Thursday, 14 July 2016

Ophelia's Weaning Journey At 7 Months Old

It's been a while since I updated you on how Ophelia's weaning journey is progressing. You may have read my post on her first tastes when we initially started. She is now nearly 8 months old and is very much into her food.

She started with puree food but progressed quickly onto finger foods. She seemed to want whatever we were having. I guess that comes with having a big sister to look up to and always wanting what she has. We decided to try to offer her a mash dish and a finger food at every meal which seemed to make her very happy.

Here's what she had last week:


Coconut greek yoghurt
Toast fingers

Dairylea sandwich 
Apple slices

Spaghetti bolognese
Garlic bread


Toast fingers

Ham sandwich

Beef Casserole 
Watermelon Slices

Scrambled Egg
Toast fingers

Selection of finger foods such as carrots, cucumber 
Greek Yogurt

Garlic bread


Coconut greek yogurt
Toast fingers

Dairylea sandwich

Cottage Pie
Watermelon slices

Toast fingers

Ham sandwich

Cottage Pie

Toast fingers

Selection of finger foods such as carrots, cucumber 

Spaghetti Bolognese

Scrambled egg

Cottage Pie

Garlic Bread

A lot of what she eats is quite repetitive but that's because I batch cook and I know she likes it. Her favourite food has to be toast fingers. She would eat them at every meal if she could. She seems to like strong flavoured food which is exactly what Eva liked too when she was weaning.

We've been using the Babymoov lunch set for her meals which we love. The section plate is so handy as I can separate the different food items. We've been using it since we started weaning and it gets used 3 times a day. It honestly still looks brand new. No matter how many times it's had bolognese on it and has been threw the dishwasher, it still comes out looking clean. This is a far cry from some of the other dishes I used with Eva. 

It's definitely durable. Ophelia loves to bash things about at mealtime and her plate, bowl and cup take most of the brunt of it. I'm amazed that they don't even have a chip in them. 

How did you find weaning? What meals and finger foods did your little one's enjoy? I'm always on the hunt for new ideas so please share any.



  1. Oh wow she's such a good eater! Little London as terrible with finger foods and would only be spoon fed as long as the food contained no lumps. Thankfully he's out grown that but I wish he would have been more like you little one for ease and convenience!

  2. Love that she likes garlic bread :) My son used to love avocado when he was tiny. That lunch set looks great. You would think it would get stained with the food like lasagne and bolognese!

  3. Oh wow what a healthy array of yummy food! So glad to see it's going well and she is enjoying trying something new

    Laura x

  4. She's doing so well! I love the design of your cutlery set, so cute xx

  5. Love the sound of the coconut greek yoghurt! She's doing really well with her food, Henry still would rather feed the dog at times. Sod. xxx

  6. I found babyled weaning worked so much easier than spoon fed. Beans on toast is always a winner! X

  7. Aww it's amazing how quickly you forget about things like weaning! We found finger foods really worked as well. It's good to get all sorts of textures on the go :) x

  8. We batch cook as well + I find it so much easier and there's always something ready if I've had no sleep etc.
    Her diet sounds amazing, I am addicted to dairylea and spag bol, the photos you've shown look delicious
    X X

  9. Thats a lovely set, mine ate everything we did but in smaller portion sizes, or sticks of things to eat themselves. We did baby lead weaning and boy was it messy but they loved their food!

  10. Good girl. I am terrible when it comes to weaning. My 17 months old is still in the weaning stage because she only has about 5 teeth.

  11. What beautiful plates! And she's doing well. We did babyled weaning and found it so easy.

  12. I love Babymoov lunch sets. They are so pretty, aren't they?

  13. Sounds like she's going really well, weaning is such a fun time i do miss the little faces they make! xx

  14. I enjoyed weaning, little man loved eating and it was a real pleasure feeding him and trying different foods! :)

  15. How fascinating, eating all these foods for the first time. Something really special! They grow so quick too so watch out by ;) home and DIY blogger<\a>

  16. Interesting healthy dishes. Good to know she is weaning well.

  17. Good job for your little one. My baby is already 2 years old and still a picky eater. She never liked eating when she was until 1 year and 6 months. Now she gets her nutrients from milk and very less from the food.

  18. I batch cooked aswel and I felt like he was repeating a lot but he enjoyed them anyway, toast was the first finger food he would eat, anything else he wouldn't put in his mouth x

  19. I never got on with baby led weaning but sounds like she is doing well

  20. It's great that she can already eat so many different things. And it's also great that you give her healthy options too, to give her vitamins and strength to grow. :)

  21. Aww, she looks like she has had a lovely selection of food :) I remember mine all weaning, so much fun ..

  22. It is certainly a nice varied diet and the idea of seperating the different foods will give a better idea of what she really enjoys. Great blog

  23. Im thinking of moving in with you seeing a menu like that, what a lovely bunch of meals x

  24. If only they stayed this easy to feed. Now my little girl is 3 she won't eat anything other than fruit, broccoli and fish fingers! At 8 months she would eat anything. Lovely menu for Orphelia :-)

  25. This is Sooo useful, I'm just starting to wean cal and so far he doesn't seem to sure! Getting the hang of porridge but tried fruit puree pouches and he hates them lol. Any suggestions? He is just under five months so can't have gluten yet but eats so much I've got to get him on good lol!!

  26. This is Sooo useful, I'm just starting to wean cal and so far he doesn't seem to sure! Getting the hang of porridge but tried fruit puree pouches and he hates them lol. Any suggestions? He is just under five months so can't have gluten yet but eats so much I've got to get him on good lol!!

    1. Maybe just stick to the porridge and rice for now and add some fruit into that to get to like the taste? x


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