If there’s any day you deserve to feel the most confident, radiant, worthwhile and beautiful version of yourself, it’s your wedding day. Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t feel any of those things on any other day. You should give yourself the respect you’re due. But on your wedding day, you should feel like your best self. This doesn’t mean throwing your weight around and being hard to deal with like we often see on those bride-exploitation programs trying to game familial drama for ratings. More like the quiet confidence, the confidence that comes when you’re with the person you truly love and look forward to confirming your vows to them.
Feeling confident on your wedding day might be a harder task than any other day. After all, all eyes are on you when you’re walking down the aisle. It can feel a little worrying to imagine this ahead of time. But with a little self-care, a little preparation, and a little willingness to give yourself the love you need, your confidence will translate to pure enjoyment. Consider the following:
Find A Dress That’s ‘You’
It’s extremely important to feel great in what you wear on your wedding day. But when heading to a bridal store or a tailor, you might find that you’re not really ‘feeling’ the options on display. It might be that you simply don’t want to wear the traditional dress, or perhaps you don’t want to wear a dress at all. It might be that the dress your mother, future mother-in-law, sister and bridesmaids all love is one that you simply cannot see yourself in, but you feel pressured into accepting. But this is your wedding day. Sometimes, you simply have to find garments that are ‘you,’ and the best version of you. Remember, you’re going to be the one who has to wear it, no one else. Exercising a little attention and self-belief and choosing that which you most love, or spending a little longer finding it, could be the best option to help you find something you truly love.
Preparation = Relaxation
The more you can prepare, the more you will feel comfortable in actually enjoying that you have to experience. For example, meeting personally with the wedding music bands you have selected, arranging the photographers with warmth and having a sample set of dishes made from your catering firm can help you ensure reliability, and that there are no nasty surprises on the day itself. A backup contingency can also help you ensure that the wedding can be enjoyed even if something unexpected happens. For example, if you’re planning to have your wedding reception outside in a beautiful rented mansion’s garden, what might you do if it starts raining heavily? Putting these plans in place can prove very useful for the sanity of both you and your partner, but also your confidence.
Just Be You
Weddings have a weird habit of bringing out the ‘strangeness’ from your family. Some cousins you haven’t seen in years might want to know everything about you all of a sudden, or perhaps your second-removed Auntie gifts you something quite odd for a wedding present, and they want you to open it at the reception. Just be you, and remember that your family will likely disperse the way it had beforehand. A little inside smile can go a long way to deal with how these events effect people, and hey, if you’re not sure, pre-planning your invitee list tightly can go a long way!
With these tips, you’re sure to feel confident, as you deserve to, on your wedding day.
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Great tips, I am getting married in three months time so I am feeling so anxious and overwhelmed at the moment x