Thursday, 4 June 2020

Don’t Let Lockdown Leave You Feeling Blue: These Tips Could Help

Anxiety and depression can be crippling, and it can be something you struggle with in silence. It can be one of those things where you look completely as cool as a cucumber on the outside, but on the inside, you are a quivering wreck and feeling like the world is against you. Focusing on anything negative about yourself, your situation and the future. Sound familiar? There are plenty of ways you can handle anxiety and depression. With that in mind, here are a few things that could help you avoid allowing lockdown to leave you feeling blue. 

Trust yourself to make you feel better

One of the sure-fire ways to beat a period like this, that you could be facing right now is to change things. That means creating a distraction and what better way to do that than to trust yourself to beat it. A few examples would be to put on your favorite song and start singing it and dancing around. This brings the situation back to a reality and enables you to feel better once you are done. Another great way to change the focus would be to do something completely different like the household chores, jog on the spot or do star jumps, jump in the shower or even divert your attention to a loved one. As hard as it can be, sometimes you have to trust yourself to make you feel better. An unusual tactic, but has a real positive effect. 

Consider alternative therapies

Many people would consider Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to combat any anxiety or depression issues. Some people may also consider taking medications like antidepressants, but they can take a while to get into your system and help you with the issues you are facing. While, of course, all the normal resolutions can work well, there are some alternative therapies that you could consider. In smaller doses, this can help rectify some of the symptoms felt far quicker than some of the standard therapies out there. You could also look at things like cbd food supplements that can help you deal with things in a different way. Other therapies to think about would be herbal remedies, and also alternative medicine like acupuncture. 

Hear the voice in your head and then prove it wrong

Again taking actions into your own hands can have a hugely positive effect on the outcome. Many people who struggle with anxiety or depression will agree that your mind and thoughts are telling you what a situation is going to be like. Your brain will be focusing on the worst case scenario, and your thoughts will be negative and have a damaging effect on you feel. One unusual tactic would be to let this play out in your mind and have the focus on proving yourself wrong. That the situation wasn’t as bad as you perceived. However, this sort of tactic takes courage, and you need to feel strong enough mentally. But once you get over that initial hurdle you may find that your anxiety is much easier to control. 

Let’s hope this helps you to combat any anxiety or depression issues you might be facing. 

*This is a collaborative post*

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