Saturday, 20 August 2016

A trip to London to see Scooby-Doo Live Musical Mysteries

You may have read my post earlier on this week about how Eva and I were going to see a new Scooby-Doo musical, my post. It was a trip that just the two of us were taking so I wanted to make the most of our alone time together. I booked for us to stay in a hotel the night before.

We travelled up on the Wednesday night. Unfortunately, we arrived quite late so we didn't get to make the most of having a sleepover together which I was a bit gutted about. I had envisaged us getting into our pjs and singing and dancing and painting our nails etc. All things she would have loved. Instead, it was into our pjs and straight to bed as it was so late.

We woke up and decided to head for breakfast and then visit Harrods. Eva had been given some money by her Grampy to buy herself and Ophelia a present. We must have spent at least 2 hours in the toy, teddy and book section at Harrods. She was loving life. After much deliberation she settled on a Disney make up box and cars set for herself and a Harrods teddy and a book for Ophelia. 

Next we headed off for the main event, Scooby-Doo Live Musical Mysteries at the London Palladium theatre. Eva was so excited. She had talked about it all day. We stepped out of the taxi to lots of paparazzi taking pictures. This added to the excitement and anticipation. We collected our tickets and headed in.

We spotted a fantastic lego Scooby-Doo which was perfect for a photo opportunity.

We then took our seats for the show and it began. It opened up to the well known song Scooby-Doo where are you? The audience all joined in.

The gang had to solve the mystery of the theatre ghost. To do this they decided to disguise themselves as a band. The audience were encouraged to join in by singing, dancing and shouting out whenever we saw the ghost. 

Eva and I really enjoyed it. She's 3.5 and didn't find it particularly scary. She was worried whenever the ghost came on stage but not enough to cover her eyes. 

After the show we were treated to a VIP meet and greet with Daphne and Scooby-Doo. This is available after every performance. Daphne invited the children onto the stage to learn some of the dance moves. Eva loved all of this until the music started. She then ran off the stage as she thought the theatre ghost was coming. 

Overall we had a fab time. Eva has been talking about it ever since. I loved the fact that at 3.5 years old she is able to say she danced on stage at the London Palladium.

Don't miss your chance to see the show as it's only on for a limited time. Get your tickets here, book.

Seeing as we had such a lovely time, what show do you suggest we watch next?

*We were given free tickets to the show in exchange for a blog review. All opinions are truthful and our own*


  1. What a wonderful trip, cant think of anything better than shopping at Harrods and watching a show - sounds like you had a fabulous time :)

  2. I keep hearing great things about this musical! Lovely to hear you got a spot of shopping in Harrods in - I used to work down the road from there and it's truly magical.

  3. This sounds fab, looks like you all had an amazing and what a lucky girl being able to meet them

  4. Oooh my kids love a bit of Scooby Doo! So do I! You can't grow out of Scooby Doo, and loving the Harrods toy department, what a treat!

  5. I just love Scoobydoo and my son is starting to get into it himself so I'd love to take him to something like this when he's a little older. Sounds like a great time, plus shopping at harrods is always fun!

    Jordanne ||

  6. Aw this sounds like such a lovely treat with your daughter:)


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