Sunday, 15 January 2017

The Siblings Project - January 2017

Its been a few months since I joined in with The Siblings Project. The last update I wrote was in October which you can read here, Siblings. If you have read my siblings posts then you will know that Eva and Ophelia's relationship wasn't always nice. It took Eva a long time to adjust to having a sister but thankfully they now have a great relationship. They now play together all the time which is great. 

In my last update I mentioned that Ophelia was trying to say Eva. She still can't say it properly but over the last few weeks she has learnt the word sister. She regularly calls for Eva by shouting sister or when Eva comes into the room she excitedly starts saying sister. It is super cute.

Ophelia is very loving towards Eva. On Christmas Day Eva was crying and Ophelia pretty much moved mountains to get to her to comfort her. I wish i'd videoed it. She literally pushed cushions out of the way, scrambled over peoples legs and pushed toys aside. She crawled from one end of the living room to the other in about 10 seconds flat. When she reached her she threw her arms around her and gave her a kiss. Hopefully this is the sign of a protective bond that will last a lifetime. 

This month has been an exciting one for them as their family have been over from Australia. Its been lovely having my mum, stepdad and sisters around and the girls have been over the moon with the extra attention. They think it's great having such young and cool aunties. 

Eva is now trying to teach Ophelia things. She tries to get her to say new words and often points things out for her to see. She recently taught her 'where's your nose?'. She also has taught her Twinkle, Twinkle which is adorable.

This month we visited the Festival of Light at Longleat which was amazing. Both the girls absolutely loved looking at all the lanterns. Eva took pride in pushing her sister around in the buggy. They really enjoyed themselves on the carousel together.

It was Eva's 4th birthday a couple of days ago and we had a party for her yesterday. Even though all of her school friends were that she still took the time to play with her sister which was lovely to watch.

We haven't got much planned for the rest of the month and we haven't got anything exciting set in stone for February. Ophelia is not far off walking so i'm sure that will bring a new dimension and level of excitement to their relationship when it happens. 

The Me and Mine Project


  1. I'm sure Ophelia will be running around after her sister in no time

  2. This is such a cute update. I love the Christmas Day story x

  3. Your girls are simply adorable. So, so sweet that Ophelia (love the name) wants to take care of big sis! I remember when my boys were the same age and my youngest couldn't say Harley - he called his brother "rah-rah" for the longest time! x

  4. They are just adorable and it's so lovely to see them growing together and bonding. Such a nice set of memories to show them when they are older!

  5. The Festival Of Light looks great, i was going to go to it but didn't manage it after x

  6. It's so nice to hear stories of little Ines finally get along. I only have one and trying for another so it's always on my mind whether my daughter will be happy to have a sister or brother 💚💚

  7. Awww how lovely that their bond is growing so clearly. Gorgeous pics to capture the memories too 😊

  8. It makes me so happy that Eva and Ophelia share such a special bond, to the point of always being there for each other. That is so sweet.

  9. I love your girls names! Its always nice to spend some precious time with the family especially if they living abroad it looks like the aunties very much enjoyed playing with their 2 nieces!

  10. That's so sweet that the pair seem to be bonding a lot more now, it must have been tough at the beginning x

  11. Great pictures, you can clearly see they adore each other. Have lots of fun whilst your family are over x

  12. I love the pics of them side by side - really need to do this project!

  13. Happy 4th Birthday Eva. My three argue a lot but they really are loving towards each other when it matters

  14. Lovely photos! And how wonderful to have your family over for Australia! xx

  15. So cute - Eva looks like she is the best big sister! x

  16. It's lovely to see their relationship developing. I think there is what's that protective Bob's, even when they're bashing each other!

  17. What a lovely update and so cute. Once Ophelia starts talking properly though, you wont be able tk hush her. So nice to see the bond developing.

  18. Oh, that Christmas Day story is just adorable. I'm so pleased they have such a lovely bond after a shaky start xx

  19. They are both so gorgeous :) ! How lovely that they have such a special bond - making me broody!! x

  20. Ah what gorgeous girls so lovely to see their dynamic together!

  21. Lovely to read how they are getting on. Reminds me very much of my two daughter's and how they were with eachother. Your girls are gorgeous, and the photos are just beautiful.

  22. Aww these photos are lovely! I can't wait until I can join in with this project too x

  23. Aww these photos are lovely! I can't wait until I can join in with this project too x

  24. Gorgeous photos glad to see that they are getting on.

  25. Lovely photos and it looks like big sister is looking out for the little one :)

  26. woww.Love their smiles. Look so innocent. Cute cute. Love ya!

  27. Such gorgeous girls, you can really see the bond between them xx

  28. Awww they are so sweet. Looks like they get on brilliantly

  29. Awwww how cute are your girls, I remember my mum saying I was nice big sister to my brother but then my little sister came along I was totally evil to her lol. But now we best buds

  30. ah so cute! I love when you get that moment when they really love each other and you can see it! We did Longleat too

  31. Lovely to hear that their bond is growing stonger. My eldest can't say her baby sister's name (It's Elowen but it come out more like 'erin') - it's still sweet to hear her try though.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  32. What an adorable post! Both of them are such cuties!

  33. Great post. Loving the cute photos. Sibling love is so sweet.

  34. It's so sweet to see they're little best friends already! It's going to be lovely seeing them grow together over the year xx

  35. Ah they are so cute together, love them! You have such a great variety of photos too - it seems like you've done so much this month x

  36. This is so cute! I was so proud my when little sister learnt how to say sister x

  37. That's super lovely and that they're already bonding and enjoying time together. Nothing is so special :)

  38. These are lovely photos. They are looking so alike lately xx

  39. Oh that's good they are getting a better relationship x

  40. Aw that's so nice. It's so cute when the smallies are trying to say their siblings names. My nearly two year old still cant say Matthew but in fairness it is hard.


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