Saturday, 20 August 2016

Why we're embracing mess is best whilst weaning

I'll be completely honest with you and say that when I weaned my eldest daughter I hated it. I found the whole thing completely stressful. All the hours spent batch cooking things to find she didn't like what i'd made or the endless cleaning up from all the mess.

I was also one of those mums that cleaned up as soon as there was one ounce of mess on her face, the highchair or the floor. I was always feeding armed with a wet wipe. She'd take a few spoonfuls and i'd be there cleaning it up. I would totally freak out. It didn't make for an enjoyable experience for either of us. 

Ophelia is now 9 months old so we have been weaning for a while. She loves her food. With the help of my Babymoov weaning team, we are having a much better experience than the first time.

This time around we are embracing mess is best. We are allowing Ophelia to get as messy as she likes. We are encouraging her to hold her own food and play about with it. This is also great for sensory development. Eating with her fingers allows her to discover the different textures. She seems to be really enjoying how relaxed we are about everything and how we are all giggling around mealtimes.

I've surprised myself at how relaxed I am. Whenever there is food on the floor or bits of spaghetti in her hair, I am not rushing to clean it up. Instead I am waiting until the end of mealtime to deal with it. This is a new me. Even my hubby is surprised at how chilled out I am. 

I'm not saying my house now has pasta sauce climbing the kitchen walls or bits of food all over the floor. I of course try and maintain mess is best with the help of a few products to keep the weaning journey stress free.

My Babymoov High Chair is fab as it's very easy to clean. We used to have the Ikea high chair which was good but when it came to pasta sauce or a curry sauce, it left a horrible stain which we were never able to bring up sparkling. Our new high chair cleans so easily. 

We also use a Messy Me Splash Mat. It is designed to be placed underneath your high chair to catch all the food mess dropped on the floor. It's ideal as it's wipe clean. Once again making my parenting duties super easy. We've used this mat for so many other things as-well such as indoor and outdoor picnics and for painting. 

One thing that has been very helpful during weaning is our Bibetta Bib. I can't tell you how many clothes I lost to Spaghetti Bolognese before we got this. It actually covers almost all of Ophelia except the bottom of her legs. It also doesn't seem to allow any of the food to sneak through under the neck like lots of other bibs. 

The bib has a fold out pocket which most of the time catches any food that she drops. She can then retrieve these herself. 

What tips have you got for embracing messy weaning? 

If you are on instagram and twitter keep an eye out for the hashtag #messisbest to see some fab weaning pics and ideas

*As part of our weaning ambassador role for Babymoov, we have been gifted with the highchair, mat and bib featured in this post. All views and opinions are my own*


  1. I couldn't agree more! We sort of did a combination with Squidge - finger food to hold and spoon feeding him puree, but in the end he dragged us kicking and screaming into BLW :) I found food mess super duper stressful, but I've learned to (for the most part) accept it and let him crack on. He's now 22 months old and I let him get as mucky as he likes - if he's eating, great, dosn't matter if he's eating yoghurt with his hands, as long as some of it goes in his mouth I'm happy :)

    I think cleaning them or the table as mess happens isn't good for them or us (I used to do it), I think we just have to accept the mess and roll with it :)


  2. I think it helps if you use easy to clean equipment like a good high chair. Mealtimes should be fun and not stressful.

  3. I agree. Meal times can be stress if your trying to be clean. I remember letting my daughter loose with a chocolate mousse. I still have the pictures, good times :)

  4. I think your approach is spot on. Relaxing is the key for both you and your young one to enjoy meal times. The last thing we want is for weaning children to associate meal times with stress (and they do pick up on it). Very wise!

  5. So cute, i should show this to someone who just had a baby and she's trying to learn everything 'baby' related!

  6. So good to hear you are enjoying it more the second time around. I have to say our approach the second time around has also been different. We decided to do babyled weaning - something I was not brave enough to do properly the first time around but it's been the easiest for us but I think the key is finding something that works in your home & what is the most fun and less stress way :)

    Laura x

  7. I loved watching my nieces and nephews discover food, such a fun journey x

  8. We did messy weaning too. Though I'm forever cleaning, she's alot happier for it

  9. That bib is so handy. We have a similar one here.

  10. Weaning is a fun time isn't it! I was one of those clean freak mums who to begin with stressed over any little mess but I ended up approaching it much like you are now. Once I was more relaxed so was my daughter and the whole albeit messy experience went much more smoothly! Good luck! x

  11. I think all kids need a little bit of mess to help them play and learn at a good rate. Weaning is a difficult but at the same time rewarding process.

  12. Sounds as though you've got it spot on! I really struggled with the mess when we weaned luckily Thomas didn't like to waste much So don't get too messy 😂

  13. I hate weaning! I am also inclined towards wanting to clear up instantly, but have made myself leave it until the end as there is just no point trying to clean as it goes along. I agree with you - I think a relaxed attitude is probably preferable, I'm just not good at it! (Lucy/R is for Hoppit)

  14. I was exactly the same as you, constant cleaning the food up with my eldest and so chilled out with my youngest. You can't go wrong with a messy mat in place, I love the pattern on this one. The bib looks fab, wished I had these when my girls were small X

  15. The messy me splash mat sounds fantastic, I wish we had one when my little one was going through this stage, would have been perfect.

    Jordanne ||

  16. I'm an absolute believer in 'mess is best'! When Munch was little and was weaning, I tried to allow her to get as messy as she liked, but her dad wasn't so keen. He can't seem to bear them getting food all over them, in their hair, all over their highchair, etc. Same when Beastie was weaning. He was working from home then, so he was always nearby with a packet of wipes. He's now out at work all day, so I had more freedom with Plumlet's weaning habits. I love seeing him explore with his food. However, at 2 and a half, he will still paint everything within reach with Bolognese sauce on spaghetti nights! Mess is definitely best!

  17. I agree, it can get stressful. As you can avoid the mess anyway, just let the little ones to enjoy it.

  18. Weaning can be so stressful. I definitely took a more relaxed approach the second time around and embraced BLW with open arms. x

  19. So good to hear you are finding it less stressful this time around. I am of the view that mess is definitely best! We did baby-led weaning with our three - no purees whatsoever, so you can imagine how messy it got, but you've just got to focus on the fact they are enjoying their food and having fun. The bib sounds fab! x

  20. I was just like this with my first. I would freak out with any kind of mess and didn't really let him feed himself. This time round I just let E mess about and shove things in his mouth and chuck it about everywhere. I wonder if people just relax with things like that!

  21. I totally agree that mess is best! I can't wait until my little one is born and then old enough to start weaning. It's going to be fun!

  22. Totally agree! It's the best approach to weaning for sure! We did baby led with Bella and I actually really enjoyed the whole thing, mess aside ;) xxx

  23. You sound like me first time round with Tyler, I had the baby wipes ready! I may try to be more chilled out with the mess second time round, I'll try anyway! X

  24. I was the same as you first time round, wanted to clear everything up straight away! I wonder what I'll be like with this second baba that's on the way. I think we'll do a combination of finger foods, BLW and purees like we did last time :) Great post petal x

  25. I am generally not a fan of messages but it depends on the child. My first was great with the spoon. My second she prefers feeding herself. Most of it ends up on the floor. Ah well at least she eats.


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