Saturday, 8 September 2018

Enjoying Splash Landings with Konfidence

As part of our Swimologist role with Konfidence, we were invited to stay at Alton Towers to test out some of their products in the Splash Landings water park. None of us had ever been to the water park before so we couldn't wait to try it out. We were also allowed the whole park to ourselves for a short while which was pretty epic.

Both of my girls are water babies although both still can't swim confidently. Whenever we are away they always ask to go swimming and we have a battle to get them out of the pool. It's always very difficult to keep an eye on both of them and I often worry about their safety which is why I was over the moon to be able to collaborate with Konfidence this year. 

We were sent lots of wonderful things to aid them on their learning to swim journey. For the Splash Landings weekend we took the Original Konfidene Swim JacketsWarma Wetsuits and the Flashing Blinkies to put through their paces. 

We arrived at Splash Landings and Eva couldn't believe we had the park to ourselves, talk about a dream come true. She was amazed. 

Eager to get in the water, Eva popped her Konfidence swim jacket on herself and she was also able to zip it up on her own. We had to help Ophelia with hers. They immediately headed for the shallower children's pool. Ophelia went straight to the slide whilst Eva splashed about. The jackets had clearly made them feel safe and secure as they were more than happy to play on their own (under our careful observation in the same pool). 

The Original Konfidence Swim Jackets are designed to last from the start of your child's swimming journey until the end, when they are able to swim. As your child becomes more confident you can remove the floats from inside the jacket in pairs which therefore reduce the buoyancy. 

The girls were much happier wearing their jackets than armbands. Ophelia often cries when we put armbands on her as they are uncomfortable and restrictive. With the jackets both of the girls have the ability to move their arms and therefore learn to swim.

They are available in a few different patterns which all have a bright yellow back which is ideal for us parents as it makes the kiddies clearly visible and easy to spot in a busy pool. 

We spent quite a few hours at Splash Landings and we were amazed that the girls didn't moan about being cold. Usually when we go swimming, after about half and hour they are asking to get out because they are freezing. This must be down to their Warma Wetsuits. 

The wetsuits are made with 2.5mm flexible neoprene which makes them ideal for providing warmth when in or out of the water. The girls were able to run, walk, jump, splash and use the slides whilst wearing them.

The largest pool area at Splash Landings is Lagoona Bay which Ophelia seemed reluctant to go in for a while. I knew the Konfidence Blinkies would entice her in so we played with them in the shallow end, amongst the rocks until she was confident and relaxed enough to go deeper into the water. Be warned though, the Blinkies attracted the attention of all the other kids in the pool who were eager to play with them.

When it was time to leave we were all gutted. We had such a fantastic time and we are already looking to return. It's perfect for an all year round family getaway.

*Thank you to Konfidence for sending us to Splash Landings to try out our products. All our options are own honest views.*



  1. The konfidence swim jackets sound brilliant and I really like the idea of being able to take out some of the floaties so that they get used to relying on their own techniques themselves. And how super cool to have the place to themselves - I would so love that :)

  2. We love Konfidence products and really enjoyed our year of ambassadors. I really want to go to Splashlandings, it looks amazing

  3. We love splash landings, its so much fun! Did you get caught out by the big bucket? The konfidence jackets look great, what a great idea how you can take the floats outs.

  4. We love Konfidence products as they really do give little ones and us parents confidence in the pool. Both of my sons love the water and I am always reassured that their Konfidence kit keeps them safe and warm in the pool whilst they splish and splash and I love that the bright colours helps me spot them in crowded pools. Splash Landings looks immense. My boys would be over the moon to have a pool all to themselves, what lucky girls you have!


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