Friday, 9 November 2018

Nightmare Before Christmas Disneybound

As you know, I love a Disneybound, you can read about my very first one which was a Mickey Mouse bound here, Mickey Mouse Disneybound. This year is The Nightmare Before Christmas' 25th anniversary so guess what I bounded as on Halloween? Yep the legend that is Jack Skellington. 

I was kindly sent a couple of items from EMP for my bound. I received the 'Jack Cosplay' dress and the 'Jack Sally' leggings, which were perfect for a Nightmare Before Christmas Disneybound.

The dress is gorgeous and features a Jack embroidery on the Peter Pan style collar. It also has a triple layered skirt which makes it extra special. I chose to wear it with a long sleeved black top and just heels but you could pair it with the 'Jack Leggings' and the 'Jack Handbag' to really make the outfit stand out.

I was also sent the 'Jack Sally' leggings which I adored. They are literally amazing. They were very comfortable and super flattering. I wore it with a plain long sleeved top but you could wear it with the 'His Sally tee' and a bag for a full outfit.

I'll definitely be taking these with me to wear on my next trip to Disney. Have you seen any good pieces for a Nightmare Before Christmas Bound? Who's your favourite character from the film?



  1. I love Jack Skellington, a Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my faves. I adore the dress and the leggings.

  2. I love the leggings! I haven't heard of Disneybounding before, but love the idea.


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