Monday, 18 April 2016

The Stroller That Thinks It's A Backpack

A couple of weeks ago, we were kindly invited to The Gadget Show Live to preview the newest stroller on the block, Omnio

The Omnio is a stroller that thinks it's a backpack. To put it simply it easily folds down into a wearable product making it ideal for adventure and travel loving families. It is perfect for families who are always on the move. The stroller has been designed for ages 6 months old to a maximum weight of 22kg. 

I was instantly drawn to it's design. I think it's a very smart, modern looking stroller which is available in 3 colours - black, red and a fab turquoise colour (which was my personal favourite). You will also be able to purchase some matching accessories which are a changing bag, insulated bottle bag and a stroller bag. All can be cleverly fitted to the stroller which is a dream come true for any parent. The less we have to carry the better.

The stroller comes with a fully detachable rain cover and sun hood to suit all weather conditions.

Hubby being the engineer that he is was immediately drawn to the wheels of the stroller and noticed that they were different to the norm. They have a series of curved rollers which means the wheel can not only spin but it can roll sideways. If i'm honest this technical explanation went over my head but what I will say is that when I had a go at pushing the stroller it handled extremely well. It was incredibly lightweight and agile and easily moved whichever way you wanted it to go.
They are also puncture proof which is great for all terrain surfaces.

The stroller easily folds down into a backpack which you can then carry leaving you hands free to attend to your child. This is such a great feature as I can't begin to tell you how many times Eva used to want to get out of her stroller when she could walk, leaving me to battle with looking after her whilst pushing the stroller at the same time. 
This feature is also ideal for all types of travel. I imagine it would be very useful on train and tube journeys. It's also handy for plane travel. As much as i've always wanted Eva to stay in her stroller around an airport, the excitement is always too much for her and she has to run about, once again leaving me pushing the stroller and trying desperately to multi task.
When the stroller is on your back it isn't too heavy. No heavier than carrying a change bag.

The size of it folded down, has a great appeal to me. It folds to 53 x 41 x 28cm. We actually had to change our car when we first had Eva as we couldn't get any pushchair to fit in the boot. It will be able to be stored away neatly in a cupboard, under a desk or in a boot without taking up too much room.

The Omnio will soon be available to pre order but for now you can sign up to their newsletter here to be the first to hear about the launch and more about the product, Newsletter Sign Up. You can also give them a follow on TwitterFacebook and Instagram



  1. This looks fab I'd so love a pram like this.

  2. Wow, that's really handy to have, especially when travelling. When my daughter was just a few months old, we went back home to the Phil for a visit and brought our very heavy silver cross buggy. And I hated it! Now if only we had something like that when my daughter was younger. This is definitely something I'd want to have. Dean of Little Steps.

  3. This looks amazing, do you know how much it is going to be?x

  4. I can't believe it's puncture proof,how good is that!!!

  5. Wow, I am so impressed with this, how amazing is the design never mind the fact it is puncture proof x

  6. This is the coolest stroller I have ever seen I think it is awesome that it converts into a backpack and is puncture proof.

  7. This looks perfect for travelling - i was so looking forward to trying it out but sadly car problems meant we could not go

  8. It looks amazing! When my girls were younger I really wanted something like this, but it would have needed to have been a double one! x

  9. Oh my gosh, this stroller is the coolest thing ever! So jealous, I wish they had them around when my kids were tiny. Even the wheels look amazing! I also love the trendy matching accessories :)

  10. This does look good, I won one of the Pockit ones which is a similar principle but I prefer the hood etc on this one xx

  11. This looks perfect for going abroad with a baby. We are always galavanting off on planes so I may look into this! Thanks for sharing x

  12. What a fantastic invention, I've never seen it before, so thank you for sharing. It's perfect for London as there are so many stairs on the underground!

  13. Oh wow I think this is a great idea - when we travelled to Helsinki recently for the week I just took a sling but wish I had had enough space for a buggy or stroller and this would of been perfect!

    Laura x

  14. What a fantastic product!!! I'm actually so impressed, i need one of these in my life because my boy is at an age where he's big enough to walk for little stretches but not if i'm going to be shopping or out all day. Love it, great post!


  15. This stroller look fab! Brilliant for taking on holiday x

  16. what a lovely invention, I think this will totally be welcome for many parents out there.

  17. That is amazing, i can't believe it hadn't been invented before now! That is brilliant how small it can be folded into, and the wheels look really good too xx

  18. Omg that's so handy when you travel. It looks quite comfy to sit in too for a stroller.

  19. What a fabulous product and so practical. This looks like a game changer when out and about with toddlers. Excellent

  20. This looks brilliant - what a fantastic idea. We would have loved to use this when ours were small. And glad to read that it works well as well as being so practical to carry around.

  21. This is absolutely AMAZING!!! What an incredible design — perfect for days out or holidays. Our boys are at the stage where we still have to lug the buggy about 'just in case'. They've just turned 3 and sometimes if we've done a lot of walking their legs give out and they need to sit for a while. This little gadget is amazing! What a clever idea! :)

  22. That is one neat invention! Wow.It looks so small when packed up into a backpack! If we ever have another baba we will definitely consider investing in one of these! x

  23. I have to say I think it is genius! It wouldnt be so popular on the tube here at rush hour, but how amazing!

  24. This is so cool, love it, what a genius idea! It almost makes me want a baby to try it out :)


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