Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Me and Mine Project - November 2017

You may remember that in my last Me and Mine project post, I was annoyed that I hadn't taken many family pictures during our holiday (you can recap here, Me and Mine). Well, I'm ashamed to say i've not improved. It is so hard to find someone to get a pic of all of us and we always forget to take the tripod with us whenever we go anywhere.

November was such a chaotic month for us with lots of highs and sadly lots of lows. During the month we had a tragic family death and both girls ended up with chicken pox. However, Ophelia turned 2 and we were also able to have a few fun family experiences. 

At the beginning of the month we were invited to Cardiff's Winter Wonderland for their opening evening. We got to try out everything from the rides to the ice-skating. Eva remembered it from last year so she couldn't wait to go. She was slightly nervous on the ice but i'm sure in her head she thought she was Elsa from Frozen. Ophelia loved the rides. It honestly made our night seeing her little face on one of the kids rides. She was ecstatic. You can find out more about our night here, Cardiff's Winter Wonderland. We're hoping to return before we go on holiday.

Towards the end of the month we had Ophelia's 2nd birthday. We took her on a day out during the day whilst Eva was at school and then threw her a tea party in the house for family at night. She is a Disney obsessed child (she would be having me as her mum) so we had to decide between a Frozen or Moana themed party. We've had to do Frozen a few times already with Eva so we decided on Moana. She was so happy when she saw all of the decorations. She didn't quite understand what was going on but she enjoyed it none the less. 

We didn't manage to get many pictures that night of all of us or of Ophelia on her own because she was so preoccupied with her presents and with having family around her. We did manage to grab these selfie's at the end of the night.

We also got matching pyjamas from Next recently so we tried to get a pic of us all wearing them but failed. They are such cute, snuggly, pyjamas and they'd be perfect for Xmas day but we must've taken the pics when we were tired as we all don't look very enthusiastic. 

Together this month we've loved:
Ice Skating
Winter Wonderland
Cinema Trips
Rugby (even the girls have been watching it)
Party Food
Christmas Films

In a week we go to Australia to spend Christmas with my family. We can't wait. I have made a vow to myself to take as many family pics as possible when we are there so check back next month for my Me and Mine Project post to see them.

The Me + Mine Project - Dear Beautiful


  1. November sounds like it was a bit of a mixed bag - hope December and your trip to Aus are much better for you x

  2. Aw what beautiful family photos Kerry. I love the Me and Mine monthly posts I wish I participated more its such a lovely memory xx

  3. Awww these photos are lovely Kerry, you have such a beautiful little family! Hope you guys have an amazing time spending Christmas in Australia xx

  4. Oh my god, I am in love with those matching pyjamas!!! I'm going to HAVE to get them!

  5. Awww, I love the matching PJs! It sounds like you've managed to pack in loads of festive treats already - and I hope you have the most amazing Christmas in Australia xx

  6. Ahhh love the pjs matching so cute so festive. What a great celebrations going on here and family cuddles. Have safe travels and amazing time in Australia. Wish we were going home this xmas. #meandmineproject


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