Monday, 1 February 2016

Ophelia's 2nd month

I can't believe I already have a 2 month old baby, well actually I have a 10 week old baby so nearing 3 months. The time is going way too fast for my liking.

The first month was way too much of a blur but I think that was partially because my mother in law died just days after she was born.

She had a good first Christmas and the lucky thing then got to have her first holiday as we flew to Australia to stay with my mum and sisters on boxing day. She was an angel on the flight and was no trouble at all.  I can't believe at 5 weeks old she had a stamp in her passport. I think we've set her up for a travelling lifestyle.

We've also decided to stay in Australia until mid March. My poor hubby has had to go back and we are away from him for 7 weeks. He's coming back though for another 2 week holiday with us at the begging of next month.

Since being here Ophelia has been to the beach, had her first swim in my mum's  swimming pool, met lots of animals such as kangaroos and koalas and seen some gorgeous Xmas lights.

We also had to get her first lot of injections here. What a palava that was. They have them at 6 weeks here so that's when she had them. She also had more than she would have at home.

I have no idea how much she weighs as we're not seeing a health visitor but she seems fine to me. She is honestly such a well behaved baby. She is happy and content all the time and constantly smiling. I am so lucky. Perhaps she'll turn into a demon later on!! I hope not. Since being her she sleeps very well at night. If I feed her about 11pm, the majority of the time she'll stay asleep until about 6am.

She loves me singing to her. Her favourite song to here is beautiful dreamer.

She idolises her sister. She's always looking for her attention and tries to talk to her whenever she's around.

I'm so glad I'm making the most of this maternity leave by being in Australia. She is loving having quality time with me, her nanny and her aunties.


  1. Aww she is so cute time goes so fast when u have kids. I remember Blake having his jabs when he was dinky and he hated them. He had to have his 1 year jabs last week it was heartbreaking

  2. How amazing to be able to have that time in Oz! That has to be my biggest regret...not making the move and we aren't on the skills list. She is gorgeous!

  3. How lovely that your spending such quality time with your family. I love your name choice too. Ophelia is beautiful xxx

  4. How cute does she look in that lovely big pink bow. make the most of your time in Oz what an amazing place to be to bring her up for the first few months of her life. She's a beaut xx

  5. Lovely name, beautiful girl! So good that you were able to visit with your mum and being in Australia for their summer! Hope you gets loads of quality time with your gorgeous girl before heading back home.xx

  6. Oh she is just beautiful - how fabulous to be in Australia, it sounds wonderful. I am sorry for the loss of your mother in law. Kaz x

  7. Aw, she's so beautiful. I hadn't even thought about her having her jabs while you were away. Glad you could get them all done though! x

  8. She is so cute! It sounds like you're having an amazing time ... What a way to spend your maternity leave! Glad you got her jabs sorted, and it must be quite nice being able to get on with things without all the health visitor appointments to worry about. Hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Oz xx

  9. Two months has gone so quickly! Ophelia is so cute! Love the bow! x

  10. Aww she looks so beautiful! Glad everything going well and I hope you enjoy the rest of your time in Oz xx

  11. Wow it's gone really quick hasn't it. What a cute little photo of her with the bow!

  12. Australia sounds amazing. She's having a fantastic time x

  13. Aww the time passes so quickly. I bet it is great to have a few months in Australia!

  14. She always looks so happy and contented. You're doing right

  15. What a happy and good little baby she is! So precious that you are getting to enjoy the very start of her life over in Australia with your family, and enjoying summer!! Kat x

  16. Wow so glad you are having a good time in Australia on maternity leave - a great way to spend it and I cannot believe she is already nearly 3 months!! How is that possible - it doesn't seem that long ago we did the Christmas meet at chapter. She is such a cutie by the way

    Laura x

  17. The photos are beyond cute :)


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