Saturday, 4 January 2020

Be A Feel-Good Mummy With This Excellent Advice

Parenthood is the greatest gift ever, but it's hard! There are times when, as a mum, you feel and look run down. It's at times like these when you've got to get yourself out of a rut to prevent negative thoughts from creeping into your head. If you've got kids, you'll know that it's easier to say than it is to do. Children are just so relentless! However, there are basic and easy ways to maintain your patience and develop a positive mental attitude that never waivers.

Carry on reading to find out more about the ways you can refresh your outlook on motherhood.

Get Out Of The House

Staying in is straightforward. The kids love a pyjama day, and you can't deal with handling for multiple children in public. Of course, staying inside only encourages one emotion: stir craziness. Without sunlight and fresh air, it's not hard to lose your temper and overanalyze life. If you're worried about the stress of leaving the house, remember to plan a day where you can afford the kids some freedom. A fantastic example is to go to a soft play area where they will burn their energy while you sit and watch.

Exercise Early

Children are early risers, which makes working out in the morning pretty tough. Still, it's not impossible if you get them into a routine. Letting them stay up a little later should mean they sleep in for an extra half an hour, affording you the luxury of beginning your day with exercise. Releasing endorphins and adrenaline by getting the blood pumping is proven to help mental health, so it's well worth tweaking your alarm clock. There's no need to go to the gym because home workouts are as effective. Walking is another excellent alternative if you don't feel like pounding the pavement.

Change Your Wardrobe

As the saying goes, to look good is to feel good. Staring in the mirror and not judging the image looking back is great for your self-esteem and confidence, and permeates every area of your life. Plus, it's not challenging. Buying timeless pieces in the right colours and size is the most natural thing in the world, thanks to the internet. Whether it's a dusty and pastel color for dresses that you're after or figuring-hugging jeans, they're a click of a button away. Of course, you can use shopping as an excuse to get out of the house and pass the time without watching Thomas the Tank Engine or Peppa Pig on repeat!

Enjoy Me Time

Weekdays are for you and the kids, but weekends should include 'me' time. Although getting away from your children might sound impossible now, it's the perfect antidote. After all, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Also, don't forget about your other relationships. Parents will know that it's challenging to make time for their partners, which is why a Saturday night date is what the doctor ordered for you and the kids.

How do you make sure you regularly feel good?

*This is a collaborative post*

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