Tuesday 31 May 2016

Ophelia's 6 month update

Well as I sit here writing this, I can't help but feel a bit sad. My baby is 6 months old already. I honestly cannot believe how quickly the time has gone. I just want to savour every moment.

She has had an incredible 6 months and I feel very lucky to have been able to share some amazing experiences with her. As you know we stayed in Australia for 3 months when she was just 5 weeks old which allowed us to have some quality bonding time together.

Ophelia can now roll over from front to back and back to front. She always seems so pleased with herself when she does. She can sit up unattended for short periods of time. She is very vocal and loves the sound of her own voice. She's either squealing, laughing or repeatedly saying baba. 

Ophelia cut her first teeth at just 12 weeks old. We are now on her 6th tooth. She does seem to be suffering with it at the moment.

I am still breastfeeding Ophelia and I am still loving it. She doesn't feed as often as we have now started to wean her. She's currently on the puree/mash stage and is doing really well. I've written a post about her weaning journey so far, if you want to read more just click the link, Ophelia's first tastes

You may remember that from quite a young age, she used to sleep all through the night. I used to dream feed her around 10pm and she would sleep until around 5.30am. However, this is no longer the case. She now wakes around 3 times a night. I think it's her teeth giving her grief.
She still sleeps in our room in her snuzpod. I love having her in the room and if i'm honest I want her to stay in there for as long as she can. We have a small bedroom so she will have to go into her own room once she outgrows the snuzpod, which unfortunately won't be long.

She is wearing clothes that are size 3-6 months. I love her in dresses and I really like seeing her in pastel colours.

My favourite things:
There are a few things that Ophelia does that I just love. I love it when she grabs my face and pulls me in for kisses and cuddles. She loves rubbing her head against mine and then giving me kisses. 

I love hearing her talking. She is just like me and her big sister and she talks for Britain. 
I adore the way she looks at Eva. She absolutely idolises her. You can tell she has total admiration for her.

I love the way she scratches the side of the snuzpod to get my attention. It's so cute. 
I love watching her play with a tambourine we have in the house. Her little face is a picture when she shakes it. She thinks she is chocolate.

My not so favourite things:
Her nappies at the moment are awful. When I say awful I mean awful. I think it's a combination of teething and weaning but we are having lots of atomic bomb moments lately.
She seems to love pulling hair. Either mine, her sisters or the dog. Needless to say, none of us are fans of that.

As i've already said, I can't believe how quickly time is going. I'm sure i'll be writing her one year update sooner than I think. 



  1. She looks like a happy baby! It's lovely you can look back on your blog and see her grow

  2. Ooh she is such a cutie! Beautiful pics of the angel xx

  3. Omg that has flown by, can't believe she's 6 months already (and already left the country twice is it?). She's a little beauty x

  4. Awwww she looks like such a happy and content little girl, can't believe she's 6 months old already. Sounds like she'd doing incredibly well, hope those nasty toothy pegs ease up soon so you can go back to getting a full night's sleep. Teething is just THE worst xxx

  5. What a cute baby! Little man is already 7 years old and it seems like it was yesterday when he was 6 months old. My advice would be to enjoy each minute as they grow up so quickly!

  6. I can't believe she's 6 months already! It seems like 5 minutes ago you were jetting off to Australia! She's such a little cutie, i especially love the photo of her looking up at Eva, so adorable! x

  7. Oh my gosh, she is adorable! I love al lthe photographs, what memories! Life goes way too fast, good for you for enjoying each moment :)

  8. Nice to see her progress and development

  9. Nice to see her progress and development

  10. She looks like such a happy girl- time flies by though doesn't it?

  11. You have a beautiful family. Ophelia is so precious! She looks healthy and happy :)


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