Sunday, 17 February 2019

Introducing Elvi Clothing

Elvi was a brand that I had not heard of until I was contacted by them to see if I'd like to be sent some clothes from their collection. 

Elvi ooze style and luxury whilst ensuring their designs look gorgeous on all shapes and sizes. They believe all women should feel special, fashionable and above all included. 

As soon as I browsed their website I knew they were unique. Their pieces looked exquisite.

I chose 3 different dresses. All 3 were long and they were all different.

The first one is a throw-over in a colour I adore which is copper. It's a perfect colour for both winter and spring. I wore it with nothing underneath so it looks more like a dress but it could be worn with clothing underneath for a more daytime/casual look. It's currently on sale so grab it while you can.

Next up is my favourite dress of the 3 I was sent. I think given the right accessories it could be worn to a summer wedding. The floral print is just beautiful. It unfortunately isn't online anymore. 

Last up is a bohemian style dress. I think I should have worn it with a belt around the waist line but I couldn't find any of my belts to fit me. It would look perfect with a pair of boho style slouch boots.

The have some fab new styles for the new season. My favourites pieces are below (all pictures taken from the Elvi website):

This longline funnel neck jumper is ideal for transitioning from winter to spring and worn with leggings or trousers and ankle boots.

I love the detailing of this denim dress. It's so unique. I've not seen one like it on the high street.

The colour of this shirt is divine and just makes me think of spring when I look at it.

This dress is great for pairing with ankle boots for a smarter look or trainers for a sporty day look.

Have you heard of Elvi? What's your favourite from the pieces I've chosen?

*I was sent 3 dresses from Elvi in exchange for this blog post*



  1. Oh those prints are so gorgeous and I really like the second top. I have never heard of Elvi before but I do think it would be something that I’d try.

  2. Oh those prints are so gorgeous and I really like the second top. I have never heard of Elvi before but I do think it would be something that I’d try.

  3. These are gorgeous. I think the copper colour looks great on you - in fact you chose very well with all of the dresses.

  4. I love all of your colour and print choices. I have to agree the second one is my fave and would be perfect for a wedding.

  5. I'd never heard of Elvi before. I think I like the grey funnel dress best. Though the pop of colour from the yellow shirt is also great.

  6. Ohh these are pretty, my favourite of your three is the last one and I am in love with that denim dress!!xx

  7. What very pretty dresses! I love the bohemian one the best. I haven't heard of Elvi clothing brand before but i might check them out now.

  8. How lovely are those gorg dresses! I love the lime green one, very nice for a date night evening xx

  9. All three of the Elvi brand dresses in your outfit photos look very pretty. I love the look of the fabrics, the colours, and the floral prints. You look fabulous wearing them. I also like outfit pieces of the funnel neck jumper, dresses, and yellow blouse you featured below your outfit photos.


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