Monday, 4 April 2016

World Plagiocephaly Awareness Day and Review of the Babymoov Lovenest

I was recently contacted by Babymoov to review their Lovenest pillow and to help raise awareness for World Plagiocephaly Awareness Day. If i'm being completely honest, I didn't have a clue what Plagiocephaly was. This is pretty shocking considering I have had 2 children.

Plagiocephaly is better known as flat head syndrome and is a condition that affects half of all babies under the age of 1. It's diagnosed when a babies head is flat at the back or sides. It's caused through too much pressure on the soft skull bones which haven't fused. Too much pressure can be caused from a baby spending an excessive amount of time lying in one position on their backs in things such as their cot, car seat, mats and bouncers and swings.

Preventative treatments include tummy time, feeding on both sides, changing the way you hold/carry your baby and by moving the position of toys in cots etc to change the focus of your baby. These are things that we are probably doing without even realising but when you hear about the condition, you can understand just how important these actions are. 

As I mentioned earlier I am now on my 2nd child and I have never had this condition discussed with me at all by any healthcare individual I have encountered through my pregnancies, birth and post natal experiences. 

Babymoov are committed to helping raise awareness and treatment of this condition and they have created a great product called the Lovenest which is a pillow that has been made in collaboration with a paediatrician. The ergonomic design features an incline which helps to ensure pressure is evenly distributed across babies head. This helps maintain the natural curvature of the skull. It also works to ensure good ventilation during sleep. It's designed to be used from birth up to 4 months and can be used in moses baskets, cots, pushchairs and bouncers. 

We've got the white Lovenest pillow and we've been using it for quite a few weeks now. Ophelia sleeps on it every night and we use it during the day if she is ever on her play mat. I must admit I keep forgetting to take it out with me to use in the pram. 

We love it. It's been a big hit in our household. Ophelia seems very comfortable when using it at night. It seems to prevent her from moving around which is also a bonus. She gets a good night sleep with it. 

I love the heart shape and design of the pillow. It's simple but looks quite modern. It's got a pretty sparkle pattern on the top which I really like. I also really like the fact that the product is small. This makes a big change to every other baby product around. I don't know about you but I tend to find most baby gadgets to be huge considering they are for such tiny people. 

The pillow can also be washed easily. This type of feature always earns brownie points with me. 

Overall, I would recommend this to any parents. It's a great product which helps to prevent Plagiocephaly. It costs £14.99 which I think is very reasonable and it comes in 6 different colours. You can purchase it directly from Babymoov here, Lovenest.

Ophelia is now coming to an age where she has almost outgrown the pillow so we are definitely going to get the next stage which is the Cosydream which again has been designed to ensure optimal safety when baby is lying on its back.

Have you heard of Plagiocephaly? Are you well informed on the condition? Did your health visitor explain this to you?



  1. This is a great idea. Our twins were premature and I remember being paranoid about them getting flat heads. I'd sit by their incubators and move their head from one side to the other every half or so! The pillow is a great idea and it looks super cute too xx

  2. I knew about flat head condition but I wasn't aware of the technical name. this pillow looks great and super comfortable. I think as its small as well its not dangerous for the little babies at all. Thanks for sharing! X

  3. These are a clever idea. I know flat head syndrome was mentioned (although didn't remember it's proper name) but we weren't affected so didn't think much about it at the time.

  4. My friend recently told me about flat head syndrome, which was news to me, it wasn't mentioned at all when I had Tyler nearly 4 years ago. She has one of these pillows and really recommends it X

  5. Had no idea what plagiocephaly is until reading your post. I guess awareness is important especially when it's not that known. Your baby seems to be loving the pillow, such sweet photos :)

  6. This is such a great idea - I'd seen them before but I thought they wouldn't work too well as my son moves around a lot in his sleep. But perhaps if you start using them early on they learn not to move so much!

  7. Such a great idea. No medical person ever mentioned it to me with either of my girls, I only heard of flat head from other people. Great to raise awareness x

  8. What a great idea! I have friends whose children have suffered from this condition, and this seems like such a sensible way to help prevent it x

  9. I have to confess I have never heard of the syndrome before but I love that they created the Loveness to support the skull. The design is adorable too.

  10. These are ver cute and useful pillows and great to know they can prevent this syndrome - with both of mine they rolled very early and I couldn't get them to stay on their backs at night (even though it's the safest) so neither of them had any issues with this but I do love these heart pillows

    Laura x

  11. I've heard of flat head, but never the full term! The pillows look like a great idea - small and easily portable, and most importantly, they don't appear to be hazardous!

  12. I've known a few babies with this condition but never knew what it was called. The pillows look like a greta idea and really cute too.

  13. What a fabulous idea - these look like they would help to solve a lot of problems and really improve the condition :) H x

  14. I've never heard of this either! It's weird that the health visitors and midwives don't say anything about this. I've been told so many times not to use pillows and to make sure baby lies flat in the bed. This doesn't look like a suffocation risk though so great idea! x

  15. These are ver adorable and helpful pads and awesome to know they can keep this disorder - with both of mine they moved early and I couldn't inspire them to remain focused backs during the evening (despite the fact that it's the most secure) so neither of them had any issues with this however I do love these heart pads

  16. I had never heard of this either, I'm kind of shocked I hadn't. It does seem like there should be a lot more awareness. The pillow is really cute and obviously comfortable as Ophelia seems totally content :) Love that name by the way!

  17. It looks great, I hadn't heard of that condition before. I have heard that some babies cna get 'flat head' but I just thought it was a normal thing and nothing to worry about

  18. I've heard of Babymoov and think that there products are wonderful for issues like this.

  19. This would have been great. I love the heart shape too so cute.

  20. I haven't heard of the name but knew about flat head syndrome. Lamb ended up with a wonky head as a baby because I expressed and fed in a bottle and fed him on the same side each time. This caused his funny head... Which he still has now and he's 3!! Luckily hair covers it up! Xx

  21. Baby reinforce pillow gives an extra backing to kids. While the children rest sideways, reinforce pillow ensures that there is a legitimate arrangement between their neck and spine.


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