Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Baby Annabell Learns To Walk Review

Playing mummy has been one of Eva's favourite things since her little sister was born so as you can imagine we were very excited to be asked if we would like to review Baby Annabell - Learns to Walk' from Zapf Creation. She always tries to change Ophelia's nappies, comfort her when she's crying and help move her from A to B (much to my distress).

Eva already has a baby doll but this one is far more advanced than what she has. This Baby  Annabell can sit up, crawl and even walk when assisted. She also makes noises and falls asleep. Therefore she is a great substitute for Eva's little sister. I much prefer Eva to attend to this baby in the caring (very rough/haphazard like a normal 3 year old) manner than her actual sister.

The doll is recommended for children aged 3 and up and it stands at around 42cm. It's worth mentioning that she doesn't come with any batteries so remember that if you are planning to get her as a Christmas present. 

Eva loved her outfit. I think she looks very cute and certainly looks like a baby. She finds the outfit easy to remove and put back on.

She has a switch on her side to turn her on. Once she's on she will make noises and be able to perform her movements depending on what position you leave her in. Her joints are easy for Eva to move.

When baby Annabell is in a seated position with her arms out in-front of her she begins to have a tantrum. She gets very upset. Eva loves this feature as in her words this is just like her sister. Once baby is picked up or her arms are by her sides she will stop crying.

Image from the Zapf Creation website

To make her crawl you place her arms and legs in a crawling position and lift her head up so she can see where she is going. She will then start crawling. It's actually very realistic and similar to a real babies movements. She gurgles and giggles when she is on the move but if she trips and falls or gets tired she will start to whimper. Just like a real baby.

To get baby Annabell to walk you place her arms above her head and hold her hands. This took a bit of getting used to for Eva but she's now mastered the technique. Baby Annabell loves to toddle. It's also Eva's favourite feature of the doll. 

I can't comment on how long the batteries last for as we've only had the doll a couple of weeks. We haven't had to change them yet.

Eva plays with her doll every day. Ophelia is at a stage where she's learning to walk so Eva loves to walk Annabell next to her sister.

Overall, we have been so pleased with this doll. It's the best one i've seen for the price. Personally I think baby dolls are quite pricey but this one has a lot of features for the price you pay. She'd make a lovely Christmas gift and would be a perfect gift for a child who is going to become a sibling for the first time too. You can buy her at all good retailers such as Smyths, Argos etc.

*We were sent Baby Annabell to review in exchange for our honest opinion*


  1. This would make a really good christmas present for someone x

  2. This looks like a great toy, I keep seeing it advertised. I've bought Darcey the newborn Baby Annabel for Christmas.

  3. This is a really lovely doll. My girls have one of these and they love playing with her.

  4. Oh my kids LOVE Baby Annabel but we don't have this one year. They have every accessory going, I'm amazed they haven't asked for this too!

  5. Oh this looks so good and baby Annabelle is a name people know so good quality present!

  6. Aww, my daughter loves her Baby Annabell, I had no idea there was one that could walk and crawl etc! How cute. Looks and sounds like a lovely doll, hehe. xx

  7. Aww she looks like a really lovely doll. Eva looks so happy with her. I think it would definitely make a really sweet present for someone!

  8. Baby Annabelle seems so popular right now, I keep hearing about her!

  9. My girls love dolls like this! They have a baby born which looks similar! Annabelle is super cute!! Is it wrong that I want one for myself?!

  10. That is adorable, Eliza would love teaching her doll to walk

  11. What a lovely doll, not seen one that walks before :)

  12. Wow! Certainly more advanced than the dolls of my day. It is amazing that it walks just like a real baby!

  13. this looks very realistic - especially the crawling picture!

  14. Super Girl was loved playing babies when she was little, she came to us with about 5 baby dolls. I'm sure she would have been thrilled to have had this!

  15. My five year old has never taken to dolls at all, but he little sister adores them. She would love this :)

  16. We have this doll too, and she has been a big hit with my daughters. My eldest really nurses her when she is upset, if only she could be so kind to her sister

  17. This looks like such a wonderful doll, my daughter would adore this! We have a baby Annabell boy doll and it is fab xx

  18. Wow! It's a fantastic present! I wish my friends had daughters it would be so much easier to buy presents.

  19. This is so cute! Rosalie would love this xx

  20. These are a great xmas present, I loved my baby doll when I was a little girl.

  21. This is so sweet...i'm so jealous of the dolls kids have available to them these days. The technology behind them is amazing. xx

  22. What a great idea for a doll! These days it's all about setting the dolls apart from each other and with them all having their own unique designs and functions this one sounds like it would be amazing to play with!

    Jordanne ||

  23. Wow, dolls have come a very long way since I had one as a little girl. What an amazing gift for a child who wants a doll / baby

  24. Oh I'm pleased I've read this now, as we've just ordered one of these for Nerys for Christmas! x

  25. Mia has a new baby on her list and i didn't even know there was a walking one! I know she will love it :)

  26. Well that's cool. I love it when they play with dolls. Both mine boy and girl love playing with the doll Chloe's godfather got for her.

  27. We have one of the baby annabel dolls and my daughter is so obsessed with her. She's go crazy over the walking version! Brilliant dolls. x

  28. Oh this looks brilliant. Caitlin got a baby Annabell doll for Christmas a few years ago and we weren't impressed but this one looks great, love the way she whimpers when she falls over!

  29. Wow its amazing how lifelike the doll is. It seems to encourage Eva to help and educate. A great toy


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