Monday, 4 September 2017

Back to School with Samsonite

I honestly can't believe my eldest child is starting school tomorrow. You always here parents saying time flies by and it really does. It only feels like yesterday that she was born and now here we are getting her school bag and uniform ready for her first day in reception.

We've had so much to buy. School uniform, coat, shoes, lunch box, P.E kit, lunch food etc but luckily we were sent a school bag for Eva from Samsonite

If you're a regular reader of my blog then you'll know how much of a Disney obsessed family we are. If Eva isn't pretending she's a princess then she's whizzing around the house in her Lightening McQueen race outfit. I think he is in joint position with Elsa as Eva's all time favourite Disney character. You can imagine her delight when the latest Cars film was released this summer. She loved it (well we all loved it).

When her new school backpack arrived she squealed with delight. It was of course a Lightening McQueen Samsonite Rucksack. She wanted to use it straight away. It's great because she actually has a Cars lunchbox so they match pretty well.

The first thing I noticed about the bag was the size. Initially, I thought it was a bit small but actually it is the perfect size for Eva. She can wear/carry it easily. A lot of backpacks aimed at her age are usually massive but this is ideal. She can easily fit her PE kit and a spare pair of clothes in it for school.

The inside of the bag has a cool patterned lining which is different to what is on the outside of the bag. It also has a handy tag for you to write your child's name etc on it. 

I also love the fact that the bag has a sternum strap. This makes it easier for Eva to carry as it stays on her back rather than falling off her arms like her other bags. It also aids support for her back and shoulders.

There are reflective parts to the bag which will be super handy for when the days become longer and darker during the winter.

Overall, we are both very happy with her new school bag. I think it'll probably only last her this year due to the size. Next year she will probably have to carry more things to and from school and i'm sure she'll have shot up in height. She's catching me up very quickly.

*We were kindly sent the Samsonite bag in exchange for this blog post. All opinions are our own and are honest*



  1. Wow such a cute back pack... my boy only likes dinosaurs and his school only let them use school bags with there logo on booooòo

    1. Gosh that's strict. Hope her school doesn't enforce that x

  2. What a cute looking backpack. My kids would love it.

  3. I hope her first day goes well. We have a Minnie Mouse version of this bag and my daughter loves it. It's so comfortable for her

  4. Hope she enjoyed her first day, you say you can't believe its her first day next september my eldest goes to secondary school. Time goes to quick


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