Sunday, 3 September 2017

Paw Patrol Live - Race To The Rescue Review

Both my girls love watching Paw Patrol especially littlest who dances at the theme tune. We were lucky enough to be invited to see the live show at Cardiff's Motorpoint Arena last weekend and as you can imagine they couldn't wait.

The show began with Ryder introducing all of the much loved pups onto the stage. The set was fantastic. It was colourful, vibrant and made you feel like you had jumped into the TV screen. The girls were delighted.

Race to the Rescue is about the great race between Mayor Goodway of Adventure Bay and Mayor Humdinger of Foggy Bottom. However, early on in the show Mayor Goodway injures her foot and can no longer race. Cue the Paw Patrol pups to the rescue. 

The teams race to find clues all around the island and each pup gets to use their their skills to help uncover the clues.

Eva was super excited to see new pup Everest make an appearance too.

The show is very lively with plenty of songs and dancing. There is a lot of audience interaction which the kids enjoyed. The cast are enthusiastic and energetic which kept the kids hooked all the way through.

The show lasts for 1 hour and 15 minutes with a short 15 minute interval in the middle. I think this is the perfect amount of time for young children's attention span. 

The show is still touring the country so have a look to see if it's coming to a venue near you, Paw Patrol Live Tickets.

Do your children like Paw Patrol? What shows do they enjoy?

*We were gifted a family ticket to the show in exchange for a review. All opinions are our own*



  1. I think the paw patrol concept is brilliant. It has easy to follow storylines with colourful and loveable charecters. The show looks awesome. Thanks for the heads up

  2. this does sound like the right length of time for little ones - though knowing my daughter she'd not want it to end. She loves paw patrol! x

  3. Aw my little god-son would absolutely love this and could probably sit all day and watch ha ha

  4. My son would LOVE this, he's a HUGE Paw Patrol fan!


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