Tuesday, 12 April 2016

The Final Showdown - Mummy vs The Threenager

It was late afternoon, the sun was setting. The bright sunshine that had been was a far cry from the darkness that started to surround us. Shadows cast themselves everywhere. The crowds gathered, eager to catch a glimpse of the final showdown. 

The meet was set. They stood about 25 metres from each other. The stand off began. They stared into each other's eyes. Their glares were determined. Each had their own agenda. Neither were going to admit defeat. 

The eager crowd waited in anticipation for the first draw. Who was going to be the fastest to end this final showdown? Who was going to be resilient and who was going to crumble under the pressure?

They had been in battle all day and they were both now exhausted from the various rounds that they had gone head to head in. The threenager had already used some of her best tactics during the day. She had screamed and shouted so much her voice was coarse. She had already lashed out at her enemy, throwing some of her best hits. Her enemy let her win that round by not retaliating and just taking the bait. She had thrown herself on the floor. She  had stayed there as if she was in some epic battle of musical statues that she was determined not to lose. She had refused to eat and had thrown the food on the floor.

Mummy had used her most stern voice. You know the voice I mean?! The one that is to control the embarrassment of being out in public voice. She had used her best grip to keep her from running away. But boy was the threenager fast and strong. She escaped mummies clasp many a time and ran like she was usain bolt. Mummy had tried all her best war tactics but on this day, they just weren't good enough.

Mummy fought back the tears on many occasion that day. It seemed as though she was going to lose the epic battle. The threenager had broken her to an almost quivering wreck. After all she was looking after a baby too. She was tired but there was the final showdown to    take place.

The crowds were taking their bets. Many of them offered their support to mummy, many thought the threenager was going to win. They had to make their voices heard because everybody likes to judge and place bets on a fight.

It seemed as if there was going to be a clear winner. With mummy stood there with tears in her eyes, trying her best to save face and be strong, the threenager was about to be crowned champion. Mummy couldn't take any more. She turned around and walked away, much to the crowds amazement. Then something extraordinary happened. The threenager quickly followed her in desperation, worried that she was going to be left alone.

Mummy had won the final showdown. They headed back to the car. The threenager was apologising for ruining the whole day at the zoo. Mummy finally let out a smile. Peace had been restored. She felt epic after winning a battle she thought she was sure to lose. All that was left to do was get to the car and drive the hour journey home and then they could put the war behind them. All was looking up, until they passed an ice-cream van........Mummy vs the threenager was about to embark upon another war.



  1. aaaa the dreaded threenager, I have one of those, they are filed with much determination aren't they!

  2. The scene sounds so familiar. This happens to me and my five year old a lot too and yes, the mums always win in the end, don't they? :)

  3. Ah I remember this stage all too well!! :)

  4. Blake's 16 months and he is starting to throw stropps now I'm not looking forward to as he gets older especially the terrible twos

  5. High five mummy and I can only imagine how hard it is not to lose your cool!

  6. Haa haa, this made me chuckle. Sebastian is 3 in June and is already starting to show threenager behaviour. It doesn't help that we have teens in the house too

  7. Oh this did make me have a little giggle...mainly because i could have written it myself. We have a stubborn threenager here at the moment...the boy's got some serious attitude and stubborness in him that's for sure! I completely understand how hard it is not to your lose your cool with them as well! xxx

  8. Oh Kerry this sounds all to familiar. There's light at the end of the tunnel but we'll have to go through it all again with the siblings.

  9. oh it is so hard isn't it. I have a major Miss independent and she is only two!

  10. Oh that took me back! Daughter lying on the floor in the supermarket screaming, I turned my back and walked away, tears in my eyes and heart in my mouth. What do I do next if this doesn't work? She got up crying and ran after me. I'm still not sure what to do if they don't do this lol

  11. Aww such an intense duel! Haha, but look at it as practice for the teenager years x

  12. ah i know this stage. my youngest is 4 and still going through this stage. X

  13. Oh, yes! I have been here :) I've done the same as a last resort, and it does work! Such a hard time, but it does get better x

  14. Oh yes! Well done on winning that one though, it gets easier....keep in there!

  15. Finding your position in life is a primal instinct. Take comfort in the fact that it soon passes x

  16. I've had moments like this! I remember my son running out of a store once!

  17. I've seen this sort of thing happen quite often. I'm sure it will pass soon x

  18. Ha-Ha so funny...I know this all to well lol xx

  19. Ha ha I know this battle well! And sorry to say it is a battle that will be repeated and repeated in different ways as they grow up!

  20. Ha, yep, been there too. It's hard work! x

  21. Aww Kerry I love this post. Just discovered it in your 2016 funny posts round-up. We're entering threenager stage and its damn hard!


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