Monday, 17 October 2022

How To Properly Switch Off When You Travel

Going on a trip is sometimes for work, which means it is impossible to switch off and relax. However, when you go on a personal trip for fun, you should do your best at switching off as it is the only time you will get to.

Whether you are seeking a warm October half-term holiday destination or somewhere cold, a holiday is a time when you should try to switch off and relax properly. Here are some tips if you struggle to wind down and go off the grid when you go on holiday.

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Find somewhere that boasts natural surroundings

Going away on a city trip is not ideal if you are looking for peace. City breaks can be tiresome and chaotic, especially if you have a big itinerary. Therefore, choosing somewhere with calm natural surroundings is best to ensure you switch off and relax. 

For instance, heading to the Lake District and staying at a place like the coniston inn, you will find stunning walks and sensational views to enjoy nature and indulge in proper time off the grid. Instead of trawling through city streets, you can wake up each morning to tranquility and fill your days with relaxing walks and exploring trails in nature. 

Leave your work stuff at home

Whether you have a work laptop, work-based books, or a phone, you should consider leaving these things at home. Taking work things on holiday with you will likely entice you to ‘just check in’ and not entirely switch off from work mode. 

It is best to try and avoid technology altogether. However, we all know how challenging this can be. Therefore, trying to leave as much technology at home as possible, and switching your personal phone off when possible, will help you switch off and go off the grid.

Try new activities

Some people rely on similar itineraries or activities when they go on holiday. Many people enjoy the familiarity of certain activities. However, this can hinder your ability to zone out and feel inspired. Although you might like to play tennis in the morning, you could try yoga or a beach walk instead. 

Trying new things will help your mind feel creative and inspired, which can help you switch off routines and relax more. 

You don’t necessarily have to try relaxing activities. Instead, you could get involved in an adrenaline-pumping zip line course or jet-skiing. Yet, doing something outside your usual routine will help you create fresh memories and feel switched off.

Make a plan

Making a plan might sound like its contradicting the above tip. However, making a plan means making time to switch off and ensure you get enough downtime. If you are someone who often enjoys doing activities or being social, you might find it hard to switch off on holiday

Therefore, if you plan to do certain things that you know will help you switch off (mediation, walks, cooking classes, reading, etc.), you will ensure to come back from your holiday feeling refreshed.

*This is a collaborative post*


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