Friday, 11 May 2018

Me and Mine Project - April 2018

I seem to always start these posts with this...It's been ages since my last update. Guess what?! It has been ages since my last update. My last Me and Mine post was in January where I shared pictures from our holiday in Australia.

April was a busy month for us as a family. We had Easter, half term, a trip to Disneyland Paris, my birthday, Disney on Ice and mine and Arwyn's wedding vow renewal anniversary. Oh and I also decided to return to work. 

Our half term was low key other than our trip to Disneyland Paris. This year we decided to buy annual passes there and so far we have been twice with another trip planned in June. Both of the girls loved every minute of their trip. This time we stayed in a gite which was a lovely way of winding down after a busy day. We had fab character meets and hubby and I actually managed to get on some of the thrill rides.

We also went to see Disney on Ice Worlds of Enchantment. You can read about it here, my review. We all really enjoyed it especially the Toy Story section. 

On the 28th April hubby and I went our for my birthday. We're both trying to eat healthier so we had a meal at Saray restaurant to eat lots of meat and salad. I also had a cookery class there which you can read about here, Turkish cooking class. We then went to watch the Avengers film which was great. We didn't realise until we were at the meal that it was our one year anniversary of our wedding vow renewal, so we both felt guilty that we'd forgotten but we were happy we were out to celebrate regardless.

The next day it was my birthday. Eva loved giving ( sorry opening) my presents and Arwyn did amazingly well this year by surprising me with a Princess Jasmine bag from Loungefly. I am so in love with it and I wasn't expecting at all. 

I also decided to return to work. I haven't had an official contract since Ophelia was born. I was doing bank work at a couple of hospitals but I felt like a big part of my life was missing. I have returned to work for 20 hours a week over 2 days which is a starting point to then hopefully increase my hours in a year or so when both of the girls are in school.

Together this month we have loved:
Disney clothes
Warmer weather
Toy Story
Family walks

The Me + Mine Project - Dear Beautiful


  1. Gorgeous photos - we love Disney too, I can't wait to introduce my boys to it all in real life rather than just on screen. I hope you had a wonderful birthday too - it's funny how into other people's birthdays children get, I love it!

  2. Gorgeous photos! I'd love to take my daughter to Disney World - didn't realise that they did annual passes either! Hope you had a fab birthday :)

  3. Lovely photos of your family. My daughter loves everything Disney so she’d love going to Disneyland

  4. Aww I'm loving all the Disney this month and congratulations for your one year wedding renewal anniversary :)

  5. Wow what a busy month. I'd love to take the kids to Disney - hopefully we will get there one day. Lovely photos - especially your vow renewal one, you look stunning :)

  6. Gosh that's a very busy month! Congratulations on your vow renewal - what a stunning photo :) x

  7. Gorgeous photos! Sounds like a great month. We've never been to DIsney before. Maybe one day.

  8. Wow what a busy time but lovely pictures captured together. I really fancy going to Disney, people put me off though by saying it's not as good as Disney world. But we're not going there any time soon so don't think it would matter?!

    1. No it wouldn’t matter if you’re not going to wdw soon. It’s defo better but little ones love Disney Paris x

  9. That's such a lovely round up of what you have loved over the month. Disney is still on our list to do, and seeing your photos has made me want to go even more! Do you drive or get the Eurostar? I'm trying to work out if passes are a good idea for us too :-)

  10. Have to say I love your mermaid leggings. How cool are they. I am always getting so jealous when people go to Disneyland. It's on my list but kids are still too young. #meandmine


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