Wednesday, 10 February 2016

Summer Infant Swaddle Me Review

We all know as parents, how much we value our sleep at night. Trying to get your baby as comfortable as possible is one of the key things you can do to ensure they have a restless nights sleep.

Swaddling is a great way of keeping your baby cosy and safe. However, as i've mentioned before in previous posts, the hubby and I are pretty much useless in the swaddling department. No matter how many times we've been shown, we just can't get to grips with it.

I was asked if I would like to review a Swaddleme from Summer Infant uk. You may have read my review of their Stroller which I loved, so I jumped at the chance to try one of their swaddles out.

I was sent the Original Swaddle in jungle print which costs 12.99. There are lots of other colours available on the website. The print is very apt as Ophelia's nursery is safari themed. 

The fabric is 100% cotton, the wings have a hook and loop fastening attachment and the leg pouch can be opened up separately. We've been using this for a few months but Ophelia is now almost too big for it. She will be 3 months old in a week. We've really got on well with it and Ophelia seems to be impressed too.

I particularly like the material. It's 100% cotton and you can tell as it's very soft and smooth. It stretches well and is easy to manoeuvre around babies body. Even though it feels soft, it certainly feels secure.

The material is also great for year round weather use. I used this back home in the UK during December and I also have used it here in Australia. So i've used it in polar opposite weather conditions. It was very cold at home and it's rather hot over here. You just adjust what baby is wearing underneath.

It's very simple to wrap. You place baby in the pouch and then wrap the wings across. It's so much easier than attempting to swaddle with a normal blanket. Also if you swaddle with a normal blanket you tend to add around 4 extra layers to baby so they can easily overheat. With this, you know you have a safe amount of layering. I love the fact that you can have easy access to the bottom half of baby. This was ideal for changing Ophelia's nappies at night-time. 

We've loved using this product. I can't recommend swaddling and this particular wrap enough. Ophelia actually sleeps from 10pm to around 5.30am. I am so lucky. I'm not saying it's because of this swaddle but the fact that she feels comforted and protected, certainly adds to it. However from a young age she seems to wake up to noise. She's not one of these babies that will sleep through you hoovering. Any loud noise and she startles. This swaddle helps her from waking herself up from her startling reflex which has been a great help.

At almost 3 months she seems to be able to roll herself onto her side and stay there. This is rather alarming for me as i'm now petrified she's going to roll completely over. I'm going to have to get the next stage up in the swaddle range which is the Wrapsack, so I can let her sleep with her arms out when she becomes even more active.



  1. I love this cheeky and cute animal print.

  2. I absolutely love these swaddles! I used them for all three of my children because I never could get regular swaddles right. They're so easy and my children loved them!

  3. This looks so cute, I love the print and the bright colours! I wish we had had one of these for my daughter

  4. This looks so cute, shame they don't think about making things much bigger for children with sensory problems, think it would be something my son would like when he's seeking pressure! Maybe it's something companies could look into !

  5. I have always been quite good at swaddling babies, daughter will phone me to get them to sleep when they are restless, but as you say you have to be careful of over heating.
    Will need to look at one of these for Spud as she is due in a few weeks.

  6. I absolutely love the print, I haven't used one of these before as I just used a blanket to swaddle Emily, Would definitely look at them in the future. x

  7. That's such a lovely print. I'm thinking of trying swaddling this time, and love the look of this one with the opening for nappy changes. Such a cute pic of Ophelia x

  8. We tried swaddling and also baby slings. Neither of my kids would take to them. Might have been because they have always been quite big!

  9. We swaddled our twins and it really seemed to make them feel comfy and secure - we used very thin blankets but this looks like a handy alternative (and possibly a bit easier for the sleep deprived!)

  10. Such a cute print! Swaddling really worked well for us when our daughter was young. x

  11. Aww your little one look gorgeous in this. I love the idea of swaddling. When you see Japanese babies being swaddled they look so peaceful

  12. I wish i was clued up on swaddling when my son was a baby! I'll be doing it next time round of definate!

  13. We never swaddled because I just didn't know how- I would give this ago next tie for sure because I know their are so many benefits to it. x

  14. I tried swaddling with blankets when I had my daughter, she didn't seem to like it so I stopped. I would definitely try again and use this product with my next baby x

  15. Gorgeous print! I tried swaddling Abbie when she was little but she hated it, she liked having her arms free and being able to stretch haha. I love how snug they look though when they're all wrapped up! x

  16. Aw this is so cute and such a good price for a good night's sleep!

  17. I was never good at swaddling my baby (she's 5 now), but then again, if I had something like this, it certainly would've helped a lot. I did swaddle her but I only used her baby blankets and she would usually wriggle free a few minutes after I've put her in her cot. Babies! I do love them :) x

  18. Love the print and glad it worked out well for you, we tarted swaddling with baby #1 but never got the hang of it, might have to try again with baby #2!

  19. Great review and the print is so cute! We tried swaddling when my little girl was a baby but it didn't work for us, perhaps if we'd had one of these it would've!

  20. We were also huge fans and supporters of swaddling, but the darned thing would come loose every night without fail! I would have loved to have had this, as sleep is rather high on my list of priorities, and will definitely recommend it to all newby mummies. The pattern is beautiful!

  21. I love the print it is simply adorable! I think swaddling is great and we did it with all our foster children. I say we- I grew up in foster care and we used to swaddle the bubbas.

  22. I am loving the look of the swaddle and I think my cousins who are both expecting would love this one.

  23. I have these, my daughter still manages to wriggle out even though they give a lovely secure swaddle. X

  24. This looks great - I did try to swaddle my kids a couple of times, but could never get the hang of it, and then I'd worry that it'd all unwrap and be a hazard. I would have definitely tried this back then if it had been around. I did use baby sleeping bags though, for both of mine - and loved them!

  25. My first baby was swaddled at the hospital but this time with my second they didn't at all. I'm not sure if it was the time of year - summer vs. autumn - or a change in practice. I didn't know you could swaddle older babies though - we just use a sleeping bag but I'll look these up (baby is now 6 months!).

  26. This looks great we swaddled Monkey when he was small and I have every intention of doing the same with our second due in May :). Love the pattern on this one - will be checking this brand out as never come across it before. Thanks :)

  27. That print is gorgeous :) one of my boys loved being swaddled, the other hated it haha

  28. ah i used to love swaddling my little one x and she slept so well from day one . love the animal print one x

  29. This brings back nice memories, we used these when the twins were small. We loved them, kept them nice and cosy. They were really easy to use as well, especially important in the middle of the night when we were not with it! x

  30. I never used a swaddle blanket, that one looks so cute and cosy

  31. This looks so lovely - Pickle loved being swaddled tightly when he was tiny. Lovely review. Kaz x

  32. So pretty,so practical and so easy. A great product fo any new mum


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