Saturday 18 June 2016

The Siblings Project - June

This month we have seen a complete u-turn in Eva and Ophelia's relationship which has been amazing to see. Ophelia is a few days from turning 7 months old so this turn has been a long time coming. If you follow me on my social media you will have seen pictures of them together laughing and smiling but believe me, these moments were a rarity, until this month.

This month the dynamics have changed. Ophelia has always idolised her big sister but the feeling was never really reciprocated. I must admit this really upset me and for a long time I wondered if we'd made the wrong decision with the age gap that we have between them. 

Eva has now started to properly interact and play with her sister. She has been including her in everything and it is melting my heart. It is such a joy to watch. She comes home from nursery and runs straight to her. She now will sit with her and talk to her. She even enjoys playing with games and toys with her. I can't begin to tell you how much of a relief it is to finally see this bond between them.

I'm wondering whether it's because Ophelia has now become a lot more interesting to her sister. Ophelia now rolls around everywhere, sits up, laughs constantly and chats for Britain in her own little way. They eat at the table together and bath together. Perhaps, Eva has now realised she's not as boring as she was when she used to just eat, sleep, poop, repeat.

This month they have experienced some family firsts together. At the beginning of the month we went to our very first festival together and Ophelia had her first taste of camping. The girls had a great time.

The following week we headed to Crealy in Devon for our first family experience of glamping which was amazing. Whilst at the theme park, Ophelia tried her first ever ice lolly, which of course was a mini milk.

We also popped to Exmouth beach. The way they interacted with each other there will stay in my heart forever. Seeing them giggling together was just so precious. I sat there and watched them feeling very grateful.

So far this month has been wonderful in terms of siblings and family outings. I'm hoping the rest of the month will be the same.

Have you got siblings? How long did it take for their bond to properly develop?

The Me and Mine Project


  1. They do look so incredibly close in these photos, a definite bond forming between sisters x

  2. Glad to see their bond is building, it must be a huge adjustment for Eva.The pictures of them are so cute :)

  3. they are both so beautiful. Hope they keep a lovely close relationship - sisters are the best :) x

  4. Beautiful photos and great to hear the bond is building. I think you are right as the baby start to get more interesting the older sibling sees them as an actual person who is there to stay! x

  5. Oh how lovely. It took a while for my son to really get involved with his sisters but it was when they became more active and more fun. Now they absolutely love each other and always play together x

  6. That is adorable! I was very lucky with my girls. There's only 16 months between them and my eldest seemed to take to her little sister really quickly.

  7. I can totally resonate with this - we are still having issues 15months down. I think it's easier for some and may not be the age gap but rather just how little ones adapt with such a big change. My boys do have moments which are lovely but my eldest has still not fully accepted the role of big brother. Good to see there is a positive change happening

    Laura x

  8. Love this post - and the pictures, which are gorgeous. Of course it takes time for siblings to bond, and babies get so much more interesting as they grow older. The sibling relationship goes up and down I think, but it sounds like a lovey breakthrough has been made.

  9. It's great to hear that your girls have clicked. May they continue to enjoy each other's company.

  10. so lovely to see. it was always gonna take time especially as its the first 2. lovely pics

  11. They're both completely gorgeous and it's so nice to watch them bond isn't it? We have the opposite problem in our house. Z is so affectionate and will smother Baby E. He hates it about 98% of the time although has tiny slots in the day where he'll go over to smack Zs face affectionately. I get the feeling that E will always be someone that doesn't want to be showered with affection and Z will be one that revels in it.

  12. Ah what wonderful progress! I wouldn't beat yourself up about the age difference, I think their relationship will be what it is whatever! My girls fight so much and I've often wondered if it is the age difference (4 years) but there's nothing I can do about that now!

  13. Aww how cute are they! My boys have a 2 year age gap and it has worked perfect for our family but I am considering a longer age gap next time as it can be hard work for mummy xx


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