Thursday, 9 January 2020

Becoming More Active As A Family

As a parent, it falls to us to get our kids as active and as adventurous as possible. And over time, it might feel like a bit of a challenge - more so if your children like to play computer games rather than play Pooh Sticks. However, there are a few ways that you can be more active as a family without having to fight about it on a Sunday morning. 

The thing is, everyone has so much to do. School runs, work, extracurricular clubs, family commitments, and life in general. So booking in time to be more active can feel like a chore rather than something fun. 

However, here are a few great and easy ways that you become more active as a family. 

Lead By Example

This is one area that you can practice what you are preaching. If you want to make sure the kids get out into the woods, or to the local nature reserve, then they have to see it as fun. And, usually, if you are excited about it - they will be too. 

When you are out on your walks, try to keep off your mobile phone for things like social media. Take some water bottles, explore a bit, and see if you can spot any animals. 

Simplify It

Rather than make a big deal about getting more active. Do things like parking further away from the shops, or the school. These will add a few extra minutes to your walk each day without too much bother. When you are out and about, take the stairs when you can instead of the lift. 

Dance around the kitchen to your favorite songs - introduce them to the music that you love, and ask them to give you some suggestions too. 

Somewhere New

If you tend to go to the same places all the time, they might quickly get boring. However, if you plan somewhere new to you all, you can all take pleasure in exploring together. When you choose to go somewhere new, try to leave a little earlier so that you aren’t in a rush and can drive carefully. If you have booked tickets, then leave enough journey time for it. When people are in a hurry, they are more likely to have an accident, and if that is the case, you aren’t going to want not just any personal injury law firm, you’ll want the best. 

Adventure Days

If you have a jam-packed schedule, you might struggle to head out into the great outdoors every week. So, perhaps it is better to plan one big adventure every month instead. This way, you have time to save money, plan the route, find coupons or vouchers, and plan the perfect picnic. 

And finally, there are still going to be days where you are all feeling low on energy. And when that happens, rather than take a big adventure, take a slow stroll in the local area instead. 

Getting more active is always more fun if everyone has the energy to enjoy it. 

*This is a collaborative post*

1 comment

  1. We love being active, it's so hard during the cold months, so thank you for this encouragement. Like you say, a short stroll is better than nothing!


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