Monday, 5 September 2016

Dear Eva - A letter to you on your first day of preschool

Dear Eva,

Today is your first day at preschool. I'm writing this whilst you are there. Ophelia is napping, you are not here. The house is very quiet. I was unsure of what to do with myself which is silly as I have a million and one things to do but at this moment I am a mixed bag of emotions and I just wanted to write them all down for you.

I thought I would cry today. I have nervously awaited this day with a sense of excitement and also dread. I welled up but to see how excited you were just made me beam with pride. I still feel now that I could cry but believe me when I say it's not because school is a scary place or that I am upset you won't be with me all of the time, it is because I love you.

You see I still remember the first time I saw you and held you close to my heart. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember the people in the theatre. I remember feeling so physically drained but when I heard you cry, my heart melted. You were the smallest bundle of joy I had ever seen. I wrapped my arms around you and I instantly knew I would love you forever. I knew that we would have great adventures. I knew that parenting was going to be a challenge but it was something we were going to learn together.

You see I have been with you every step of the way. Every big moment in your life so far, I have been there to teach you and guide you. I remember the first time you smiled at me. I bottled that moment up and I have kept it engraved in my mind. It was such a rewarding moment for me.

I remember your first giggle. What an infectious sound that was. You would laugh at daddy blowing raspberries on your belly or laugh hysterically at Alfie chasing a ball. Your laugh would make me laugh.

From a young age you were always so determined to do everything. I should have known then you were going to be a force to be reckoned with. You rolled over very early on and that didn't stop you. You decided to crawl at just 6 months old. I encouraged you. Together we would chase after the dog or play with toys.

I remember the first time you spoke. Gosh I tried so hard to teach you to say mama first but of course the first word you said was dada. Next up was my name closely followed by dog. 

There are so many moments in your life that I have been there to teach you something. I could write so much. I remember reading books with you, singing with you, teaching you to feed yourself, to brush your teeth, to ride a bike, to say please and thank you, to brush your hair. The list is endless.

I just want you to know that I am so proud of you. Sometimes you drive me crazy but I guess it's because you are a mini version of me which makes me so happy. I will continue to love you, care for you, guide you and teach you things the best way I can but it's now time for you to spread your wings.

School is a wonderful place. You will be taught so many great things by your teachers and you will also learn things from your new friends. It won't always be easy. Some days may be hard but these are life lessons which will help shape your personality in years to come. Soak up every moment. Live, learn and laugh. Believe me when I say your time at school will fly by so make the most of it.

Adventure is out there and this is just the beginning of yours. Enjoy.

All my love,

Mum xx


  1. That is so lovely. Im overwhelmed xxx

  2. Aw what a lovely post.
    It truly is an emotional time when they get a little independence isn't it?
    I hope she has an amazing first day :) x

  3. Such a sweet post :) I can relate with the house feels a bit empty without them, doesn't it? T is in year 2 and yet, that's exactly how I still feel when she's at school. x

  4. She looks adorable in her little outfit. I bet you're so proud of her heading off to school. Such a lovely post x

  5. Oh this is lovely. I totally relate - Roo started proper school last year and I was so upset, but proud, but... yeah. I have Toby starting at the school's pre-reception (it is exactly the same as reception, full time and everything but for kids that aren't old enough to go into reception) in Jan and I keep having to tell myself its not OFFICIAL until next Sept. It's not. Ha!

  6. Aw bless you, Eva would love to read this when she is older. Look how grown up Eva is now xx

  7. Aw bless! The first day of school is such a huge thing for both the children and the parents. Eventually though you start to appreciate the time spent able to do things and get frustrated at all the holidays! :D

  8. Oh gosh, what a lovely post. Print this out and show it to her when she is 18. She sounds like a credit to you, beautiful inside and out, like mother like daughter x

  9. How lush! Heart-warming :)
    Hope her first day went well xx

  10. aaaw she is so lovely! this is a great post to show her when she finishes her studies :) x

  11. Oh bless her, such an amazing post which I hope one day she gets to read x

  12. This us such a lovely letter for Eva. I agree with the comments here.You should print it out and show her when she gets older.

  13. This is so lovely. Archie has been in private day nursery a few hours a week but he starts at pre school properly next week & I'm going to miss him so much. I'll love having the time to just concentrate on my business but I'll miss him not being here all the time

  14. Yay! Lovely letter and I hope she's enjoying her first days xx

  15. This is a lovely letter. She is so cute in her uniform.

  16. Such a beautifully written post and she looks so adorable in her uniform!! XxX

  17. Such a lovely letter, hope it all goes well

  18. So sweet! Hope it all goes well and she's super cute x

  19. Awww she looks so cute wearing her uniform! I bet she will love going to school! :)

  20. This is such a sweet post and something Eva will love to read when she's older. I'll be so nervous next year when Santi starts!
    Alana x

  21. Aww, such a lovely post. I remember all 4 of mine starting school ..

  22. Oh Kerry, I'm welling up here. BEAUTIFUL!

  23. so lovely! My eldest just started school too - crazy but fun time x

  24. What a beautiful letter to your daughter. I get choked up thinking my baby will be starting school in just two short years. I hope she had a fantastic first day. :)

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  25. Lovely post. Hope she's been getting on ok. She reminds me a lot of Amelia so I can imagine she is loving it! Crazy how grown up they are getting. Funny how our mini me's both drive us a little crazy but the second their gone we miss them! Xx

  26. This is a lovely letter. I write letters to sylvia from time to time. I wrote a few when i left her birth father. This is lovely.

  27. Oh what a lovely post - I hope she's settled in well bless her x x

  28. Ah a lovely post, she will love reading that when she is older.

  29. Kerry this made me fill up! So beautiful x


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