Thursday, 17 March 2016

Taronga Zoo Sydney

I don't know about you but when I was younger one of my favourite places to visit would be a zoo. I don't know whether it was an age thing or the way some zoo's have turned out but for me they started to lose their charm. Perhaps it was the idea of seeing animals in small enclosures that started to put me off. Then I had Eva and I started to visit them again. We've frequented lots of zoo's since she's been born but nothing has compared to the one we got to visit on Mother's Day of this year. The excitement was reignited in me and I have Taronga Zoo in Sydney to thank for that.

Taronga Zoo is located in Sydney and has one of the most glorious backdrops I have ever seen. If getting close up to our world's most intriguing animals wasn't exciting enough, the stunning scenery will have you captivated.

Upon entering the Zoo I immediately realised this wasn't an entertainment complex but more of a conservation project. You can read more about their mantra here, Our Mission but to summarise they believe in animal's futures and that they do not wish for them to just disappear. This is sadly happening rapidly. It upsets me to think that so many of our beautiful creatures in the animal kingdom will not be around by the time my daughter's have their own children, if not sooner. 

The zoo is absolutely massive with lots of animals and trails to explore. We started off with the reptiles. There were lots of different types of snakes etc to view including one of the biggest one's i've ever seen. 
One particular thing I thought was great about the reptile house was the amount of room we had to walk around and manoeuvre a pram. It didn't feel cramped at all. There was plenty of space and plenty to see without blocking anyone's view.

The giraffe's were a huge hit with all of us. Even Opehlia was fascinated by them. They've got a pretty cracking view though, I have to say. I wouldn't mind my home overlooking the opera house.

My favourite animal (the elephant), had a lovely asian inspired home. I think they are the most beautiful animals to watch. They are mesmerising, so much so, that I got too distracted with their beauty to take any good photographs.

Eva's favourite part of the day was seeing the monkey's and gorilla's. She thinks they are funny and cheeky.

There are so many animals to see from penguins to kangaroo's, to zebra and pelicans. The list is endless. 

There are plenty of places to eat with a huge variety on offer. We had baguettes and crisps but there were many hot options available. You could also take a picnic and eat it at the many leafy, green areas that the zoo has to offer. The food we bought tasted nice and was reasonably priced. 

As you can see from the pictures below, we all had the most wonderful day. Eva thought it was amazing. There was so much to see and do. There were a few play areas around including a water area which was great for cooling Eva off. There are shows and talks throughout the day and you can enjoy animal encounters at an extra cost. 

Overall, it was a fantastic day out and I can't recommend it enough for families or adults alike. It's suitable for all ages. It's a great fun and educational outing. I was very impressed with the way the zoo was laid out. It never felt squashed or cramped. The toilet facilities especially the parent rooms were brilliant. I was also really happy with how buggy friendly the zoo was. There are ramp options available everywhere. 

My top tips to enjoy your day to the max:

1) Get there early - The park is very big and with little children it will take a while to see everything

2) Pick up a map - As i've just mentioned the park is huge so a map will guide you around and also tell you talk and showtimes so you don't miss anything

3) Wear comfy shoes - You will do a lot of walking so wear sensible shoes

4) Keep hydrated - If you're visiting during the summer make sure you drink plenty of water. It can get very hot. 

5) Take a stroller or carrier or hire one - I can't emphasise enough just how big the park is. Eva became tired a lot. We actually took her trunki, so we were able to pull along when she was tired. There are strollers available to hire from the zoo.

Adult tickets are $46 and children between 4 and15 are $26. There are other pricing options available which you can view here, Tickets. It can be accessed by car, bus, train or ferry. We had the car and found that easy enough. There was plenty of parking available which was a short walk away from the entrance. When we go again, we'll take the ferry as that seems like a fun option. 

** A big thank you to Taronga Zoo for providing us with adult tickets for the purpose of this review**


  1. I am planning to take Blake to our local zoo this year. He loved it last year when we went to one in the isle of Wight.

  2. We adore Zoos! This looks genuinely amazing, what a wonderful trip you had! H x

  3. Like you, I have never been keen on animals in cages, but I do think that some zoos do an absolutely amazing job and my kids love going. It's a fantastic way for them to learn about animals and conservation x

    1. This one definetly did an amazing job for conservation. It was so educational for us as parents and our kiddies x

  4. How amazing! Looks like such an amazing place! Fab photos

  5. Great photos! It looks like an amazing zoo! I've been planning on taking Sophie to the zoo for a while, sadly this one is a bit far haha but I'm sure she will love Chester Zoo all the same :) xx

  6. So weird, I dreamed about Taronga Zoo then woke up and saw your post! I adore this zoo too, I went back in 2007 when I was a free spirited traveller! Toby adores animals and we took him too the zoo for his 1st birthday, we'll definitely go to more this year xx

  7. Oh wow this place looks pretty big and so much fun for the family - sounds like your all having an amazing time down under

    Laura x

  8. This looks like such a great place! I've heard my friend talk about Taronga Zoo and I think if I ever go to Sydney (hopefully I will!) then I'll have to give it a visit. Sounds like you've had an amazing time x

  9. We love zoos and go there often. But like you, I always prefer zoos who have a mission statement that involves conservation and protection rather than getting paying visitors to see animals in tiny cages. Taronga Zoo is fabulous. I went there when I was 21. I am sure it has changed lots since then. And you are right, it does have the most amazing back drop. Those views are awesome. Hugs Lucy xxxx

  10. That zoo sounds amazing. I really want to plan a trip to a zoo with my little girl this year. I think she'll love it. X

  11. Great top tips, it always helps when someone has actually been and knows insiders tips :) Great that it has a mission statement and involves conservation and protection,

  12. It's ages since we last visited a zoo, must schedule one in for the summer!

  13. Oh my goodness! This beats our crappy zoo down the road. Literally kicked it In the hedges and I thought ours was quite cool. What a beautiful zoo and it sounds like you had a great day

    1. Lol. It really is the best one I've ever been to x

  14. That looks like an amazing day out, what a view! I am taking my toddlers to the zoo for the first time soon, they want to see the pandas xx

  15. I loved reading this, it brought back to brilliant memories for me. We had our honeymoon in Australia and we visited Taronga Zoo. It really is a fab place to go, we hadn't started our family when we went, so some great tips for families. x

  16. An excellent place to go to be informed and educated. A great day out for young and old alike

  17. This zoo sounds amazing. Like you I was starting to get a bit jaded by the sad state of some zoos but this one looks like they are doing things right.

  18. That zoo looks pretty amazing! I used to enjoy visiting them too as a child. We ought to visit more, perhaps, this Easter break ;)

  19. My daughter does love visiting zoos, and I find it amazing to see these animals but I agree it has to be a good zoo, there's nothing more depressing than animals in cramped conditions. So many do such great conservation work as well, although it's sad that's needed.

    1. So sad that it's needed. I can't believe how many animals will be extinct soon. It's awful x

  20. What a perfect way to spend Mothers Day - looks like a fab place!

  21. What a stunning backdrop to the zoo, I think I'd be impressed with that alone, never mind the animals

  22. Wow a zoo in Sydney - of course it looks amazing! I've only been to ones in the UK, so space is limited, although Paignton Zoo in Devon was a good one, our boy loved it. I suppose we're always singing and reading books about animals to our babies, no wonder they get excited seeing animals in real life! Sabrina xx

  23. wow this looks brilliant, if im honest id never heard of this zoo before however it does look lik something i and the kids would love. some fab photos too hun xx

  24. We love visiting zoos, this is absolutely beautiful! I hope we get to visit someday xx

  25. Monkey is zoo mad and so we do like to visit although I tend to have my favourties - those with more space like this one. Your photos are fab and it sounds like a great day out :) x

  26. I haven't been to a zoo in ages. The animals look fantastic and you took some great photos too x

  27. We visited Taronga Zoo while travelling in Australia (pre-baby) and I was amazed and the backdrop over the harbour ... It's stunning! Definitely the best zoo I've visited.

  28. Taking children to see animals they wouldn't normally get to see is a great experience I think. This sounds like a great place to visit in Sydney. I hope I get to go one day

  29. Oh this zoo does look incredible - what a setting! Your photos are just stunning. What an amazing day out> Kaz x


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