Thursday, 2 February 2017

Me and Mine Project - January 2017

I can't believe how quickly Christmas and New Year seemed to go. It literally whizzed by. All of my immediate family that live in Australia came back to the UK for a 3 week holiday and landed on the 23rd December so we had a busy but fab 3 weeks.

We were so busy that I forgot to write a Me and Mine post for December, although looking back, I don't think we had any family pictures that month. I really wanted to get one on Christmas day but with all the excitement (and red wine) we simply forgot. My last update was from November which you can read here, Me and Mine November which shows all of our family pictures from our trip to Disneyland Paris. 

Whilst my family were over we decided to try and get a family photo shoot. The last time we had any kind of family pictures was at our wedding which was 5 years ago this year and our family has changed and grown since then with the addition of Eva, Ophelia and our dog Alfie. We had an amazing photo shoot with a local photographer last year so we decided to use her again. She captured our stunning summer shots which you can see here, A walk in the park.

There's a mountain/forest area near to our house called 'The Wenallt' where we have always walked our dogs. We decided to have a family walk around there and let Donna snap away. 

This is my favourite one that she captured of the 4 of us. The colours are stunning. We'll definitely be printing it off.

Even the mud didn't stop us from having fun!

I really like this one. Even though we aren't looking at the picture, It's still lovely and so natural. 

This picture is something very special. This shows 4 generations of our family which is amazing. There's my nan and grandad (Eva and Ophelia's great grandparents), My step nan and grandad (again the girls' great grandparents), my mum and stepdad, my 2 sisters and hubby, myself, Eva (with her bunny from when she was a baby which she adores), Ophelia and even Alfie the dog. What's even more amazing is that everybody is looking at the camera. 

We had such a lovely time together as a family whilst they were over. We enjoyed lots of meals out and afternoon tea's. The girls were gutted when their family left.

Together this month we've loved:
Afternoon Tea
Watching Ophelia taking her first steps
Family walks
Family time
Roast dinners

We haven't got any plans for February but hopefully we can manage to do something during half term.

The Me and Mine Project


  1. I love those photographs! Particularly the one of all your family! That's great that you got to spend time with them all. I bet that was pretty hectic though!

    The colours on the others are great too!

    We recently had family portraits done too for my mother in laws birthday but they was before I started doing Me and Mine.

    I look forward to your future months!

  2. The colours are lovely in your photos, great Me and Mine photos

  3. It's so nice that you got to spend some time with your family that you don't see much and the group photo is lovely! x

  4. really stunning pictures - the colours are beautiful. Your girls look so much like you! x

  5. Oh this photographs are beautiful Kerry. The light is just gorgeous xx

  6. Oh wow. These photos are simply stunning. Love the scenery.

  7. Such beautiful photos of you all. I can't believe Ophelia has taken her first steps - where did that time go? Kaz x

  8. January went way too fast. Love the pictures

  9. They are all lovely photos with beautiful colours showing how pretty winter is :-)

  10. What lovely photos, really beautiful light in some of them. I bet it was lovely to catch up with family over Christmas with them living so far away.

  11. Aw, what beautiful family photos! Love the one of all of you together and the one of your little family, with, as you say, the stunning colours! I love roasts, too! x

  12. These are such gorgeous photos. The lights great! Sounds like an exciting month.

  13. How lovely to have a family photo of the generations together - I think our only one is from our wedding

  14. What a lovely family walk. The colours of the trees and the sunlight is amazing - she really gorgeous photos and memories!

  15. I love these photos. I think we need more family photos too as they'll be great to look back on

  16. The family photos, especially the ones of the four of you are so lovely x

  17. aww gorgeous photos hun, especially love the one of you and your eldest little girl looking at each other :). We need to update our family photos haven't had any done in forever xx

  18. That's really nice you managed to get a big family photo! It's always nice to remember memories through photos. The photos look lovely!

    Jordanne ||

  19. Thos photographs you've had taken are just gorgeous! Love the multiple generation one as well - you're so lucky to have such a huge family around you! <3 xx

  20. OH these are gorgeous! Those colours are so beautiful xx

  21. Lovely photos. Youre so lucky to love so close to these beautiful places. The activities that you undertook will implant precious memories in the kids heads. Well done

  22. I adore the light in those photographs and how lovely to have such a huge family one! x

  23. My goodness, these photos are STUNNING! I must admit, I'm rubbish at remembering to take family photos. My youngest is nearly 3 months old and we're yet to get a photo of us all together. I may have to hire a photographer some time!

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  24. Sounds like you've had a lovely month. And made even more special by having your family home for Christmas x

  25. What a beautiful family you have! And lovely pictures too :)

  26. These photos are absolutely gorgeous and so nice to have one of all of you that you will treasure for years to come

    Laura x

  27. Such lovely photos, and I really love the one where you're not all looking at the camera, I love moments of interaction like that! x

  28. Gorgeous pictures, it's so lovely to get the opportunity to get all the generations in a photo, these are pictures you will cherish forever x


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