Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Valentine's Blogger Interview - Twinderelmo

It's February, love is in the air. Whether you like it or loathe it i've decided to interview other bloggers to find out all about their relationships and what they love.

First up is my wonderful blogging friend Beth from

1. Are you married, engaged or in a relationship and for how long?

We got married on 30th September 2012 so it'll be our fifth wedding anniversary this year. It has absolutely flown! We went on honeymoon 3rd Octiber and I got a positive pregnancy test on 24th October! We had our twin daughters in June 2013 so it was a full on nine months indeed!!

2. Where did you meet?

Romantically, we met in a bar in town and we were both rather drunk. There is still lots of debates as to who kissed who first (it was him!)

3. Where was your first date?

He cooked me a meal at his house. It was the most relaxed date ever as I sat on his sofa curled in a blanket watching The Saturdays reality TV show! It was definitely a sign of things to come

4. Describe your partner in 3 words

Selfless, thoughtful, caring

5. What are the things you love about them the most?

He works away during the week meaning most Mondays he gets up at 4am and gets back about 6pm on a Friday. He works 14+ hour days yet comes home at the weekend and gets up with the kids, does everything and never moans he's exhausted. He is so kind and caring and really pushes me to be confident and go for things. We work together so well.

6.What has been the most memorable day you’ve had with them?

Our wedding day was pretty epic. We got married in a castle and it was stuff of fairytale dreams. I have never ever felt so happy walking down the aisle knowing we were going to get married.

7.Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day?

We do. I know it's a bit naff now as everyone really seems to be anti-Valentines but we like to celebrate. It's a good excuse to go out for a meal too so it's nice.

8. If Yes, what do you normally do?

We always try to go for a meal and always get a card and gift for each other.

9. What has been the best and worst Valentine’s gift or card you’ve ever received?
Best gift was a bottle of Chanel. Worst idea! My husband is painfully good at buying presents and really puts me to shame.

10. What’s your ideal date night?
A meal at our favourite place in town then a full night sleep is probably all I can ask for!!

11. What’s your favourite romantic film?
Oh I don't really go in for smush fest films. Sorry!

12. What’s your favourite love song?

Wet Wet Wet Love Is All Around – only because it reminds me of long summer days when I was younger. It's so cheesy!

13. What’s your favourite love quote?

From Winnie the Pooh: “How do you spell love? You don't spell love, you feel it” It's such a lovely concept and so true. 

14. What is the most romantic place you’ve ever visited as a couple and where would you like to visit?

Our honeymoon to the Maldives was out of this world. It was pure paradise and my husband would asbolutely do anything to go back. I would lvoe to go to New York at Christmas together as think it'd be really romantic. I wanted to go for my 30th but it's now looking more like my 40th!

Thank you for sharing with us Beth. You can follow her social media here:


  1. this is so pretty and romantic! I love to read real stories about couples that are really happy with each other :)

  2. This is very sweet - I love the castle wedding!

  3. I want to be that romantic! So lovely x

  4. Aww how lovely! Beth your wedding sounds AMAAAZING!! Happy Valentines Day xx

  5. so sweet - lovely idea for a guest series. I'm all for valentines day - it's just a fun day to do nice things x

  6. This is a lovely idea. We treat the children too for valentines :-)

  7. I wish my hubby was that good at presents. Lovely idea for a series Kerry x

  8. Aw how lovely and what a busy first year of marriage you had ;-)

  9. Awww! This is such a sweet series. Those two seem to work well together which is probably handy considering there's twins in the mix. I am so jealous of the Maldives honeymoon.

  10. Aww this is so lovely. We've just celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary & Archie was a honeymoon baby :)


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