Sunday 8 November 2015

Bump Watch - Week 39

Week - 39 + 3 days. This may well be my last bump update. We'll just have to wait and see when she decides to arrive. I am thinking I'm going to go over my due date now.

Baby developments - Bump is now the size of a watermelon. How big is that!!!! It's crazy to think there is something that big in my belly. 

My Bump - I'm at the stage where I can't seem to notice the bump growing anymore but people tell me it is. Still no stretch marks though which is amazing. It's definetley dropped.

My Symptoms - I am having tightenings/braxton hicks all the time and they are quite painful. I don't remember them being like this last time. I spend most of my time searching for the nearest toilet as all I want to do is empty my bladder. Sleeping ah night is pretty minimal. If I lie on my side, my bump hurts. If I lie on my back, my bump and back hurts. It's really a no win situation!

Cravings - I'm still munching on ice cubes every day. 

Aversions - I've still not had any aversions to anything specific although I seem to not be able to eat much. It's almost as if I've gone off food.

Exercise - Chasing Eva everywhere is about as much as I can handle now.

Baby items purchased - Nothing this week.

Best moment this week - Having the feeling of relief at the bump dropping. My chest is so much more comfortable now.

Worst moment this week - The tightenings. Some times they are so bad I feel like I'm going into labour.

What i'm looking forward to - Not being pregnant anymore and being able to wear normal clothes. My wadrobe is now rotated between about 5 things but I am not buying anything else as I have hardly any time left.

How Eva is feeling - Eva talks about her sister all the time but honestly I still don't think she fully understands that a baby will be coming to the house. 



  1. Good luck for the birth. They will be here before you know it x

  2. Oh I love the sections in your post, and I think I will love bump dropping too. I am getting nervous as not bought anything yet.
    Love your photo as that top, you look radiant and I love how sticky outy your bump is :-)
    Oh we will see newborn pics soon - how exciting xxxx

  3. I can remember being really surprised when my bump dropped. All of a sudden I could do my coat up again. Fab!

  4. Ooohhh, it's getting so close. Hang in there Mamma. It'll be soon. Try not to listen to anyone who tells you "such and such" induces labour. It's all bull.

  5. Oh how exciting, can't be too much longer to wait now. I remember wanting the pregnancy to end right at the end when you just feel sooooooo pregnant. You are looking amazing though, hope everything goes smoothly and you won't go too overdue if at all :)

  6. Yes hopefully this is the last bump watch...sad in a way but relief for you when she finally arrives(hopefully this week!)Good luck!!! Xx

  7. Awww, gorgeous photo. Hope all goes well and I look forward to hearing news of the new arrival xx

  8. How exciting, but aren't the days towards the end just the longest! Can't wait to read the next update - hopefully it will be a baby update!

  9. I am so excited for you. I loved being pregnant but remember those last couple of weeks being very uncomfortable. Good Luck xx

  10. Eeek! How exciting! You and your bump look lovely. I hope everything goes well. Can't wait to see Bubba! Kaz x

  11. Not long now, surely! Good luck with the baby. Hope it all goes well. x

  12. You're looking amazing for 39 weeks, the last few weeks are the worst for getting comfortable and sleeping #BlogBumpClub


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