Friday, 1 March 2019

Be in the Picture - Weekly Favourites 9

Welcome back to the Be in the Picture weekly roundup. Once again there were lots of wonderful pictures shared on instagram and I struggled to pick just a few favourites. I could have featured so many. If you missed the last roundup you can catch up with it here, Be in the Picture - Weekly Favourites 8.

For those of you that haven't heard of #beinthepicture, it is an instagram hashtag that myself and Alana from Baby Holiday created. It is designed to encourage you to get in-front of the camera as opposed to behind it. I used to always be the one taking the pictures and I was never in them myself. 

You can use the hashtag on any pictures that feature you whether that be fashion, parenting, travel, with your partner etc. You name it, we want to see it.

This week I decided to choose some fun pictures that made me smile and chuckle.

My favourite picture of the week came from Rachel at Illustrated Teacup. It literally made me laugh out loud and it's super cute.

Next up is a picture from Little Ladies Big World. This was a picture of their family enjoying an experience gift they'd received. It looks like a great day out.

Today’s half term fun is sponsored by (not actually sponsored by) @grouponuk and Christmas gifts. Seriously if you haven’t asked for experiences over presents yet for Christmas and birthdays or checked Groupon for things you might do anyway then may I suggest doing it right now, or, you know, December. Today we went snow tubing and tobogganing thanks to one of my sisters and apart from Roma looking terrified at how fast snow tubing was (she got over it) and Eva’s huge epic meltdown at the top of the toboggan run where Eddy had to bunny bump her down the entire way all whilst she refused to take the break off and formed a kind of toboggan queue (she didn’t get over that) it was all in all a good family activity and didn’t cost us a penny. The lady at the top also offered to take our photo which considering it was quite busy I thought was really nice and as someone who loves to get us all in the frame in the moment it actually made my day. Until she said put your hands in the air and I’m too polite and British to say no because we will look like twats on Instagram 😂 so here we are, looking like twats and having a jolly good time. (Except Roma because she, is a maverick and everything I wish I was 😉) I’m also writing this to relive the loveliness tomorrow when I cry with every step because my goodness they need a travelator there, the climb back up was pure torture!!
A post shared by Laura 🍂 (@littleladiesbigworld) on

The last 2 pictures are selfies. The first one is from Mary at Over 40 and Mum to One . She talks about how she hardly ever gets in the picture and that's what this hashtag community is all about.

Smile for the camera I said. Not his most flattering face, but it shows the boy I love as he is. Funny, silly and a typical nine year old. He is my one and only and I treasure our moments together, no matter what face he's pulling :) Have you got in front of the camera this month and captured moments with your children? If you haven't then do it, it's something I've been trying to do each month for the last three years. We've captured lots of lovely memories over that time.⁣ ⁣ #freespiritedchildhood⁣ #mycolourfulkids #happylittlebuttons #littlefamiliesofig #kidsoftheoutdoors #documentyourdays #standstillmychild #myfamilyadventures #tbcsmiles #outdoorsfamily #countrykidsfun #outsidewithkids #ukparentbloggers #snaphappybritmums #tinybigadventure #outdoorsfamilylife⁣ #themagicofchildhood #celebrate_childhood #snapfromtheheart #my_magical_moments #storiesoftheeveryday #theoutdoorchild #parentsinthepicture #ShowYouWereThere #motherhood_magic #beinthepicture #mummyandme
A post shared by Mary - Over40andaMumtoOne (@over40andamumtoone) on

I had to include this last picture as it was just adorable. You can't help but smile when you look at it. It's by megtansom.

I'm not sharing a picture from my own profile this week as I don't think I've shared any that fit the bill.

Make sure you join in with #beinthepicture over on instagram and also follow it to see everyone's pictures. 


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