Monday, 19 November 2018

Be in the Picture Weekly Favourites - 7

Welcome back to the Be in the Picture weekly roundup. Once again there were lots of wonderful pictures shared on instagram and I struggled to pick just a few favourites. I could have featured so many. If you missed the last roundup you can catch up with it here, Be in the Picture 6.

For those of you that haven't heard of #beinthepicture, it is an instagram hashtag that myself and Alana from Baby Holiday created. It is designed to encourage you to get in-front of the camera as opposed to behind it. I used to always be the one taking the pictures and I was never in them myself. 

You can use the hashtag on any pictures that feature you whether that be fashion, parenting, travel, with your partner etc. You name it, we want to see it.

I couldn't pick a favourite image out of the 4 I've chosen for the roundup. They are all beautiful and I'm loving the autumnal colours.

I love how fun this picture is by Emily and Indiana . I can totally empathise with the bugs. We've had a few in our house in the last few months but luckily no sickness ones...yet.

💛 T H E E L D E S T 💛 This boy, the eldest, I don’t think he realises just how much we all love him. I think he suffers from ‘eldest child syndrome’, which I totally get as I’m the eldest too & we always have to take the brunt of everything, don’t we? I have an angel figurine next to my bed & Beau thinks it’s Tyler & it’s not hard to see why with that mop of golden ringlets he has. He’s been my angel man since he was a baby 👼 I tell him every night that he’s my best friend & I hope he believes me. He can be testing, trying, frustrating (can’t all 5 year olds!), but he’s so special to us & has the most unique, imaginative mind I have ever encountered 💛 I need to learn not to make him feel that being the eldest is the short straw and to appreciate that he’s only little too. How lucky am I to have had him for 3 whole years and 3 whole months before I had to share my mother’s love with anyone else 💛 Are you the eldest child? Did you or do you have eldest child syndrome too? . . . #motherandson #motherandsonbond #motherandsongoals #myangelman #curlsfordays #mybabyforever #myeldestboy #5yearsold #myoldest #myeldestson #raisingsons #raisingboys #eldestchild #themagicineveryday #ourwhimsicaldays #mydolly #beinthepicture #acupofmotherhood #honestlymothering #honestlyparents #motherhoodrising #motherhoodslens #motherhoodinspired #ipbig
A post shared by Fiona (@dollydowsie) on

Dolly Dowsie's instagram feed is simply divine. Every picture she posts is just beautiful and this one is stunning. My eldest child has 'eldest child syndrome' too. 

Ad - As a parent I definitely want to wrap my kids in cotton wool sometimes, the thought of them being bullied terrifies me but I’m also realistic in that it could potentially happen to one of them at some point. Thats why I want to be as informed as possible to help them navigate any issues like this. In general I think I’m pretty tech savvy but I also want to able to as knowledgeable as I can when it comes to issues like cyber bullying. The @vodafoneUK digital parenting hub (link in bio) gave me some brilliant thought starters and even just simple things like ‘turn off location’ for security reasons or switching off notifications so the online world wasn’t so intrusive were new ideas to me. What settings do you put in place for your kids using the internet? #familysquad #antibullyingweek
A post shared by Fritha Quinn (@tigerlillyquinn) on

I want to live in the feed of Tigerlillyquinn. All of her pictures make me smile. This picture that I've chosen to feature is adorable but it also highlights a really important issue..cyber bullying amongst children. Pop over to her picture to find out more. 

When Riley was first born, I swore up and down I would never quit my job and become a stay at home mom. I loved my job and had worked so hard to get to where I was. When Adalyn was born, I said the same thing. I lied. Deep down, I wanted nothing more than to stay with my babies everyday. As an introvert, I found that I gave everything to my job four days and week and came home with nothing left in my tank to give my family. Insert ALL the mom guilt. A few weeks ago I gathered the courage to tell my boss how I felt and to my surprise he offered to allow me to work part time from home. Needless to say, I jumped at the opportunity. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀ I am so sad to leave a job that I have loved so much, but I am also so excited for my next chapter. So excited for all the adventures I will have with my babies and all the “one day when I have the time” activities that I might actually get done. Any advice all you SAHMs out there can offer? ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #motherhood #breastfedbaby #momlifeisthebestlife #momlife #dairyfreebreastfeeding #charlotte #charlottenc #charlottemoms #charlotteblogger #cltblogger #embracechange #setgoals #changeisgood #changeiscoming #mommyandme #beinthepicture #sahm #lastday #workfromhome
A post shared by Katie | The Brave Little Mama (@thebravelittlemama) on

The last picture I chose for the roundup is by The Brave Little Mama. It's such a happy picture and it sums up an exciting new chapter in Katie's life. 

My favourite picture from my own feed was this one which was taken on our last family photo shoot with Sweet Whimsy Photography. It was such a fun shoot and we had so many amazing photos to choose from. 

Make sure you join in with #beinthepicture over on instagram and also follow it to see everyone's pictures. 


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