Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Ophelia's 1 year update

I'm a little bit late in writing this post as Ophelia turned 1 a couple of weeks ago. I honestly cannot believe where the time has gone. It has flown by but what a year we've had when I look back.

She ventured into the world through an emergency caesarean and we didn't get off to the best start as we ended up having to stay in hospital for a week due to both of us having an infection. Whilst we were there my mother in law passed away. It really wasn't the greatest few weeks.

Shortly after Christmas I made the decision to take both the girls to Australia to spend some time with my mum and sisters. I wasn't getting a lot of support from my husband in those early weeks due to him losing his mum so when Ophelia was 5 weeks old, we headed to Australia and ended up staying there just under 3 months. We had such a fab time. Whilst we were there she started smiling and laughing and also cut her first teeth at 12 weeks old.  She got to meet some Australian native animals. She went swimming for the first time and loved time at the beach. 

At around 6 months she decided to start moving, well what she did was commando crawl. We thought she would start crawling properly shortly after but she didn't start doing that until she was nearly 12 months old. She was quite happy with what she was doing. She has a very laid back attitude which I love. She's very content and is always so happy.

We also went on holiday to Turkey during the summer. It's somewhere I have been to often. She absolutely loved it especially swimming in the pool and trying to copy everything her sister did.

She's been quite well travelled this year. We've been to Tenby a few times and made the most of playing on the beach. We also went to Disneyland Paris where she loved all the sights and sounds.

We've had a great first year which is probably why it feels like it has gone so quickly. Now she's 1 here what she's doing:

Her first word was actually mama!! In your face hubby. I was so pleased. She doesn't say a great deal but she says, mama, dada, kisses, hiya and also tries to say Eva and Alfie. She babbles a lot but nothing very clear at the moment.

Ophelia is now crawling properly. She pulls herself up and will walk along furniture but she doesn't seem to be in any rush to actually walk unassisted which is fine with me. She can climb up the stairs, much to my horror.

She has 2 naps a day. I'm hoping this will continue for a while. She sleeps all through the night except when she's unwell.

Eating and Drinking
She loves her food. She decided to stop breastfeeding at 9 months, you can read about that here, When baby decided to stop breastfeeding. She still has milk everyday to go to bed with at night. She adores yogurts and any food with a bit of flavour to it.

Ophelia has been an absolute dream from the moment she was born. She is a very happy go lucky character. She's very content and just happy doing anything and everything. She's always smiling or laughing. Her laugh is infectious. She loves music and dances whenever she hears it. She always tries to get Eva's attention and approval. They are at an age now where they play together which is lovely. They also sometimes fight but I guess that's what their relationship will be like for the rest of their lives.

Ophelia is very petite. She is now wearing size 6-9 months.

There you have it. That's my beautiful 1 year old. I'm sure i'll be writing her 2 year update before I know it.



  1. Aww she is so cute and to have these memories documented to look back on is too precious! This is one of the reasons i love blogging!

  2. Awww she is so cute! I love the way she holds her arms when she's excited 🤗

  3. She is perfect and happy first birthday beautiful. What an exciting trip to Australia as well!

  4. Oh my goodness, I can't believe she's one! I remember seeing baby photos of her early this year and now she's one. Time does fly ;) x

  5. Wow one year! Where did the time go? What a gorgeous little button x

  6. Aw what a beautiful little girl, I hope she had the best birthday! :) x

  7. How is she 1 already?!? I remember following your pregnancy like it was yesterday. What a fantastic first year you've had together with a trip to Australia. I've loved watching her grow on your blog. She's a gorgeous little girl xx

  8. Aww such a lovely post and pictures :) Hope she had a lovely birthday.

  9. Ophelia is super cute and I just want to cuddle her! I'm also very jealous - she's traveled more than I have in the last year :(

    The first years go so fast and I'm struggling with having a toddler and a child now with no baby (and maybe a little bit broody too!).

    What an amazing year you guys have had, I can only imagine what the next year will bring.

    Emmie xo

  10. Aww happy birthday gorgeous girl!! That first year passes so fast, she is utterly beautiful!

  11. ah, so cute. It seems to go so much quicker second time, I'm on my third and I can't believe he is soon six months old!

  12. This is such great post. I loved reading about Ophelia. She is a cute and adorable baby and I enjoy following her life on IG and reading about her from time to time. She has travelled well in her first year.

  13. That is such a beautiful post, and just shows what a year it's been. Glad you have a lot of happy memories.
    And sorry for your loss too.

  14. Bless her little heart she's just sooo cute!

  15. Wow it's amazing how much happens in a single year, and you guys have done a lot of travelling x

  16. Wow, what an amazing first year! It's lovely that she'll have these updates to look back on when she is older. It sounds like the first few weeks were awful, how sad for the family to lose someone at a time when everyone should be feeling joy. But it looks like once you got past that, you had an amazing first year with her. Gorgeous photos too x

  17. She is such a beauty, it sounds like she has had such an action packed first year in the world. x

  18. Wow she is a cutie. I think she looks a lot like you.

  19. Happy Birthday Ophelia, hope she had a lovely day

  20. Oh my goodness! As if she is a year. Happy Birthday Ophelia xx

  21. oh she is just adorable, that little face! Quite the traveller too - hope she hd a fab birthday x

  22. She's such a little sweetheart. It's such a good idea to capture these updates, as you soon forget what they were like

  23. She's just beautiful and your photos really capture her cheeky face ;-)

  24. She's so cute and she looks just like you!! Love the photos x

  25. It sounds like those first weeks were such a hard time for you. The Australia trip sounds amazing though, I'm glad you all found the chance to smile again. Your little Ophelia is such a happy child, whenever I see her smile on Instagram she melt's my heart. Cherish these days, before you know it she will be starting university like my son :)

  26. She is such a happy go lucky child. I love her attitude to life and her feeble scream x

  27. Aw she is such a cutie. And wow what a year she had of traveling. You are very brave to take a 5 week old to Australia. I couldn't even imagine taking my 4 year old and nearly two year old that far lol

  28. Awwwww! Where did the year go?!!

  29. So cute. She sounds like a wonderful little girl.

  30. This is a beautiful post and had me feeling quite emotional really. Happy birthday Ophelia!


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