I used to think I was a very organised, focus driven person but upon reflection I now realise I am easily distracted and I waste a lot time doing things that aren't productive at all. My blog planner is usually full of things I need to do and posts I need to write yet why can't I just get these things done and dusted? I get a small window to actually do some blog work but then my mind wanders and bam, an hour later and i've achieved absolute zero.
Here are 10 things that distract me from blogging:
1) Social Media
Good old social media. How many times have you thought, 'i'll just quickly check Facebook, Twitter and Instagram' and then half an hour later you've finished but instead of starting your blog work you go back to check Facebook etc again just incase you missed anything new in the last half an hour? And then the cycle continues.
2) The TV
If you're a parent like me then you'll know that the only window you actually have to watch the TV is once your children are in bed which can end up being very late. I sometimes try and watch TV whilst blogging but the usual soap crap coming out of Eastenders is just far too enticing to focus on the task in-front of me.
3) Writing Lists
I can't tell you how many lists I've got on the go. I've got lists about my lists. Lists in notepads, my phone, post it notes on the fridge, my blog planner and my diary. If I just focused on ticking off these tasks rather than writing new lists about the tasks then I may be more productive. However, I am a sucker for coloured pens and a new notebook and I just can't help myself.
4) Online Shopping
I am a self proclaimed shopaholic. There's nothing I love doing more than browsing endless shopping websites looking at clothes I can't afford to buy and placing them in imaginary shopping baskets.
5) My Husband
As i've already said earlier there is a short amount of time in which you can actually adult when you have kids. This is usually when the kids are in bed. This is when normal conversations begin etc. I'll be writing a really emotive post or one that i'm really enjoying and hubby will start chatting. Chatting like there's no tomorrow. The endless questions about anything and everything which of course then ruins my writing flow. I love him really, honestly.
6) What's app
Most of my conversations I have these days take part on what's app. If you're in a group conversation like me you'll start getting palpitations at the thought of not checking your what's app regularly and then having 500+ messages to catch up on. It's honestly the stuff of nightmares.
7) Wine
It's no secret that I love a glass of red wine. For some reason I always think it's a great idea to pour myself one whilst blogging. One, becomes two, two becomes three and the rest is history.
8) Reading other blogs
One thing I love doing is reading other blogs except the only time I actually get to do this is usually when I need to be blogging myself.
9) Catching up on emails
Emails can sometimes take me hours to catch up on and every time I go through a mission to clear them, I swear an oath to myself that I will never let them pile up that big again. It's the same oath I take with my ironing. Needless to say this is an oath I break quite regularly.
10) My Kids
Last but not least my kids cause me the biggest distraction ever!!! There are just no hours in the day to work whilst they are awake.
Can you relate to any of the above? What are your biggest blogging distractions?
You have literally just written out my procrastination life! lol Honestly I'm terrible!
ReplyDeleteYou can't be as bad as me lol x
DeleteLove this! All of these apply to me too, apart from the wine haha! x
ReplyDeleteLol if only it didn't apply to me x
Deletesocial media is the hardest for me - I justify that I'm doing work but it just saps time!! lol x
ReplyDeleteMine too x
DeleteOh I can totally relate. It's so hard to stay focused these days. I wish I could just be like bish, bash, done blog post done!
ReplyDeleteMe too x
DeleteUnfortunately I can totally relate to most of these! Writing lists is like the bane of my existence! Like when am I ever going to do everything on them? Haha Also, kids!! Always a distraction there!
ReplyDeleteTotally agree about social media and emails, both can really eat my time away x
ReplyDeleteI'm the same, I keep saying to myself that I'll put up 3 posts a week but most the time it's just 1 cause other things just get it the way
ReplyDeleteI'm guilty of all of these too! Since becoming a parent I've found the pressure of getting blogging done on the rare occasion there's free time means I don't get much done. Time just runs away!
ReplyDeleteSocial media and whatsapp are the biggest distractions in blogging hands down for me and as I write this I am busy RTing a load of stuff on Twitter hahaha! x
ReplyDeleteI totally agree... Online shopping always gets me!
ReplyDeleteSocial media is the big one for me. I can sit down to write a post and suddenly 3 hours have passed and I'm 30 people deep on facebook!!
ReplyDeleteOh my god if it was not for social media I would finish my work much quicker LOL. It distracts me too x
ReplyDeleteMy goodness this sounds just like me. Oh for a few more hours in a day x
ReplyDeleteI can totally relate to this, sometimes I just find that I'm too tired to write and just want to zone out in from of the TV!
ReplyDeleteThis made me literally laugh out loud - the wine comment. Ha ha ha. I am SO with you on these. You are not alone.
ReplyDeleteOh yes! I am a nightmare at getting distracted! And lists.....why do I have so many lists!
ReplyDeleteSocial media does distract me a lot. Can be tricky to manage all sometimes.
ReplyDelete5. I completely get you. My husband comes in and starts talking about "Scott" from work said (it was hilarious apparently) and BOOM that's my blogging mojo dead.
ReplyDeleteWine surely makes blogging easier, no? haha
Twitter is my weakness, I waste so much time on there if I kept track I'd probably shock myself. I've turned all my notifications off for everything because every ping was distracting whatever I was doing.
ReplyDeleteI'd probably say 'all of the above' distract me too! Although, I do consider social media a big part of blogging (that's my excuse!), but the rest of it I have little reason for haha!
ReplyDeleteWine, definitely! :D Exercising too. I can either do one or the other - and the more I blog the bigger my backside gets! (that could be the wine though....)
ReplyDeleteThis is so funny! I'm a nightmare for checking my social media, for it to be half an hour later and don't even get me started on how long I leave my emails sometimes!
ReplyDeleteI am the queen of procrastination!! I suddenly have all this hoovering or folding to do when I should be blogging. Ah well, at least it got you to write this post! xx
ReplyDeleteI hear you! I am the queen of procrastination! I have lists about my lists of my lists!!! Good luck! Kaz x
ReplyDeleteFor me it's my son, work and video games. All things I am doing instead of blogging.
ReplyDeleteI can totally relate to this, I lose HOURS of my life on social media. I need someone to lock my phone away for me! xx
ReplyDeleteKids are my number one distraction! I agree that I have so many things going on that have to take priority so blogging has to take a backseat and then I have to catch up