Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Be in the Picture Weekly Favourites - 6

Welcome back to the Be in the Picture weekly roundup. Once again there were lots of wonderful pictures shared on instagram and I struggled to pick just a few favourites. I could have featured so many. If you missed the last roundup you can catch up with it here, Be in the Picture 5.

For those of you that haven't heard of #beinthepicture, it is an instagram hashtag that myself and Alana from Baby Holiday created. It is designed to encourage you to get in-front of the camera as opposed to behind it. I used to always be the one taking the pictures and I was never in them myself. 

You can use the hashtag on any pictures that feature you whether that be fashion, parenting, travel, with your partner etc. You name it, we want to see it.

I've loved seeing lots of fashion style picture's recently and I'm especially loving all the autumn/winter trends all over the gram so for this roundup I've included some outfit pics. 

My favourite outfit has come from Lamb and Bear because I'm insanely jealous of her Leopard print boots. 

Oh hello Monday! I’ve been a little bit giddy about today. My first full week back to my working routine and hopefully getting my emotions back on track 🤪 I’m also starting my short course with @selfishmother. I’m so excited to learn something (anything!) to get @adaandalfredshop off the ground. A lot of passion, emotion, sweat, tears goes into what I do, I just need a little helping hand to help me grow. So here’s to a new week, new goals, new achievements. ✌🏻 I’ve got this 💪🏻 • • • • • #Momstyle #mumstyle #fashionover30 #styleover30 #whatmamawore #whatiworetoday #mamastyle #dresslikeamum #instamum #lifecloseup #thismamaloves #thisparentlife #ohmamamoment #ohheymama #mumlifeisthebestlife #acupofmotherhood #whatmamaworetoday #girlboss #investinwomen #bossbabe #ahappyboss #startup #beinthepicture #mumsthatslay #lionessmama #blondehair #whatmamaworemonday #beglamorous
A post shared by Lamb & Bear (@lambandbear) on

Next to feature is memeandharri. This outfit has autumn written all over it. It's making me cosy just looking at the picture. You can't beat a dress with an oversized knit.

This outfit by lifeafterblue is just gaols. The colours are lovely and I'm rather envious of her hair. She's been through lots of life changes lately and she still remains positive. Go and give her a follow.

If anyone has been following my stories or posts to date, they may have noticed that a lot has changed in our lives – we have moved cross-country, we have left/changed jobs, we are now the gracious roomies of my parents (for money saving reasons), Lola has started ‘big’ school and Sadie has… well, let’s just say found her voice. I also had a scare two weeks ago, whereby, what started off as blurred vision and a blind spot in one of my eyes led to a few days of querying a tumor. Luckily, after some tests and scans, we were told this was not the case. The whole experience definitely changed my outlook on things and certainly made me more grateful for, well, today. Although we are not sure if the central vision will come back, it is definitely something I can adapt too (except the injections 👁 ... I’ll need a drink on ice after the next one of those!) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I have realised just how quickly life can change. It is not enough to live in today but being grateful is the key. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I went to see a movie with my four old last night staring the always insightful, Mr Winnie the Pooh, who in fact lay this lesson down with a fully-grown Christopher Robin - “Today, my favourite day.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ *full post in blog, click link in bio if you want to read more . . . . . . . . . . #today #todaywasagoodday #todayful #gratitude #gratitudejournal #gratitudeattitude #themommydiary #me #beinthepicture #love #family #begrateful #documentyourdays #thingsiwanttoremember #thehappynow #thehappycapture #quotes #quotestoliveby #quoteoftheday #liveauthentic #livefortoday #inspirationalquotes #positivemind #mindfulness #mindful #inthemoment #picoftheday #winniethepooh #winniethepoohquotes
A post shared by LifeAfterBlue (@lifeafterblue) on

Last up from my favourite picks is leanmeanmomma. Cliona always looks great. Her holiday snaps have been making me wish I was away. 

The skies over Marbella quite literally opened up & unleashed a torrent of H2O down on top of us this weekend. Never mind we said, we’ll grab a taxi to town. Oh no you won’t they replied as there is a 2 hour wait on the taxis and ye are no 5 in the que. Right so scratch that! Instead we strolled to @beachhousemarbella and I had the BEST cauliflower vegan salad ever. And wine... pleanty of fruit & veg then huh? 🤗 Eventually we managed to nab a cab and went for .... well more food. And more fruit 🤭🤷‍♀️ 🍷 in the fabulous @casatuamarbella. I highly recommend it!! A weekend away that was good for the soul - feeling so grateful to be able to do it. Feeling ready for the winter now! Time to knuckle down!! . . #familyholiday #familypic #familyday #igersworldwide #picoftheweek #instalove #instatravel #instatrip #realmum #realmomstyle #realmumstyle #momsofinstagram #momlifeisthebestlife #mommylife #mommyproblems #parenthood #parentlife #mumstyle #dresslikeamum #irishblogger #mamarazzi_square #mumswithhustle #dailyparenting #pbloggers #mamalife #acupofmotherhood #beinthepicture #vsco_mom #raisingragamuffins
A post shared by Cliona O'Connor (@leanmeanmomma) on

My own personal favourite outfit pic that I have shared over on my instagram is one from my holiday to Turkey. I wore a Next dress which isn't something I'd normally wear but I loved it nonetheless. 

Good morning. Happy Monday. For what mama wore Monday I’m wearing a dress that I was kindly sent by @nextofficial for our recent holiday. To see more pics etc, you can head over to my blog (link in bio) and read my What I Wore On Holiday Post. The night I wore this Eva shattered my princess dreams. As you probably know I am Disney obsessed and Jasmine is my fave. I decided to attempt a Mum bun as I couldn’t be bothered to do my hair. Eva decided to tell me I look just like Mulan 😫. If you’ve seen the film you’ll know this is when she cuts her hair to make herself look like a man. Cheers Eva 👍 You can always count on a child for some brutal honesty 😂 #whatmamaworemonday #mumdresscode #mamastyle #kerrylouisenorrisfashion #sharewithnext #fbloggers #ootd #wiwt #stylediary #stylediaries #mumsthatslay #mumsthatshop #thismamawears #beinthepicture #motherhoodunplugged #honestmotherhood #lifewithkids #review
A post shared by Kerry Norris (@kerrylouisenorris) on

Make sure you join in with #beinthepicture over on instagram and also follow it to see everyone's pictures. 


1 comment

  1. Oh that’s so much for featuring my outfit! Those boots are AMAZE aren’t they ��


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