Thursday, 8 December 2016

Classic Tiny Tears Doll has had a Makeover

If you're a regular reader of my blog then you will know by now that Eva is a big fan of baby dolls and playing mummy, so we were very grateful to be asked if we would like to review the Classic Tiny Tears doll. 

Tiny Tears is one of the original baby doll brands. In fact you may have had one when you were a child. She celebrated her 50th anniversary last year which we were lucky enough to be a part of. If you can't remember the review we wrote then have a read here, Tiny Tears 50th Anniversary Doll.

She is back fresh from her celebrations and with a brand new look. Tiny Tears has had a makeover. She now features a new dress which is specifically designed for Tiny Tears. She is made for children aged between 3-6 so perfect for Eva's age.

When she arrived Eva was thrilled. She came with a bottle, potty, new dress, knickers, dummy and a hairbrush. She can drink her bottle, cry and use the potty.

The first thing that caught Eva's eye, much to my surprise, was not her pretty new dress but her lovely long hair. She instantly wanted to brush it. She spent the best part of an hour grooming her and popping lots of various clips and bobbles in from her own collection.

Her new dress and hairband are lovely. They make her look more like a toddler than a young baby which is what I think Eva likes about her. She has a newborn looking doll which she just feeds and changes the nappy with but with this one she she does more 'grown up' things. She plays games with her and also tries to teach her things which I think is really cute.

She also uses a lot of imaginative/role play and uses both her Tiny Tears dolls together. She calls them sisters. They are like real sisters. They quite often fight but they love each other really. I love a child's imagination.

Eva has been really happy with her new Tiny Tears. I would have liked to have seen her have a new function but then again that would take away from her 'classic' features. The fact that she's not an all singing, all dancing doll teaches Eva to use her imagination more.

The new doll is available from all good retailers and you can find out more about her here, Tiny Tears Classic.

If you are on twitter then make sure to get involved with the #tinytearsparty where you could win lots of prizes.



  1. Aww this looks like a great doll. Such a sweet little dress on her too :)

  2. I remember these, I love seeing the toys I remember still being used and loved. Eva looks so happy with her new doll! x

  3. I loved my Tiny Tears doll when I was a little girl. She came everywhere with me! I love the look of the new Tiny tears, my daughter also has one and she spends ages brushing her hair! I really like that it's not an all singing and dancing doll too. xx

  4. I love that they're not all singing and dancing too. I think it's so much better for them to use their imagination. My daughter is absolutely OBSESSED with dolls. She is so maternal, it is really lovely to watch her interact with her dolls and look after them. I used to have Tiny Tears when I was growing up. I'd love her to have one of these like I did. The new design is fab. xx

  5. My daughter loves her dolls and loves playing mummy as well. It is so cute to watch.

  6. What a lucky little girl to get to review those dolls! They sound like really good quality.

  7. I had one when I was little over 40 years ago! Looks like Eva enjoyed playing with the new Tiny Tears

  8. I remember these Dolls from when I was a kid and they always used to freak me out! Could never work out why someone would want a toy that basically emotionally guilt trips you!!

  9. This doll is absolutely adorable! Lovely dress too.

  10. Oh my goodness I remember this doll the first time round. My daughter is absolutely obsessed with babies and would love one of these!

  11. Looks perfect for the little one, I bet my niece would love it too so will keep an eye out as a gift :)

  12. What lovely dolls. T is obsessed with Baby Alive dolls and we just got her one for Christmas. Was kinda hoping she'd choose something like this, much easier to find :)

  13. Oh I remember the first tiny tears dolls! My girls love anything that cries or wets itself, they would love this!

  14. I adored my tiny tears doll as a child. She was called Belinda (I am a 70's girl) and I took her everywhere!

  15. I remember these, they were the first interactive type doll I'm sure. My daughter is loving playing with hers now too

  16. I love this doll and had one when I was little which is in box in our attic with a few other things from when I was younger, I also think my mums tiny tears is in the same box. If you put those and this one together you would definitely see the changes of the doll through the years

  17. Ahh I love that tiny tears are still going!x

  18. Tiny tears is an iconic doll. The new upgrade brings it up to date for the youngsters if today. A fabulous and infomative post

  19. love these dolls - I remember mine from when I was younger. Perfect idea for a Christmas present x

  20. I think my sister may have had a tiny tears doll when she was little I know she had loads of different dolls. I do love that they are still around and have new designs etc.

  21. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Both my mum and me had a tiny tears and I want to buy Rosalie one too but I want her to have short hair like ours so it's the same xx

  22. Tiny Tears was all the rage when i was kid and i adored my doll... i think she has some stiff competition from the more interactive dolls these days though! xx

  23. Such a lovely product, my little girl has started taking an interest in dolls.... she would love one of these! x

  24. Ah mine never really liked dolls, teddies they adore but I wish they did love them. I loved my doll! I think I would like ones of these instead!

  25. Our girls have a tiny tears doll each. They played with them loads when they were younger, but at almost five years old they've lost interest in them in favour for barbie dolls. I think the dolls are lovely x

  26. I had a Tiny Tears doll who I loved when I was little - I still remember how pleased I was when I opened her x

  27. Oh so sweet to hear she loves to role play mummy - these dolls look great for little ones. We actually got our two boys each a blue baby doll for Christmas

    Laura x

  28. I still have my tiny tears from 1955 - the last Xmas my Father was alive. She was my favourite doll. I keep her on display in a glass cabinet.


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