always felt I was alone, with the way I felt, with the way I was and as horrible as it sounds, to know that your not the only one that felt this way or did the things I did. Xxx

  4. Lovely post and so important to talk about!

    Thanks for sharing

  5. Wonderful post. As someone with PND, I can totally relate.

  6. Wonderful, moving poem - it really made me reflect on how you never know whats going on inside people's heads. Beautiful illustration as well x

  7. This is a great poem. I enjoyed reading it too. Thanks for sharing x

  8. A lovely poem, and it's hard to convince a friend with PND that they are not alone. It's great that you are emphasising this.

  9. Beautiful and so honest. It's so important that mums living with PND are not alone x

  10. Beautiful poem and reminder that there is help out there. Seeking help from a professional is definitely something that should be considered x

  11. What a lovely poem. I'm sure other mums who are experiencing PND will appreciate you reaching out to them x

  12. Love this post, it's so different from everyone's blog posts and it's so so touching! x

  13. Such a lovely post and poem. So touching Kerry..

  14. This is beautiful. Very touching, thank you for sharing.

  15. The poem made my heart melt. I know you are not alone dear, I hope there will be more awareness regarding PND.

  16. Oh Kerry. A wonderful poem and I am sure it will help so many mama's suffering with PND x

  17. Such a good post, I love the message and I enjoy reading this

  18. This is a really lovely poem and post, and many mums will feel less alone for reading this.

  19. That's a lovely poem and I'm sure it will resonate with many people.

  20. I love your honesty Kerry. This is beautifully written and will touch so many people going through the same xx

  21. I think many mums can relate to this. I hope it encourages someone to seek help

  22. This is a lovely poem Kerry. I can so relate.

  23. I meant to comment on this when I first read it, sorry for the delay. Such a beautiful and inspiring post Kerry. I'm so sorry you have had such a tough time, but I really admire you for being so open and honest. Not always easy to write about such personal stuff but I'm sure this will help lots of people, not just PND but depression and other mental health illnesses too. xxx

  24. A lovely poem and really honest, I'm sure it will offer comfort to others xx

  25. Beautiful poem, honest and helpful for those mums who are feeling like that too xx

  26. This is really special. Well done.

  27. Well written, it's nice to know that those who feel the same way can stand together.

  28. Beautiful poem, and I hope it reaches those that need to read it

  29. Becoming a parent really is a shock to the system, I didn't suffer with PND but I can still really relate to some of these. Will really help those who are to know they are not alone xx

  30. Beautifully written Kerry, I know so many who have suffered with PND x

  31. What a beautiful post. I hope lots of mums will see this. x

  32. Beautifully written lovely, such an honest post xxx


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